8 Proven Tips to Turn Your Yearnings into Earnings
"Confidently and purposefully make more money doing what you love by launching a business and quantum leaping your dream, vision, purpose or passion to the next level while offering incomparable value."

~Roy Johnson Jr AKA The Business Launcher

Launch Pad Tip #1: Self-Discovery/Self-Awareness

The first step in creating what you want in life is having a sense of clarity of who you are and the direction you want to go in life. What type of impact and legacy do you want to leave behind? What drives and motivates you to perform at your best? Know what your strengths and weaknesses are and the other characteristics that makes you unique.

Launch Pad Tip #2: Cultivation

Understand that entrepreneurship is not for the faint at heart. There are going to be many days where you are going to have doubt, feel discouraged and even just giving up. But one thing that is going to keep you in the game of staying empowered, inspired and motivated to keep pushing is having a strong and convicting enough WHY. A WHY that’ll make you CRY! Discover your motives and what inspires you so you can use them as the driving force to drive your business.

Launch Pad Tip #3: Creation/Clarity

You can have a great idea, but if your idea is not properly researched, executed or implemented, it remains just an idea. Having a solid and concrete idea makes it easier for you to know the direction you are going in for your business and what you need to do to get there with poise and confidence. Turn your fantastic business idea into a concrete plan of action so you can stop spinning your wheels and know exactly what action steps to take next.        

Launch Pad Tip #4: Connection

Establish you target market and identify your tribe so you can magnetically attract your ideal clients. Develop products and services to ensure marketability.

Launch Pad Tip #5: Communication

If you do not learn or remember anything else, please pay close attention to this tip. Learn how to effectively and confidently communicate your message to your ideal clients while expressing a solution to their problems or pain-points through epic marketing. Also, please remain proactive and diligent in ensuring your outside image emulates the language, services and products you are offering to your potential clients. Image is everything!

Launch Pad Tip #6: Capitalization

Gain the connections you need to get the capital and create the appropriate business structure. It is also important to separate your personal and business credit. Get properly educated so you are able to make viable sounding business decisions financially. These are two separate entities.

Launch Pad Tip #7: Commitment and Goal-Setting

Create a 30-60-90 day marketing and actionable plan while creating S.M.A.R.T. Goals. Having written and posted goals helps to maintain your focus and a sense of direction. When you throw your WHOLE self in making a 100% commitment to yourself and the process, there’s accountability and there’s progress.

Launch Pad Tip #8: Comprehensive Wrap-Up

This is the end-results of your dedication to your dreams. Witnessing what has been manifested from within you. Have an unrelenting and unnegotiable commitment. Find the purpose and passion within you to always be willing to push forward knowing you can’t give up on your dreams, purpose, passion, vision, yourself or what God has called you to do.                         

The Business Launcher
363 North Sam Houston Parkway E
Suite 1854
Houston, Texas 77060

Phone: 832-995-7191