Staff Email #1

Information that you don't want to miss!

Hello 7/11 Staff!

In this email you will find all the information you need to know about 24s, what to pack, music, party prep, and more! Please read through it carefully to make sure you don't miss something important.


24 Schedule

Please use this Google Form to schedule your 24s! Everyone who works 2 weeks or more gets at least one 2-4, or day off to rest, run errands, or go to doctors appointments and such. Please make sure to schedule your 24s on days that you already know you will need to leave for things like that. You will most likely not be able to go otherwise.

Also, make sure that you and your co counselor don't schedule a 24 on the same day. Someone still needs to be with your cabin while you're gone!

If you have any questions or need help, email Phoebe at 711intern@bgchristiancamp.org :)

Party Prep!

Our two fun-filled parties this year are Circus and Tacky Tourist themed! Make sure to be brainstorming your amazing costumes and have them ready by the time camp gets here!

Under the Big Top

(Circus Party)

Step right up, Step right up! Join us Under the Big Top for our spectacular Circus themed event! Put your thinking caps on because we want to see how creative you can be! We need a ringmaster, a bearded lady, a trapeze artist, and more at this wacky circus extravaganza! 

(see our Pinterest site for

Circus costume ideas)

Tacky Tourist Party

Board our imaginary plane dressed in your 

Hawaiian shirts, bucket hats, flip flops, and 

fanny packs as we travel to a mysterious 

tropical paradise. Adventure awaits on a 

vacation you will never forget!

(see our Pinterest site for 

Tacky Tourist costume ideas)

See our Pinterest Board for more ideas!

Packing List

While party costumes are important, they are not the only thing you need to bring to camp to have a good week! See our packing list to find out what else you need to bring!

STAY TUNED our second staff email will have more information about MAN DAY & WOMAN DAY.


Be Prepared for Honor Cabin. Watch the video below.

Spotify Playlist

At camp, we love music, we love dancing, and we love singing fun tunes as we travel from place to place. This year, we have created a 7/11 playlist for you to use that has all of our dance songs and more! Click here to view and download the playlist!

If you have any suggestions that you think should be added, text Fudd at (859)321-8574.

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This is the first draft of our Co-Counselor Placements. Please understand these assignments are tentative and subject to change based upon the needs of our campers. However, we thought we would go ahead and release this draft so you and you Co-Counselor could coordinate your 24's.


Remind App

Please make sure to join our 7/11 CIT and/or 7/11 Counselor Remind Groups to get reminders about 7/11, alerts when emails come out, and more!

CITs click here to join. Counselors click here to join.

If you have questions, here's who you need to contact.

Day Camp - Michael Fann (859) 909-0159 or


Tribal & Native - Julie Johnson (859) 909-0160 or


711 & Area Day Camp - Keith Johnson (859) 909-0161 or


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