72SOLD | April 1, 2023

The best salespeople don’t ask for the listing… they don’t have to. They get prospects to close themselves.

It happened on the Friday Team Call in my interview with Jeff Duncan, a top producing member of Karl Tunberg’s 72SOLD Team in Phoenix. 

Jeff surprised me by turning the tables, unexpectedly suggesting that we role play with me as the seller and Jeff as the agent conducting the Meticulosity Walkthrough (MW)… 

In step four of the MW process Jeff asked me about the peripherals in a highly creative way, saying something like: “Greg, can you help me create a captivating moment for your property? Share something that is special about your home, the community, the neighbors…something that unless you told me, prospective buyers wouldn’t know." 

That captivating momentquestion has many positive and powerful purposes: 

  • I FELT IMPORTANT - It “made me feel important” to be asked to share a special, personal moment. 
  • I LIKED JEFF - It introduced a personal element into the conversation, making me begin to like Jeff. 
  • I WAS IMPRESSED WITH JEFF - It impressed me that Jeff was trying to portray my home to buyers as more valuable.  
  • I SAW JEFF AS STANDING APART - It made me see Jeff as being different (and better) than any Realtor I’d known. 
  • I IMPLICITLY AGREED TO LIST WITH JEFF - When Jeff asked for permission to use my description of the captivating moment in his ad copy, I was honored and had to say yes, implicitly agreeing to list with him. 

Check out this short video snippet from my interview with Jeff and Karl where Jeff asks me his "captivating moment" question.

I’ve taught you that list-side success is based on the number (and quality) of “probability increasers” you leverage. Jeff’s captivating moment question is an excellent probability increaser that you will get the listing. 


On listing appointments, Teresa and I used a clients close themselves sequence as part of our Competition Based Pricing conversation. When we reached agreement with sellers on Starting Price, we considered that as a “yes” to list with us. I would then immediately stand up from the table and say something like, “Perfect! I’m going to shoot a few photos as a guide for our photographer while Teresa goes over the paperwork.” 

Teresa would then slide over into my seat, pull out the already filled out Marketing Authorization (except for price), point to where she just filled in the price, and ask the sellers to initial. Then she would concisely walk the sellers through the key elements of the MA, and have them sign at the end. 

Teresa and I knew the trigger to start this closing sequence was the moment we reached price agreement with sellers. From that moment our word/action sequence to a signature was so butter-smooth most sellers happily went along. After all, smart sellers hire great sales people!   

Consider using Jeff’s “captivating moment” question to get preliminary buy-in to list during the Meticulosity Walkthrough. Then, during the Competition Based Pricing conversation, presume agreement on price is agreement to list with you. 

What’s the best thing about sellers closing themselves? They win by choosing you and 72SOLD. 


The next time you want to draw attention to an important point, magnify its impact by using a "Point Magnifier".


Click the image above to read Greg's latest blog.

New Videos

Craig & Terri Testimonial

Stop the Noise Marketing Video

We continue to produce new marketing videos with the "call for your price" call to action for you to use in DIY marketing. Here are our two latest which are now available in your Member Portal!

We are now including a custom URL with your marketing videos to make it easier for you to share them by text and email. These new links are set up so consumers should only see one video and not other videos. If you click the actual video above, it will take you to a different channel where consumers (and you) can see all our marketing videos, but NOT our training videos.

How to Market for Listings

Greg is recording an eight-part series on the "Harvard of List-Side Real Estate". Here is his first video on list-side marketing.

You can watch these videos as they become available here.

Teresa Hague Keynote Speaker at California Leadership Seminar

Teresa Hague recently flew to California with Lindsay Brasfield and Lauren Reeves to share insights on real estate leadership and how to grow a team where agents thrive.

Sarah Perkins' Weekly Update

Use these national graphs and stats on your listing appointments to convince sellers to price their homes right and sell in 8 days or less to maximize the price.

We update these every Friday (thank you Sarah Perkins).

Click the image below to download the PowerPoint version or you can get the PDF version by clicking here.

Training Corner

with Randy Cooney

Tie-Downs for Effective Listing Presentations 

In a real estate listing presentation we often hear about the effectiveness using "Tie-Downs". A Tie-Down is typically used to ensure understanding, consensus and buy-in from the prospective seller. Like the spices salt and pepper, you lightly sprinkle them into your presentation when needed, yet never use too much of either. By using Tie-Downs you secure agreement along the way and increase the chances sellers will list with you.

In one of our weekly role play sessions we demonstrated and practiced using various tie-downs such as:

  • Does that make sense?
  • Do you see what I mean?
  • And who wouldn’t want that?
  • Do you agree with that?
  • Can you see that?
  • Do you see how this will bring more attention to your property?
  • Do see how our program would benefit any seller with a higher price?
  • Do you see where our mutual goal is to identify the best buyer who will pay you the most?
  • As a seller, that’s a powerful advantage for you, wouldn't you agree?

Randy put together a PDF with one Tie-Down for each of the “10 Steps to Higher Prices for Sellers.”  This is well presented and worth you taking a look at. CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THIS FILE.

Register for Randy's Role Play Zoom sessions at and note the new Monday/Wednesday times…

  • 1:00pm AZ (Pacific) Time
  • 2:00pm Mountain Time
  • 3:00pm Central Time
  • 4:00pm Eastern Time