Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc.
You are invited to attend this Special Annual Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) NEW YEAR Celebration two day kick-off! On Saturday, Aug 4, I am honored to be Performing, Singing and Showcasing an array of my Healing, Cultural and Empowerment Products (Sacred Gemstone Jewelry, Crystals, Pyramids, etc) & Services, vending both days at this awesome Weekend Event, hosted by the Temple of Anu! The live concert will also  features the music of  Brother Nadi, Queen Mother Imakhu, and Stephen Katriel Wise! 

Sunday's Keynote speakers are Hem Sem Tepy Mfundishi Jhutyms of Black Gold Sacred Kultural Healing, and Naswt Biti Ra Sankhu Kheper of the Temple of Anu! Also special energy of gratitude to be sent for Baba Hru Ankh Ra Semajh Se Ptah Founder of The Shrine of Ptah who in the early 1980's, resurrected this sacred tradition from our ancestors from centuries ago, and began the continuance of this annual Celebration in Brooklyn, N.Y. For the Sunday Aug 5th Sacred Ceremony & Celebration, if possible wear white accented with another color and bring offerings to give thanks for the presence of Divinity.  Come on out & Enjoy yourself! Be Rejuvenated, Transformed while Supporting this beautiful occasion at this Kemetic NEW YEAR Celebration Event Weekend!!! For more Details & Directions scroll below &/or

Peace,POWER & POWER to you Always, 
from Imani

**Very EASY to travel from New York City! Direction LINKS listed below!  

***P.S- Please SPREAD the LOVE and share, like &/or re-post! Thank You!!!!***

FLYER- Wep Ren Put Celebration!

Temple of Anu- Embara Maat & Imani
Words from  Embahra Maat - (Wab Priestess of the Temple of Anu and Sacred Woman):

 So excited about this year's Wep RenPet - one of the most significant holydays of the Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) calendar! Starting the weekend on Saturday Aug 4 at 3:30pm with a concert featuring Imani Scott, Nadi Burton and Stephen Wise means Saturday is going to be off. the. chain!! If you haven't heard the music of these three incredible artists, definitely check them out. We're spending our afternoon on Sunday, Aug 5 staring at Noon, in devotional time to the NTRU of RenPet: giving offerings of flowers, fruit, money, and energy - chanting, drumming, and dancing - invoking the presence and blessings of our Ancestors - reflecting on what it means to walk a path of Maat - receiving divine words of inspiration...

For More Info about Wep Ren/Pet, Event Details, or to learn more about the beautiful Spirit & Sacred Mission of the Temple of Anu family &/or their Contact info please CLICK Link or visit: 
&/or    Http://    
Temple of Anu- w. Sankhu, Embara, Mfundishi & Imani 
For Directions Car, Bus, Train CLICK on  link below or visit: 


**SPECIAL NOTE: From NY Port Authority Terminal: Bus #108- to Newark go with take you just 2 Blocks from the Center with ease leaves every hour on the hour! (same length of time as Train & Bus) 

Directions for Bus# 108:   
Peace, POWER & Pro$perity,


 Imani C. Scott, CEO & Founder
Imani's Creations & Entertainment, Inc.
Traverus Founding Club Member
Certified Travel Agent & Family Travel Specialist

800-805-4614 vm/fax 

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