72SOLD | April 22, 2023

A few years ago, a Phoenix newspaper published an article about me that said I had become a man of wealth by being a man of worth. I was humbled that others saw something I've tried throughout life to do; achieve prosperity by helping others do the same.

Mo Anderson, my interview guest on Friday’s Team Call, is an example of someone I believe has done the same. Mo has been a difference maker, an influencer, and an inspiring force to those around her. When Mo talks, everyone listens... including Gary Keller. 


In the interview Mo told me that when Gary asked her to become KW's first CEO back in1995, the firm had only 1800 agents. She grew it to 50,000 agents by working from 7am to 2am (19-hour days) because she believed in Gary’s vision.

Mo is also a believer in 72SOLD, unequivocally stating that we have the best home selling program and agent business generation model in real estate. She said every KW agent, with no exceptions, should learn and use the 72SOLD home selling process.

Before you read on, watch this 3-minute highlight video from my Team Call interview with Mo...

When Mo and I spoke privately before the Friday Team Call, we learned we have a lot in common.

My parents came from humble beginnings of little money and no college education. So did Mo’s.

I was the first in my family to obtain a college education. So was Mo.  

We both wrote books with life lessons that helped us lead lives filled with happiness.

Excerpts from A Joy Filled Life 

by Mo Anderson 


"It is the small steps we take that lead to the big leaps we make. The magic is in the little things: the daily actions you take and the relationships you make." 


"When you face tough times but keep on going; when you're discouraged and doubtful, but still show up; when you are not sure of what to do, but you give it your best anyway--you will, in the end, succeed. Just be willing to do whatever it takes.” 


"Gratitude is not something with which we were born; we must nurture it by seizing opportunities to experience and share it." 

"If God gives you a dream to do something he puts it in your DNA to achieve it." - (from a Family Reunion speech as recalled by 72SOLD-KW agent Dave McCartney)

Excerpts from How Fathers Change Lives 

by Greg Hague 


"Our deepest happiness comes from purpose, not pleasures. Purpose is the cake of happiness, pleasure is the icing that makes it more delicious." 


"What I lack in smarts I make up for in effort... and I can achieve anything with enough effort."

“It’s really dumb to think you're smart because the smarter you think you are the more likely somebody will outsmart you.”  


"When you look forward to lunch you need a new job." 

"Success unshared is failure."

Mo, you enlightened and inspired us. We are thrilled that: Mo believes in 72SOLD.


Click below to watch more of Mo's Team Call interview with Greg.

"There is a crack in everything, but that's how the light gets in."


Click the image above to read Greg's latest blog.

72SOLD Training Highlight

The 72SOLD Program in 72 Seconds

In this video Greg shares the six steps to a condensed explanation of the 72SOLD Program... in 72 seconds. Knowing this condensed presentation is critical to know on appointments when sellers "want it quick", and when people randomly ask you, "What is 72SOLD?"

Handling Recalcitrant Sellers

In this video, Teresa Hague delivers a brilliant "zinger" from Wednesday's Team Call. She explains how she turned an unpleasant encounter with a recalcitrant seller into a positive partnership and profitable sale with this pivotal comment: "I'm not here to sell you, I'm here to save you."

New Videos

NEW QR Code Commercials

Check out our latest 72SOLD QR code TV commercials. We are running these in a few markets to test conversions in comparison to the call to action. We are watching the results and excited to report to you in a few weeks on the performance!

Sarah Perkins' Weekly Update

Use these national graphs and stats on your listing appointments to convince sellers to price their homes right and sell in 8 days or less to maximize the price.

We update these every Friday (thank you Sarah Perkins).

Click the image below to download the PowerPoint version or you can get the PDF version by clicking here.

Training Corner

with Randy Cooney

Role Play Recap…

This past Monday in our Role Playing Webinar Session, Jake Morrow and Matt Verdin did a role-play on how to effectively tee up and offer a buyer an Opportunity Purchase. Jake (playing the listing agent) did an excellent job using his own words within the talk tracks to get permission to call the seller on behalf of the buyer to see if his seller would be willing to entertain an offer prior to the upcoming Launch. 

There are at least five things that Jake said very well. See if you can identify at least 3 of the 5, then email with your three or more observations and you will be entered into a drawing for a $72.00 Swag Shop gift certificate. TAKE A LISTEN to this one-minute clip and then submit your observations for a possible prize.   

Register for Randy's Role Play Zoom sessions at and note the new Monday/Wednesday times…

  • 1:00pm Pacific Time
  • 2:00pm Mountain Time
  • 3:00pm Central Time
  • 4:00pm Eastern Time

Social Media

Posts of the Week

Greg shares insights on why it's really dumb to think you're smart...

72SOLD is everywhere! Check out some of our latest appearances...