Dear Fairview Families, 

On Tuesday, I shared the preliminary draft of the 2020-2021 re-opening plan at the Board of Education meeting , including a proposed adjustment to the district calendar. Yesterday, we shared the draft plan with our staff, including our FPEA and OAPSE associations, and the “Reimagine School” Task Force. We are currently reviewing and implementing feedback we have since received from those groups to incorporate into the plan and address frequently asked questions. 

We will present the final plan to the Board for final approval at the Regular meeting scheduled for Thursday, July 23. Thereafter, we will make any final adjustments and distribute to our Fairview Families along with a survey regarding their fall re-entry plans. You can expect this by August 1. 

We know you are trying to make plans for the fall, and we want to make sure we have as many questions answered as possible before sharing the full plan. 

Here are some key highlights that we can share at this time:

Staff and students in grades K-12 will be required to wear a face covering. Now is a good time to try out different styles to see which will work best for your child. Here are some good articles to check out: 

Families of students in grades K-12 will have the option to select the Remote Learning Option if they are not yet comfortable sending their child back to school. Details regarding the Remote Learning Option will be included in the re-entry plan. In that communication, an enrollment form for those wishing to select the Remote-Only option will be provided. Parents who select the Remote Learning Option must remain in that mode for a minimum of the one full quarter (through November 6th). At that time, parents can choose to return to attending school in person or continue in the Remote Learning Option.

A core part of our plan will be utilizing the Ohio Public Health Advisory System in determining the learning scenario (all in, hybrid, or all remote) for our schools. Each week on Thursdays the state is expected to provide an update on the risk level indicators for Cuyahoga County. We will communicate the learning scenario for the upcoming week on Thursdays. More details on this will be shared in the full re-opening plan. 
We are planning to help ease the transition back to school for students at the beginning of the new school year during two Re-entry Days when they can become familiar with the new building procedures, meet all their teachers, etc. Students will be divided into two groups, alphabetically/by family group, and will attend in-building all day every day for two days of that first week. Families can expect to find out which group their child(ren) are in around mid-August, close to the same time teacher assignments and schedules will be available. 

Thank you for your continued patience as we continue to plan for this unprecedented school year. I am extremely grateful for all the work of our community committees, Board, staff, and administration as we put this plan together. Stay safe, and be well. 

Thank you. 
Dr. Bill Wagner
Fairview Park City Schools