Seasons Greetings to one and all,
I trust everyone has had a good Christmas break and that Santa was kind to you.
This is just a quick but serious reminder that Medical Forms for 2023 need to be completed over the next month for both races (athletes only).
A copy then needs to be returned to us via email ( no later than February 1st for the YUKON event and no later than 10th February for the CLASSIC event.
A copy of the "YUKON" form can be found
A copy of the "CLASSIC" form can be found
We are fully aware that completing this form can be a complete ball ache, but it is an essential document for our Medical support team.
If you are struggling to get your own GP to complete the form, Jonny Davies (a former 6633 finisher and many time 6633 medic) has offered to complete it for you via a scheduled Zoom meeting.
If this is of interest to you, he can be contacted via email at There will be a charge of £35 per consultation that is arranged and paid directly to Jonny.
PLEASE NOTE: Unfortunately there are NO exceptions - we must have this form duly completed and returned to us by the due date. No form means no race !!!
I hope the above all makes sense.
In the meantime, can we wish you all a wonderful New Year and let the butterflies in your stomach begin as we head swiftly towards one hell of an adventure.
Best wishes