December 12, 2024

Dear 7th Grade Parents and Guardians,


I hope that you are enjoying a happy and healthy holiday season. As noted in the Jr./Sr. High School calendar, midterm exams will be administered on Friday, January 24th, and Monday, January 27th. Tuesday, January 28th will be a half day of instruction with the afternoon reserved for make-up exams and conflicts. Below you will find the daily schedule for exams and important related information.

  1. For the 2024-2025 school year, midterm exams will be administered to the seventh grade in Math and English only during the above time slots.
  2. On Friday, January 24th, seventh-grade students must remain in the building until 12:15pm and participate in the enrichment activity scheduled to begin following their exams.
  3. On Monday, January 27th, seventh grade students can be dismissed from school with parental permission at 9:50am following their exam. If you would like to give your child permission to be dismissed from school following their exam, please complete the google form found HERE by Tuesday, January 21st.  Students without parental permission to leave early will be required to remain in the building until 12:13pm and to participate in a supervised study session in the theater.
  4. Any student who does not report for a scheduled exam will be required to attend the make-up exam session held in the cafeteria on Tuesday, January 28th starting at 12:45pm.
  5. Students who fail to appear for an exam and who fail to appear for a make-up will be given an incomplete, with a 10-day window to reschedule.

Since the addition of the state-mandated exams, we began evaluating the impact that standardized testing had on instructional time and student stress. We decided to reduce the number of midterm exams a seventh-grade student must prepare for by requiring them in only the subject areas of Math and English. This compromise will still help prepare students for the cumulative-style exams they will see at the high school level, while also limiting the pressure on them to prepare for several exams at the same time. We will continue to evaluate our exam policies and their impact on the student body. I will notify parents and students of any changes that may need to occur next year. As always, the faculty and staff appreciate your continued support and cooperation. Thank you.



Troy Lederman



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