I’ve taught you that list-side success is based on the number (and quality) of “probability increasers” you leverage. Jeff’s captivating moment question is an excellent probability increaser that you will get the listing.
On listing appointments, Teresa and I used a “clients close themselves” sequence as part of our Competition Based Pricing conversation. When we reached agreement with sellers on Starting Price, we considered that as a “yes” to list with us. I would then immediately stand up from the table and say something like, “Perfect! I’m going to shoot a few photos as a guide for our photographer while Teresa goes over the paperwork.”
Teresa would then slide over into my seat, pull out the already filled out Marketing Authorization (except for price), point to where she just filled in the price, and ask the sellers to initial. Then she would concisely walk the sellers through the key elements of the MA, and have them sign at the end.
Teresa and I knew the trigger to start this closing sequence was the moment we reached price agreement with sellers. From that moment our word/action sequence to a signature was so butter-smooth most sellers happily went along. After all, smart sellers hire great sales people!
Consider using Jeff’s “captivating moment” question to get preliminary buy-in to list during the Meticulosity Walkthrough. Then, during the Competition Based Pricing conversation, presume agreement on price is agreement to list with you.
What’s the best thing about sellers closing themselves? They win by choosing you and 72SOLD.