SAY HELLO to highly nutritious natural ENERGY DRINKS
that give you awesome energy, hydration and electrolyte minerals without any negative side effects!
...and say goodbye to highly refined sugar filled, caffeine laced energy drinks.

Our Nutrition Team has put together a list of their TOP 8 NATURAL ENERGY DRINKS that you can feel great about drinking...and so can your kids! Keep reading to find out why you should replace conventional energy drinks with healthy ones!

4 reasons to cut out toxic energy drinks:
Note: "Energy Drinks" are any beverage or drink mix designed to increase energy by stimulating the nervous system or endocrine system to result in short term energy increase. These beverages typically contain high amounts of unhealthy ingredients such as: Refined Sugar, Caffeine, Artificial Coloring, Artificial Sweeteners, Artificial Flavours, Synthetic binding agents, etc.

1. They contain high amounts of refined sugar

- Refined sugar consumption leads to diseases such as diabetes, fatty liver, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, heart disease, etc.
- Sugar consumption causes your body to store fat cells leading to obesity and joint problems.
- Sugar contains NO essential nutrients, just empty calories
- Sugar is highly addictive. One serving turns into many!
- Sugar causes nutrient deficiencies in your body, which leads to breakdown of tissues especially bones, teeth and ligaments.

2. Increased Anxiety and Headaches

- Those with 2 different genetic variations in their adenosine receptors are prone to feeling increased anxiety when consuming caffeinated beverages such as energy drinks (approximately 60-70% of people). Larger doses of caffeine can even spur on full blown panic attacks for highly caffeine sensitive people.
- Too many energy drinks can lead to severe headaches from the caffeine withdrawal symptoms. Changing the amount of caffeine you ingest daily can cause more frequent headaches.
This can result from any food containing caffeine including coffee, energy drinks, chocolate bars, etc.

3. High Blood Pressure 

- Caffeinated products like energy drinks can elevate a person's blood pressure. For those with normal blood pressure, this isn't concerning, but those with already elevated blood pressure could be placing themselves at risk of stroke and other health problems related to hypertension if they consume too many energy drinks in a short period of time. 

 4. Cardiac Arrest

Those with underlying heart conditions have gone into cardiac arrest after just a few energy drinks. Before drinking energy drinks or caffeine, be sure to know your heart's health. A new study  showed that energy drinks cause more forceful heart contractions, which could be harmful to some with certain heart conditions. One study showed that between 2009 and 2011 there were 4854 calls to poison control centers regarding energy drinks. 51% of these calls were involving's just not worth it.

Examples for unhealthy (toxic) "energy drinks":
Red Bull, Gatorade, Powerade, Monster Drinks, Pop, Rockstar, Five Hour Energy, AMP, Mountain Dew Kickstart, Pre-workout drinks.


Stay Energized Naturally
with Healthy Energy Drinks!!! 

Keep your energy boosted naturally this summer with some of our healthy tips and tricks for hydration and electrolytes. We've put together a list of highly effective, healthy and delicious beverages and drink mixes that will help you reach your health goals, keep your blood sugar in check and help you lose weight while providing some valuable nutritional benefits.


Make a pledge to yourself to put healthy foods into your body as much as possible and limit consumption of toxic foods. 

Some benefits of our healthy energy drinks:
  • They are beneficial to your overall health
  • They increase energy without negative side effects
  • Will not cause a blood sugar crash
  • Do not cause caffeine sensitivity symptoms
  • Will not impair your quality of sleep
  • Help you lose weight because they will not increase blood sugar or cortisol
Our Top 8 List of High Quality, Energizing, Quick, Easy & Healthy Beverages that taste Amazing!
(Bonus: They are less expensive than most "unhealthy" energy drinks!)
  • Enerex Greens
  • Q Energy Drink Powder
  • Ester C Energy Boost Powder
  • BioSteel Drink Mix Powder
  • Salus Beet Crystals
  • Coconut Water (not from concentrate)
  • Gandalf Spirulina Powder
  • Matcha Ninja Matcha Powder
All you need is: 

Enerex Greens                                

A Sprinkle of Energy & Vitality

This blend of six raw superfoods is a quick and convenient way to get your daily nutrient and energy boost. Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, phytonutrients and probiotics, this nutrient dense and alk alinizing mixture helps increase your vitality, rev up your immune system, improve your digestion, and sharpen your brain, all with a fresh, natural taste your body will crave.
Q Energy Drink Powder                                

The perfect drink mix for athletes!
Q Energy features Quercetin, a naturally occurring compound found in fruit and vegetables. Quercetin improves healthy energy, supports the immune system and offers anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine relief. At only 15 calories from organic cane sugar, with no artificial ingredients and very low caffeine, Q Energy is the healthy energy drink. Packed with nutrients and electrolytes!

Ester C Energy Boost Powder                         

Vitamin C is one of the best-researched nutrients and a key factor in healthy aging. It is essential for the functioning of the immune system, the growth and repair of body tissues, and to maintain the integrity of bones, gums, and teeth. Vitamin C is also among the most potent antioxidants, slowing down and preventing cell damage and the aging processes in the body. 
In addition to vitamin C, there are multiple nutrients that the body needs every day to function at its best, including B vitamins and minerals. Electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium are minerals essential for rehydration and energy production as well as cardiovascular, muscle, and nervous system functions. SISU Ester-C® Energy Boost combines all of these important nutrients in a convenient drink mix to help keep active, busy people feeling their best and performing at their peak even on the busiest days.

BioSteel Drink Mix Powder             
BioSteel's flagship product provides hydration and electrolyte replacement, as well as sustained energy without the use of sugar or caffeine. This premium mix contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins which all help reduce fatigue and increase performance whether you're competing in sport or grinding through the work day. 

Ideal for athletes during workouts, hikers, campers or anyone who sweats basically!

...Plus Connor McDavid uses this stuff...nuff said!

Salus Beet Crystals                 

They dissolve in water in seconds to create a power packed, energizing drink! 

Salus® Red Beet Crystals are produced with the utmost care. This nat urally sweet tasting, instantly soluble product is a pure concentrate, carefully obtained from the juice of freshly pressed, certified organic beets. Salus® certified organic Red Beet Crystals blend well with fruit smoothies, shakes, fruit juices, milk products, soup, muesli, cereals, and other dishes. Salus® certified organic Red Beet Crystals are a convenient alternative for those with hectic schedules. Simply dilute the crystals in water or your favorite fruit or vegetable juice and serve.
Here at Health Street we love to add a tablespoon to a cup of cold fresh coconut water or mix it with Q-Energy or our favorite electrolytes drink mix!
Coconut Water 
(not from concentrate)      

Besides being tasty as can be, coconut water is a natural source of vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. It's low in cholesterol and calories, and is the perfect source of hydration for your active lifestyle!

It tastes the best when served chilled and makes a great summer hydration drink or to use as your fluid in smoothies.
Gandalf Spirulina Powder      

Spirulina, also known as blue green algae (Cyanophyaceae), is one of the oldest living organisms on earth. It has existed for more than three billion years.
Hawaiian Gandalf Sprirulina™ is a microscopic filamentous multicellular organism. Slightly larger than a speck of dust, this tiny organism recycles carbon dioxide and produces oxygen. It produces chlorophyll (plant), does not have a cellulose covering (animal) and does not have a nucleus (bacteria)
Gandalf Spirulina™from Hawaii is exceptionally pure. After harvesting, the spirulina paste is kiln dried. Drying is a key factor that influences the nutritional value of spirulina.
Our researchers in Hawaii have developed a unique drying process that is unmatched to this day. This unique method is patented under the name Ocean Chill™. It removes the oxygen from the drying process and protects carotenes from oxidation. As a result, the spirulina is dried in a virtual exigent-free environment (less than 1%)
Thanks to the hot sunny days of Hawaii, Gandalf Spriulina™ is extremely rich in beta carotene. It is unique since it also contains many trace elements.
Gandalf Spirulina™ is offered in user-friendly packaging.  Zip lock packaging provides maximum protection since any residual air can be removed to preserve product integrity. Oxidation and photodecomposition are almost non-existent.

Matcha Ninja Matcha Powder       

Did you know that ONE serving of matcha tea is the nutritional equivalent of 10 cups of regularly brewed green tea?
  • When you drink Matcha you ingest the entire leaf and receive 100% of the nutrients of the leaf 
  • Matcha Ninja powdered green tea has 137 times more antioxidants than regularly brewed green tea. 
Matcha Ninja is not bitter like most matcha. How is this achieved? Matcha Ninjaleaves are specifically selected tencha leaves that are de-stemmed and finely ground for a longer period than regular matcha to allow for super soluble and superior tasting matcha. Matcha Ninja is easy to use because it is super soluble in cold / warm water. Just add it to your water bottle, shake and go. No whisk needed.
Macha Ninja is 100% organic, which is important because with matcha, you are actually ingesting the tea leaves as opposed to steeping and discarding them.
Get energized and embrace summer with these awesome summer hydration tips!


The Wellness Team
Health Street
Making Healthy Choices Easy