72SOLD | March 25, 2023

Top sales pros in every profession, those who earn millions of dollars a year, often use what I call “Point Magnifiers”

For example, I've taught you that the pivotal moment in the Meticulosity Walkthrough is when you hesitate (dramatizing what you are about to say) and ask the sellers to tell you about “the peripherals”, the not-apparent benefits they discovered while owning the home that a buyer wouldn't know because they haven't lived there.

These peripherals typically involve positives about the neighbors, the community, and non-visual benefits of the home like extra insulation and lower utility bills.

You passionately explain to the sellers that by knowing their home’s peripherals, you can present the home to buyers as being more unique, more valuable, and ultimately cause buyers to make higher offers.  

Since this peripheral conversation is the centerpiece of the Meticulosity Walkthrough, it’s a perfect time to use a Point Magnifier, a statement that magnifies the importance of what you are about to say, like this...

May I ask you a question most agents fail to ask, a mistake they make that costs sellers thousands in lower sale prices?”  

Of course sellers will answer “yes”. Then you ask them about their home’s peripherals, take notes while they talk, and explain how this helps you generate higher offers. 

You should briefly stop the walkthrough and talk in a more serious tone to magnify your Point Magnifier and emphasize that most agents fail to ask about and present a home's peripherals to buyers, which can be costly to sellers.

Do this correctly, and sellers will reflect back on agents they've used in the past who didn't ask about peripherals, making you stand out. If they interview agents after you, they'll realize you are the best choice when those agents don't ask.

Another example of a Point Magnifier is stressing the importance of our Competition Based Pricing approach compared to traditional sold comp pricing. You might say:

“Would you like to know the pricing mistake many agents make that results in lower prices for their sellers?”

That statement positions your competitors as using an antiquated approach to pricing because buyers make choices based on what's currently for sale, not what sold in the past.

Point Magnifiers aren’t just for selling, they can be used in marketing too.

Starting with “A New, Better Way To Sell Your Home” in our latest TV commercial (see it below) leverages "new" to create curiosity and magnifies the takeaways that come next: 

  • Sell your home in 8 days. 
  • Walk away with thousands more than selling the traditional way.   

Don’t confuse Point Magnifiers with Tie Downs like, Do you see how Opportunity Showings cause buyers to make higher offers compared to traditional showings?

  • Point Magnifiers enhance the importance of something you are about to say, or just said.  

  • Tie-downs confirm that prospects agree with something you just said. They also keep prospects’ minds from wandering.

Point Magnifier: What is the biggest mistake most Realtors make?…

They fail to grow because they think they know.

Don't let that be you. See you on the Monday Team Call, right?


The great paradox of life is our need for people who we don't need at all.


Click the image above to read Greg's latest blog.

New Videos

Message from the CEO for TV referrals

Message from the CEO for DIY

On the Wednesday Team Call, Greg covered how to leverage the new, DIY version of the "Message from the CEO" video to set more listing appointments when working Expired Sellers, FSBOs and other DIY business.

Greg also explained how to leverage the improved TV Referral version of the CEO video to increase the appointments you set from our TV referrals.

We are now including a custom URL with our marketing videos to make it easier for you to share them by text and email. These new links are set up so consumers should only see the one video, and not other videos.

These custom links are below the "Message from our CEO" videos above. Click the actual video itself and it will take you to a different channel where consumers (and you) can see all our marketing videos, but NOT our training videos.

New "Ranking Arizona" Commercial

72SOLD just ranked as the number one most popular real estate firm in Arizona with over 2 million votes cast. We produced a new TV commercial with Destry Jetton to celebrate this special recognition by consumers.

New "40,000 Homeowner" Commercial

Over 40,000 homeowners have reached out to us about our new, better way to sell their home just in the past few months. We are celebrating this milestone in the latest TV commercial featuring our CEO.

7 Things Separating Professionals from Amateurs

"Failure to prepare is preparation for failure."

In this March 24th Team Call, 72SOLD Co-Founder and National Coach, Chris Allen, shared seven key differences between professionals and amateurs. In this short clip, he highlights additional insight shared with him by a professional NBA Basketball Player, Eddie Johnson, regarding the key differentiator... "excuses".

12 Steps to Presenting Offers

If you missed Monday's Team Call you missed a powerful step-by-step process for converting more offers on your listings to sales.

Check out this PDF summary of Greg's process: 12 Steps To Presenting Offers. It's truly "next-level" real estate.

Follow the 12 steps to make more sales, and help your sellers make better decisions.

72SOLD Social Post of the Week

Destry Jetton travels to SubZero's showroom to give you a peak at some fun and innovative kitchen features.

Training Corner

with Randy Cooney

“In Only 7 Seconds” 

It has been determined that it only takes seven seconds for someone to form an opinion of another. Given first impressions are often lasting impressions, be mindful of the following when meeting with prospects.

Dress to impress, be on time, break the ice before you talk business, listen before talking, don't criticize the competition (but it's ok to criticize the competition's process), and express gratitude for the honor of being in someone's home.


Will Rogers said it perfectly… 

“You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” 

Register for Randy's Role Play Zoom sessions at and note the new Monday/Wednesday times…

  • 1:00pm AZ (Pacific) Time
  • 2:00pm Mountain Time
  • 3:00pm Central Time
  • 4:00pm Eastern Time