72SOLD | May 20, 2023

Have you seen The Edge starring Anthony Hopkins and Alec Baldwin? It's not only exciting, it contains a transformative message on the power of fear to cripple or propel us…

The movie opens with Baldwin and Hopkins at a remote Alaskan lodge. They decide to hire a bush pilot to fly them upriver in search of a photogenic Native American grizzly bear hunter. Suddenly, a flock of birds slams head-on into their single-engine tail-dragger bush plane, smashing through the windshield, first blinding, then killing the pilot.

The crippled aircraft careens violently out of control. Shearing off a pontoon, barely missing a jagged mountain peak, the clearly doomed plane plunges into the icy water of an isolated Alaskan lake.

The pilot is dead, but Hopkins and Baldwin survive, breaking free from the sinking plane, clawing their way to the lake surface. Although they survived the horrific crash, they spend the next few days on the verge of freezing to death, enduring starvation, rain, and snowstorms... which become mere inconveniences compared to eluding a vicious and cunning, man-eating grizzly bear.

We’re halfway into the movie. Baldwin is a beaten man, resigned to starving to death or being eaten alive by the incessant grizzly. He is ready to give up, lies down and succumbs to his perceived reality of “game over.”

Hopkins resolutely turns and looks at Baldwin with icy fire in his piercing blue eyes. He calmly and resolutely states, “I’m going to kill the bear.”

“You’re going to what?!” screams Baldwin incredulously.

“What one man can do, another can do,” Hopkins firmly barks. “Repeat after me,” he commands Baldwin. “Say it! What one man can do another can do. I’m going to kill the bear!”

Because Hopkins won't stop demanding he say it, Baldwin also begins chanting the phrase, "What one man can do another can do. I'm going to kill the bear!". Together these frozen, starved, seemingly beaten men reprogram their minds from being hunted to being the hunter.

Did you ever think about what fear really is? Isn’t it allowing your mind to fast forward to something you plan to do, or have to do, and visualize a bad result?

Think of it this way: Fear turns our minds into a packed theater that’s hosting a tragic play, with us becoming the loser on stage. 

Fear is just a negative visualization… a nightmarish story that unfolds in your head, a mental shipwreck with you at the helm.

Reprogramming our minds to visualize a triumphant end not only helps us overcome fear, it’s the golden ticket to performing better in the face of fear (i.e. delivering an inspiring speech that concludes with a standing ovation).

There are three primary reasons why real estate agents fail to succeed:

  1. They are lazy…"playing around" when they should be working.
  2. They don't know what to say and what to do.
  3. They're afraid to do what they need to do because they might be rejected and embarrassed.

I know you're not lazy and I presume you can present our program like a pro. So what's keeping you from spending every spare moment texting, calling, door knocking, even visiting stores in a mall with one goal in mind... letting everyone in sight know you have a way for them to walk away with 8.4%-12% more for their home?

Are you afraid somebody might get mad and tell you to get out of their face? If you do it right, that likely won't happen. But so what if it does? Every homeowner in your community who lists with a traditional agent is making a mistake, but they don't know it. It's your job to save them.

YOU MUST NOT BE AFRAID to preempt those sellers from making a mistake! Your mindset needs to be what Teresa said to a recalcitrant seller last week: "I'm not here to sell you, I'm here to save you." 

On Friday's Team Call Teresa talked about how she and one of the agents on her team acquired three listings by door knocking in a way that doesn't come off as "salesy” or soliciting, and the sellers welcomed them.

Watch Teresa's Team Call door knocking interview below, get fearless, get out there, and "KILL THE BEAR", which in 72SOLD zinger lingo means "SAVE EVERY SELLER" from making the costly mistake of selling traditionally.

Don’t let fear hold you back.

"If you're not doing business or generating business, you're playing at business." –Greg Hague


Teresa Hague on successful door-knocking for more DIY business

"EI is the new smart because it makes us more sensitive to situations and more inclined to find win-win solutions that work for everyone."


Click the image above to read Greg's latest blog.

Team Call Highlight

Andrew Bloom shared a strategy to have home sellers share their email address with you as soon as you make a 15-minute walkthrough appointment. This has many advantages. You capture their email address, differentiate yourself from other agents who typically don't do this, and reduce the probability the prospect will forget the appointment. You can do this with free applications like

Personalized Video Testimonials

Would you like your own professionally produced client testimonial? Last week Trish Simpson saved a canceled listing appointment by sending the seller her testimonial video. This week Josh was able to send us footage to create a testimonial spot for him which you can watch in the example below. If you would like one of these for yourself, just email footage of your happy clients to and for $150, we will send you back a professionally edited and polished piece to share in your own DIY marketing efforts.

Please Help Us Win!

In less than a minute, you can click the link below and vote to help 72SOLD win the "Best of the Valley Award". While this is an Arizona recognition, we will use it to further enhance our credibility on a national basis. Please be a team player and take one minute right now to vote for 72SOLD.

The link to vote is

Email a screenshot of your daily votes to to be entered into a contest to win a $200 Gift Card!

You can use this graphic to help promote to your sphere. Simply right-click on the image and save it to your desktop.

72SOLD TV Commercials for DIY Marketing

New 72SOLD "15-Minute" Message

Next week we will start experimenting with a TV commercial that sets you up to schedule a 15-minute walkthrough with home selling prospects. We have never talked about this on a TV commercial before and are excited to see if it will make it easier for you to set those 15-minute walkthroughs with home sellers who respond to our TV referrals.

Sarah Perkins' Weekly Update

Use these national graphs and stats on your listing appointments to convince sellers to price their homes right and sell in 8 days or less to maximize the price.

We update these every Friday (thank you Sarah Perkins).

Click the image below to download the PowerPoint version or you can get the PDF version by clicking here.

Ryan Nelson's

Mortgage Update

Click the image below to download the PowerPoint version or you can get the PDF version by clicking here.

Training Corner

with Randy Cooney

When considering how best to serve your prospects or clients, consider these three words… "and then some''.  These three little words are the secret to success. They separate the average from the best.


  • The top people always do what is expected…and then some.
  • The best of the best meet their responsibilities fairly & squarely…and then some.
  • They are good friends and neighbors…and then some.
  • They are delightful and helpful in the workplace…and then some.
  • They can be counted on in an emergency…and then some.

Their commitment and spirit of service are summed up best this way,

“Whatever it takes…and then some!”


72SOLD asks this of you: Give it your all…and then some!

Remember to register for Randy's Role-Play Zoom sessions at and note the times on Mondays/Wednesdays…

  • 1:00pm Pacific Time
  • 2:00pm Mountain Time
  • 3:00pm Central Time
  • 4:00pm Eastern Time

72SOLD on Arizona Midday

• NBC Channel 12 •

We were proud that one of the top afternoon talk shows in Arizona is now regularly featuring homes sold using the 72SOLD program.