God at Work
Southern California often falls below the ideal water reserves recommended for our region.  When this occurs, safeguards are triggered to ensure that our taps still run, and even our pools stay filled.  However, in rural Uganda there are no safeguards.  In fact, there are no taps!  Two-thirds of people lack simple access to clean drinking water, and the consequences are often fatal.  Common water-borne illnesses like diarrhea kill around 33 children every day.  
Nick Jordan , Founder and Executive Director of Wells of Life, witnessed the devastating effects of this humanitarian crisis firsthand in 2007.  Since 2009, his organization has been dedicated to drilling sustainable wells, educating communities about sustainable hygiene, and spreading the Gospel throughout rural Uganda.  Each well provides clean water to 1,000 people.  To date, Wells of Life has drilled 385 wells, serving 385,000 people.
Nick presented to The Barnabas Group ("TBG") in September of 2017.  Michael Olson, Operations Manager for Wells of Life, circled back with the following update that describes how our TBG partners' response to his presentation has blessed so many in rural Uganda:
"The generous support of TBG partners, Kurt Johnson, John & Bonnie Livingston, Randall & Nancy Moler, Scott & Molly Stokas, Kip Kolson and Fred Irianto has has collectively provided access to clean water to more than 7,000 people!  We cannot thank them enough!  The impact this has had on those communities is astonishing.  There has been a 50% drop in infant mortality rates, school attendance among children has increased, and there are finally the resources needed to prevent and treat illnesses.  There has also been growth in economic opportunities, particularly for women who no longer have to make long, dangerous journeys to collect water.      
We also want to thank the following TBG partners for the immense, life changing impact that they have made through their prayers, generous support and assistance: 

- Kurt Johnson recently become a member of our Legacy Donor Program.  He has pledged an annual donation for the next five years to Wells of Life.
- Fred Irianto assisted our ministry in designing our 12,000 square foot Ugandan headquarters that opened in late 2018.  The complex acts as the epicenter of Wells of Life's fieldwork in Uganda.  It also serves as a space to bring members of the organization and local communities together.
- Warren Allen assisted us in expanding our digital marketing presence and outreach efforts, the results of which have been outstanding.  These new compelling materials help express the importance of Wells of Life's work, and encourage community involvement. 
Thanks to the dedicated work of TBG partners, Wells of Life has been able to make a deep, meaningful impact in Uganda that enables health, prosperity and the Gospel to flow."
To learn more about Well of Life, please visit wellsoflife.org.