A powerful way to power-up your listing presentation is to use contrast…positioning your 72SOLD home sale process in stark contrast to the mistakes traditional agents make, and how those mistakes cost home sellers thousands in lower sale prices.
In my blog this week, “You Don’t Live In A Cave”, I talk about the historical backdrop to why fear of loss has a greater emotional impact on us than opportunity for gain. This inherent bias started with the earliest of humans (cavemen and cavewomen) back when most threats were physical and often life threatening.
It's different now. Most things we fear today (rejection, financial loss, embarrassment) are not that serious, but our bias to react more strongly to downside than upside still remains.
This is why on listing appointments you should not just talk about the proven financial upside (validated by six studies) of using the 72SOLD process, you should also emphasize the downside (a lower sale price) of “going with the other guy” (a traditional real estate agent).
On last Wednesday's Team Call one of our members asked how to respond to a seller who was reluctant to start at a "below market price". My answer was that our member had not explained our pricing strategy correctly. The Starting Price should NOT be below market, but rather on market. Then you use our 10 Step Home Sale Process to get your sellers an above market price.
The right Starting Price and our 10 Step Process can make a HUGE positive financial difference for home sellers. The most recent of six independent studies (Q1 2023) on the effectiveness of our program showed that over 9000 home sellers who used agents certified on our program ended up with an average of 9.1% higher prices than homes sold by traditional agents in their local MLS.
It is 100% proven that sellers are making a costly mistake "going with the other guy" instead of you. So be sure your listing presentations not only focus on the financial upside of choosing you but also the costly downside of choosing "one of the other guys".
While responding to that Wednesday Team Call question, I spent 19 minutes talking about how I would explain our pricing strategy and use contrast to emphasize the downside of choosing somebody other than me.
I believe you will find this 19-minute video worth your time…