I urge all members to join UCP in our efforts to support the Joint Base Cape Cod Multi Use Machine Gun Range. Support Our Troops!
Local elected officials have aligned themselves with radical environmental groups who finance their campaigns to now claim the planned gun range will cause rising sea levels and global warming. This has no basis of fact, but woke media outlets like Falmouth Enterprise print it anyway. Disgusting.
You could cut down every tree on Cape Cod and you would never see any measurable change in sea level or the earth's temperature. Ever. These self-serving elected officials know this, but they will look you in the eye and tell you differently. We must stand together and support our brave men and women who serve.
Our next standout in support of the range is at Bourne Bridge Rotary, 7/31 from 2 to 4PM. Please join us. UCP has made awesome signs for your use! American flags work too.
We also need you to email the Environmental Management Committee at ENV-mgmt@mass.gov and voice your support for this critical project.
1. The range plan has passed both federal and state environment reviews.
2. The range will allow our troops to train in MA, reducing hardship to their families. Currently they must travel to NJ or VT.
3. Cape Cod has a rich history of military service. Many of our families include veterans and / or include those serving today all over the world. Their sacrifice deserves our unwavering support for their training. They do not deserve the loony liberal claims that their training to defend our freedoms will cause global warming.
Thank you in advance for your support.