The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter
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7th Sunday after Pentecost
July 24th, 2022

In-Person Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 am, this Sunday!
Livestream Worship, 10:30 am, every Sunday!
Child Care available for 9:00 and 10:30 am services!
*Sunday School for Pre-K-5th Grade during 10:30 am Worship, every Sunday!
Get your bulletin here.
*Register for Sunday School here.

You can connect on YouTube HERE.

Message from Pastor Tim
Dear Friends and Members of the Ark and Dove Community,

Thank you to Elder Sara Fox and all the Christian Education Leaders who led a wonderfully peaceful, Vacation Bible School this week. Passport to Peace has been a great success and tonight is the closing. We appreciate the hard work, the peacemaking and the community built with our children. Every step that each of us can take toward creating peace in the world ripples out into the world with God’s Spirit.

As we have said, we remain nimble in the face of the adversity that COVID constantly throws at us. This Sunday masks become encouraged but not required at the 10:30AM worship service. We are however maintaining the mask requirement at 9:00AM worship so that there is a space for those who are at higher risk, cautious or anxious or any combination of the three. This is a change in our previously announced plans.

Hey, if you are testing weekly like I am, then Sunday morning is a great morning to test because of the diversity of our church community in terms of age and risk.

In these summer days of record breaking heat around the world, I am grateful for our Earthcare Team which is meeting this Wednesday July 27th at 7:00 PM. See article below.

Peace of Christ,

Verse and Prayer
He was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” So he said to them, “When you pray, say: Father, may your name be revered as holy. May your kin(g)dom come...”
- Luke 11:1-2
Prayer For Our Community

God, Lord of all creation, lover of life and of everything, please help us to love in our very small way what You love infinitely and everywhere. We thank You that we can offer just this one prayer and that will be more than enough, because in reality every thing and every one is connected, and nothing stands alone. To pray for one part is really to pray for the whole, and so we do. Help us each day to stand for love, for healing, for the good, for the diverse unity of the Body of Christ and all creation, because we know this is what You desire: as Jesus prayed, that all may be one. We offer our prayer together with all the holy names of God, we offer our prayer together with Christ, our Lord. Amen.
-Fr. Richard Rohr
Thank you to Paul Doughty, Karen Dodson and Adell Gaurin for their leadership last week while I was away on vacation. I was able to watch the Livestream, and enjoy the service from afar. We went to Maggie Valley, North Carolina, nestled in the mountains. We met my mom there, which was mid way between where we each live. We relaxed in our cabin, mined for gems, hiked, kayaked, shopped, and played a lot of put put golf. There were Elk that came right up to the cabin, as they do often in this area, and that was one of the highlights of the trip for me. The other highlight was was seeing the joy on my children’s faces explore new places and try new things. I am grateful for the time away and excited to get back this week.

On Sunday, I will sing a beautiful arrangement of The Lord’s Prayer as the offertory. You may remember this piece as one that I recorded for you during the beginning of Covid. 

Next week, we will be joined by Pat Sise when we sing “Multiplied” as the offertory. We have a lot of really great music that we are preparing. 

Have a wonderful weekend. I look forward to seeing many of you this Sunday.

Warmest regards,


Director of Music
DONATE ONLINE! One-time and recurring!

TEXT your donations! 410-983-3481
Text give to get started. Text commands for more options.
To donate for Ukraine help, text amount followed by Ukraine.

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Bulletin - 6th Sunday after Pentecost
Leaders and Helpers Needed
Nursery and Summer Sunday school needs 2 adult/teenage leaders, from different nuclear families to help provide leadership. Please consider volunteering for one of the following this summer.

Nursery Volunteers
You will be assisting Cara Moody as needed and be another set of eyes/hands in the nursery.

Summer Sunday School
We still need 2 lead teachers and many assistant teachers for the months of July and August. All materials and lesson plans will be prepped for you. 😎

How Close Can You Get?
Dear Members and Friends of Ark and Dove,

Greetings from the Stewardship Team! Summer is upon us and once again our days stretch longer, the sun shines brighter, and our sunscreen stash gets a refresh! As we celebrate the warmth and fun of the summer season, whether that means family vacations, bountiful gardening, or lazy days by the pool, the Stewardship Team would like to wish you all a very happy summer! We would also like to take this time to give a gentle reminder to everyone to try to stay current on your pledges as we seek to continue the good work of our various ministry and mission efforts through the summer months. Currently, overall giving is behind by about $20,000. This is typical of the summer months as many people are away on vacation or otherwise enjoying summer and it slips the mind to get donations into the church. We usually see quite a bit of catching up as the summer season draws to a close and fall looms near and we hope that will be the case again this year as we have plenty of good work left to do in our community and beyond. Much like prayer, scripture reading, and dedication to service, the practice of giving regularly and intentionally is a spiritual discipline that helps us grow in faith and mature spiritually. It feels good to give, especially when we see all the good it helps accomplish in the world. So, in the midst of having a wonderful summer, please remember to send in your pledged giving so that we can continue to communicate the love of God in our words and actions in order to make a positive difference in the world together. Thank you for your continued dedication and generosity in these ever changing times.

The Ark and Dove Stewardship Team
The Lobby
10 July
Ark and Dove Guest Host Michelle Schoonmaker interviews Sonia Prescott, a Public Services Associate with the Presbyterian Historical Society in Philadelphia to discuss the history of the Presbyterian Church along with two historical figures: John Witherspoon and John Gloucester.
26 June

Join our guest host, Lilly, as she interviews Joann Mattson, the executive director for STAIR. The Annapolis program for helping 2nd graders learn the joy of reading.
19 June

Join this week's guest host Christa Kronser as she welcome our new members joined by confirmation or affirmation of faith, who have studied all year to join the church.
Earth Care Meeting
The Earth Care Team will meet by Zoom Wednesday, July 27, 2022 at 7:30pm. Contact Bob Fuller @ [email protected] for the Zoom link.
Mission Ministry Back to School Program
For many years Ark & Dove has partnered with the County Department of Social Services and the AA Public School System to purchase backpacks and supplies for elementary school students. Separately, we have also been purchasing supplies for Meade Middle School students. The Back to School Program continues this year, and Social Services matched Ark & Dove with 40 students at Van Bokkelen Elementary School.

For the elementary school students, Ark & Dove donors will select a student to sponsor by signing up online, in-person after Sunday worship services, or by contacting Greg Makar ([email protected]). Then purchase the backpack and supplies provided for that grade and deliver them to the school or bring them to church for delivery. We are working on the sign-up forms, supplies lists, and detailed instructions, and will notify when the sign-ups are ready.

No sign-up is necessary to support the Meade Middle school students; just purchase supplies and drop them off at the school or at Ark & Dove. Designated monetary donations to Back to School can also be made through the usual methods of church giving.

Any questions, please contact Greg Makar ([email protected]).
Refugee Resettlement: Abawi Family
As the Abawi family settle into their new home, we can then concentrate on the many other ways we can support this family. As they find employment in the near future along with the many health appointments they have, both the Annapolis Presbyterian Church and Ark and Dove are asking if you, or anyone you may know, have a mini-van type vehicle that can be donated to the Abawi family. Please reach out to Debbie Arey at [email protected].
Church Security Special Offering
We are beginning a special offering for church security. The funds will be used to design and install a new system for monitoring our Black Lives Matter and Pride banners at the street. This will involve cameras, upgraded internet and wi-fi capability and computer upgrades. Additional funds will go toward improving church security around the campus. You may contribute to this new offering on the church website under Giving and Donate Online tab. Thank you in advance.
CAP Food Pantry Request
The supply of food items at the CAP food pantry depends on several factors, such as what the county food bank provides, the donations we receive from our churches, and our ability to purchase food.  Donations brought to Ark & Dove can be placed in the bins marked "CAP Food" across from the coat rack. 

Donations can also be taken directly to the food pantry at First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Odenton on Tuesdays 10:45-1:30 and Thursdays 2:45-5:30. The items needed the most through this summer are:

  • Tuna 
  • Canned Chicken 
  • Jelly
Ukrainian Relief Aid Special Offering

You can help people in Ukraine with special offerings to Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA). To donate for Ukraine help, visit our online donation page, text amount followed by Ukraine, to 410-983-3481, or simply notate on your check 'Ukraine'.

Children's Christian Education
Sunday Service Christian Education
9:00 AM Service:  
  • Nursery open for children age birth to 3

10:30 AM Service: 
  • Nursery open for children age birth to 3
  • Summer Sunday school for PreK-5th grade, 4 year old and early middle schoolers are welcome to attend as well.

Prayer Requests
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Dotty Kaufmann; Arlyce Lohr; Laura Talbert; the family & law enforcement office of Daniel Vasquez, he was shot & killed during a traffic stop; Joshua having oral surgery; Alex from Communidad Presbiteriana La Trinidad; Stephen Herman recovery from surgery; Jeff Miller, Kathy Miller brother-in-law, back in the hospital battling cancer; Thank and prays for Joan Berry with easy surgery and recovery; Dick Paronto; Freyja Hartzell, going through various physical challenges and Divorce; Joan Barry, for a successful Mohs procedure on left hand; Amy Goldber's father, Michael Cooper; Denise Bartgis; Rebecca Echols friend, Lauren Douglas, and Uncle, Rick Orfinger; Andy, friend of Karen Dodson; Jeanne Elbefeld & Donna Beckwith; Abawi family member; Praise the healthy arrival of Lillian Rose, Great niece of Laurie & Fred Barrow; Charlotte Davie; Mike Bartgis's cousin; Lydia Doughty; Marjorie Tanner, Laura Doughty’s mother; Ellen; Cara Moody family member, Gary Moody Sr.; Friends of Michelle Schoonmaker: Carly & Chris Taylor and Bri Reed; Jan Hof; Laurie Barrow's brother, Steve Beckwith; Fred Barrow’s sister, Betsy Sargant; Debbie Saylor's Family and Friends: Carlene Printy, Helen Rossum, Wayne Rennex, & Alison Buffington; Karen Mongold, colleague of Ray Bussey; Donna Kurtz ; for a woman, E.B., and her children, leaving an abusive home environment; Irina Lee, Jan and Al Jank's daughter-in-law; William Campbell, grandfather of Cherese; Chris and Jeff, friends of Deb Saylor; Amber Maschino, neighbor of Craig West; Jack Sweeney; Mary Lou Dulina, friend of Cheryl Schafer; Alvin Dennis and Audrey Price; Ashton Borsella; Tiffany Thompson; Courtney, Deborah Dingle’s niece; Anna Scofield; the people of Ukraine; Lou Kareha's friends and family: Aubriella and Michael Steele, B. Wicker, James Karanasky (sister-in-law's brother), Thomas Kochis (cousin), and Nando Smacci (friend); Mike and Denise Bartgis' son-in-law; Kathy Miller's brother-in-law, Jeff Miller, and sister, Beth Krauth; Lourdes Cordero's family and friends: Diane Cordero (sister), Jose (brother), granddaughter, and Fred and Arelene Jones (friends); Christy Hipchen’s nephew and grandmother, Ann Chubon; Josh Arnold; the family of Mike Esparza; Amy Tardiff’s Aunt Fran; Michelle Schoonmaker; Michelle Schoonmaker's friends and their children: Kai S., Liam F. and Ezra R.; Bernice Taylor, Michelle Schoonmaker's great aunt and Ylonda Fauntleroy’s Aunt; Cameron Jackson, Ylonda Fauntleroy’s cousin, dealing with a difficult situation; Frank Stillwell; Mary Caolo; David Johns; Angela Goska; Belinda Edwards; Karen Stokes; Betty Small; Calvin Latham; Ann Hirschy's family: Isaiah, Aunt Cindy, and brother; Ann Hirschy; Adell Gaurin; Carol Saylor; Carol Saylor’s family: sister-in-law who passed away of stomach cancer, and granddaughter being bullied at school; Ray Bussey's mother, Doris; Vaughn Brown; Amy Hagemann’s sister, Susan Pratt; Mary Benson’s sister; Bill Lifsey Sr., Amy Carskadon Lifsey’s father-in-law; Helen Wilkens' mother, Jane Reinert; Karen Dodson’s cousin, Miles and the family; Pam, Carrie Dodson's friend; Jennifer Schwandt-Gayle, Lewis Shorter’s niece; Dot Forloine’s Family: Melisa Tucker Saatthoff (granddaughter) and Luke (great-grandson); Dot Forloines; Linda Taylor’s mother, Izola; Amy Goldberg’s grandmother, Ruth Cooper; Diane Johnson's Family: Uncle Ed, Aunt Janet, and Cousin Richard; Diane Johnson's friend, Tom; Shelley Franklin's father; James Franklin's sister-in-law, Kelli Franklin; Gunther Kurtz, Laurie Barrow’s nephew; Carl Hahn, Laura Doughty’s brother-in-law; Ruth Doughty, Paul Doughty's mother; Cheryl and Doug Walcutt’s Family:Cheryl Walcutt (mother of Cheryl), Judy (sister of Cheryl); Don Clark, friend of Cheryl Walcutt; Margaret Schade, Erika Sealing's grandmother; Rob Yeager’s friends: Greta Daughtrey and Peter Brown; Linda Jordan, Christy Yeager’s mother; Bonnie, Linda Jordan’s niece.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at [email protected] and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.

Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | [email protected] | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113