News You Can Use
January 17, 2022
Monday Evening Community Webinar 
6pm PT, 9pm ET ~ 071 423 (346) 248-7799 
Special FaceBook Live Training
Tonight, Presidential Directors, Harris Williams and Connie Lucas will share their experience and success with team leaders doing regular short 3-5 min FB LIVE trainings... and starting next week you will have a new powerful reason to reegularly log in to our private business group!

A Year of Global Milestones

LifeWave experienced a staggering 60% Sales Increase from 2020 to 2021

By the end of 2021, we shattered records for the following success benchmarks:

  • The highest sales month in company history
  • The highest sales day in company history
  • The highest commissions paid in company history

Additionally, we measured unprecedented growth of both individuals and teams; in the month of December 2021, we had more or equal to the number of advancements in all ranks (except Manager) than the entire year in 2019.

This in and of itself is impressive, but to further drive this home, the average number of Senior Presidential Director rank advancements increased by 1000% in December, too.

It is thanks to you that we have achieved these incredible milestones in the past year. We are in this momentum because of your daily drive, your sustained support and mentorship of team members, and your personal passion for sharing the transformative power of LifeWave with the world.
Important Replay & Download
JJ Joshua - Creating 2022 w/ Intention
For those that want to intentionally create your best year yet, JJ's talk on INTENTION was quite something... a gift for the rest of your life... Tips on habit stacking and tools along with a great handout.
Enjoy the replay and be prepared for things to be easier and better than you can imagine in your health, wealth and life!

This and many other replays are regularly posted on the LiveYoungerYouTube Channel.
To get to directly to JJ's Replay... Click here: Replay Direct Link

Tuesday - Intro to LifeWave and X39
w/ special guest, Dr Jeff Hubbard, MD

6pm PT, 9pm ET ~ 071 423(346) 248-7799 
Great Zoom to invite guests!
Wednesday - LifeWave Connect
11am and 6pm PT
Featured Speakers, Gregory & Robin Blanc Mascari will be sharing how to get your new Distributors Started Right... and our simple Daily Method of Operation.

Register in you Back Office under Events
Thurs Morning - 8am PT/11am ET
30-Minutes of Business Training
The NOVA Conference is LifeWave’s annual kickoff event. At NOVA, members gather to celebrate where we’ve been, chart a course for where we’re going, tell the stories that make up the soul of LifeWave, and reconnect with the dreams that illuminate our collective and individual futures.

With guest speakers, distributor trainings, executive announcements, and more, this is an event for everyone!
Click Here to Register Now and share this event with the world!
All registered, have the replays available for two weeks.

Date: January 29, Time: 8:00 am - 11:00 am, Cost: $29.00
REPLAY from Saturday 12/4/21

David Schmidt, CEO and Inventor shares background and combined benefits of X39 and X49

Great for Prospects, Customers and Distributors
From Emily Re: Trip Incentive:
We have a small delay in receiving our fully vetted and finalized TRAVEL INCENTIVE regional qualifiers lists. We apologize for the delay and we will be CELEBRATING our achievers as soon as possible. Congrats again to EVERYONE who worked hard to earn a spot on this trip. Stay tuned.
Good To Know
For those that have the new X39/X49 Bundle, there is a QR Code on the Sleeve that will connect you to information and testimonials on X49
Get 1-hour Reminders for 0ur Webinars
Our Text Messaging System will automatically send you a 1-hour reminder prior to each weekly zoom webinar. To enroll text LiveYounger to 96000
LiveYounger VistaPrint Pro-Shop
  • Business Cards
  • LIfeWave X39 Retractable Banner 
  • Pens, Notebooks & Bags
  • Go to to set up your personal account
  • Then choose whatever you wish to order
Weekly Zoom Schedule
For all Distributors
  • MONDAY ~ Evening Community Updates & Training ~ 6pm PT, 9pm ET, (346) 248-7799, ID 479-071-423
Great For Guests
  • TUESDAY ~ Lifewave/X39 Intro call with Gregory, Robin and various Health Practitioners 6pm PT ~ (346) 248-7799, ID 479-071-423
  • WEDNESDAY ~ Dr.Nicholas Product Training w/ Q&A ~ Noon PT, 3pm ET (302) 202-1102,,762912#
  • 2 WEDNESDAY's Each Month - LifeWave Connect - Register in back-office under Events
  • 24/7 14-min LifeWave / X39 Webinar
Optional For Distributors & Guests
  • MONDAY Morning 30-min Product Chat ~ 8am PT, 11am ET (346) 248-7799, 841-3909-6154
  • THURSDAY Morning 30-min Business Chat ~ Different Leader and Topic each week ~ 8am PT, 11am ET ~ (346) 248-7799, 841-3909-6154
  • FRIDAY Morning 30-Minutes of Wisdom ~ 2nd and 4th Fridays each month ~ 8am PT, 11am ET (346) 248-7799, ID 479-071-423
Quick Access URL's
  1. - Mon & Tues Evenings & Friday Mornings
  2. - Monday Product Chat & Thursday Business Chat
  3. ~ Recordings of all Team Webinars
  4. ~ To add people to our newsletter list
  5. - LiveYounger New Distributor Training website
  6. - More advanced Distributor Training website
  7. - Simple X39 Presentation website w/ 3 Videos
  8. - Download Getting Started Guide V2.0
  9. - 24/7 Distributor Orientation & Training
  10. - 14-min "LifeWave / X39 Presentation"
  11. - X39 Presentation Slide Deck and other important documents
  12. - Short-cut to our distributor private FB Group
  13. - Short-cut for customer & prospect private FB Group
  14. - 11-min Why Life Wave (audio) by Gregory Mascari
  15. Dr. Nicholas YouTube -
Forward this and invite all your new Distributors to join the Weekly Newsletter Mail List. LiveYounger is an Independent LifeWave Distributor Group