Saint Luke's
Lutheran Church
308 West 46th Street
New York, NY 10036

The Lutheran Church
of Times Square

Our website is currently construction.
Stay tuned for the exciting finished new design.

. . . in the city for good!
You are invited to worship with us this Sunday.

If you know anyone you think might appreciate some comfort and hope, please invite them to tune-in for these livestream services or watch on our Facebook page anytime afterwards.
The 8th Sunday after Pentecost
July 23, 2023

Gospel Lesson: Matthew 13:24-30
The parable of the weeds

9:30 am Service of the Word
  • Preaching: Pastor Arden Strasser
  • Lector: Grant Neale
  • Postlude: Richard Sterne
  • Greeter: Volunteer
  • Videographer: Diego Perez

11:00 am Sung Eucharist
  • Presiding and Preaching: Pastor Arden Strasser
  • Assisting Minister: Deacon Bob Wechtenhiser
  • Organist/Cantor/: Pedro d'Aquino
  • Summer Soloist: Cecile Hastie
  • Lector: Kim Laughton
  • Ushers: Richard Sterne, Volunteers
  • Videographer: Diego Perez

Ice Cream Social Fellowship today.

Services are also available on Facebook Live
Bulletins may be downloaded, printed, or opened in a new window
when worshiping via the livestream services.
Click HERE for the
9:30 am Worship bulletin.
Click HERE for the 11:00 am Worship bulletin.
Children's Bulletins are available by clicking the images below.
Tomorrow, Sunday, July 23
Ice Cream Social
during Fellowship Hour

What better way to share Fellowship together than with an old fashioned Ice Cream Social? Cool down with us and enjoy some tasty cool treats.
Summer Soloists Program
- Share Your Musical Gifts with Us.
If you are interested in singing at our 11:00 am worship service from now until Sunday, September 10, either solo, duet, family groups, or playing an instrument, please speak to Pastor Strasser. A sign-up sheet is posted on the Narthex Bulletin Board when worshiping in person, or you may email us to reserve your date.
Bowling Party on Sunday August 6, 1:00 pm.

The cost is $30 for two hours of bowling fun, including shoe rental, snacks and soft drinks. It is a 5 minute walk from church to Bowlero Times Square – just off 8th Avenue at 44th Street. We have booked two adjacent lanes. Come hang out and bowl with your church friends after worship. All ages are welcome. Little ones can even do bumper bowling. We'll walk from church to Bowlero after Sunday fellowship. Payment is due on the day of the event. We hope you can make it! RSVP to the office or use the sign up sheet in the Narthex when at worship.
Beyond 100!

Click here to read Pastor's letter detailing this milestone initiative for our future, and to see what difference your gift will make Beyond 100.

Morning Prayer with Saint Luke's
Weekdays at 8:00 am

Our Morning Prayer service is held
every weekday at 8 AM live streamed on

A short 15-20 minutes with prayer, scripture and reflection to start your day right and strengthen your faith. You're invited. Bring a friend!

Wednesday Noon Holy Communion

If you can't attend a regular Sunday service, or would like to celebrate Communion during the week, join us for this intimate worship experience in our Narthex chapel.
E-giving is easy.
Try online Offerings and Donations, which you can easily initiate from our website. With a simple process, your offering can be transferred from your bank account or credit card. Your information is safe and protected and you have full control to stop or change your offering at any time.
Saint Luke's QR Code offers a fast, easy and secure way to make your offering.

Open the camera on your phone, scan this code to make a donation electronically.
Simply aim your phone camera at this graphic which takes you directly to the Vanco giving website for our church.
The Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God.