Digital LA

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Happy Weekend, Digital LA peeps!

8 Weekend Ideas

- LA Auto Show starts this wknd, Nov 21-30. We took pics of the red and concept cars (photo right) during press days earlier this wk. The Connected Car Expo earlier this week where car companies and startups discussed Internet-connected cars with speakers from Microsoft, BMW, IBM, Volvo and LA City. Highlights: autonomous driving, car apps, big car data (car stats, driving, traffic), and more. Startup FuelSignal won the Ford Connected App-Connected City App Pursuit Challenge. The FuelSignal phone app provides gas discounts and gas store food coupons to its users. 

- Hunger Games: Mockingjay.  Katniss is back, and teams up against the Capital which has captured Peeta. Lionsgate rocks it once again with a comprehensive social media campaign

American Music Awards, hosted by Pitbull @ Nokia, Sun, plus u can still vote

- CityRace Disneyland. Run and scavenger hunt thru Disneyland park, Sunday.

- USC vs UCLA. Who'll win the big game Sat?
- Techweek continues at Santa Monica Pier.

- Usher @ Staples Center, Fri
- Capital Cities @ Fonda, Fri
- Yo Gabba Gabba  Shrine, Sat / Sun
- iHeart Radio Fiesta Latina @ Forum, Sat


- Digital LA - Music Goes Social, 11/28 @ HOB Sunset.  Artists, brands and startups will talk about using music and social media marketing at this panel at the House of Blues, followed by music performances curated by Chad Anderson in the Foundation Room.  If you are an artist, brand, or startup who can talk about how you excel in social media in music, email [email protected] 
- Digital LA - CyberMonday panel, 12/1 @ General Assembly Santa Monica.  CALL FOR SPEAKERS from deals / shopping site or any e-commerce site that can talk about your digital online holiday promotions: deals, discounts, wishlists, gifting, etc. Email [email protected] with CYBERMONDAY as the subject.

- Digital LA - Holiday Party, 12/2 @ Station at W Hollywood, with IVY Entertainment.  We team up again with Ivy League alumni in entertainment for our annual holiday party at the Station at W Hollywood. Enjoy holiday cheer, musical performances TBA, and take pics with our models Hunky Santa or Angel Investa. 

- Digital LA - Best Content of the Year, with the TV Academy Interactive Peer Group, 12/3  @ The Crest Wilshire Theatre.  We celebrate some of the best new and award-winning digital content of the year at this event featuring panels with top content creators, and execs from multi-channel networks. Plus we will screen top episodes on the big movie screen at the historic Crest theatre in Westwood.  To apply or sponsor, email [email protected] with CONTENT as the subject.

- Silicon Beach Fest - Women of the Year Symposium.  We celebrate tech women who made a difference at this event, where we will also brainstorm action plans to increase women and girls in tech.  Details soon. If you run a women's tech group or just want to get involved, email [email protected] with WOMEN as the subject.

- Our Digital LA - Top 10 Digital Events of the Year noting news stories for LA tech is coming!

Silicon Beach News

Air New Zealand - Entrepreneurs Guide to LA.  Air New Zealand released its first inflight entertainment web series about LA, featuring our founder Kevin Winston at General Assembly, Dan Dato at Cross Campus and more. Watch video. 

Scopely raises $35M. Congrats Walter Driver CEO of Scopely raises $35M from TPG, EMC, Participant Media and Take-Two which makes the popular Grand Theft Auto game. Read Entrepreneur article. The Culver City based mobile game company has grown to 100 employes, and has recently hired executives from Disney and Electronic Arts. CEO Walter Driver has spoken at several of our Silicon Beach Fest panels, and sponsored free lunches for attendees at our two recent SBF - Hollywood fests.

Veterans Do Startups
DOWNTOWN - We honored veterans on Veterans Day with our event featuring a keynote by LegalZoom president Frank Monestere, panels of veteran entrepreneurs and investors, and a startup showcase pitch at the HUB LA in downtown LA.  PICS.

Frank Monestere described how he joined LegalZoom as COO, and helped grow the company from 12 employees to more than 700 currently, based in Glendale. He said his training in the service to organize and get things done is helpful in building and growing a startup. 

Startup CEO veterans said that service puts you in situations where you have to organize a plan with little resources and often missing information, skills which are perfect training for startup CEOs.

"In service, you are put in situations where you have to make order out of chaos," said Daniel Burton, founder of Dronebase, a commercial marketplace to buy and sell drones. "That's what you do when you're starting a company."

Investors said they like investing in veterans who have experience in "getting in and getting the mission done." The Bunker incubator will launch which funds veteran founders and services. 

Thanks to the HUB LA for hosting, and to our partners heartYN. Thanks also to the Soothe app for providing free massage neck and shoulder massages via two massage therapists. 

- Todd Hickman, Veteran Capital Advisors, President, and head of The Bunker LA chapter, an incubator for veteran-run tech businesses.
US Navy: Nuclear Submarine Officer. 

- Zack Helvey, Participation in 3 IPO companies and 1 additional successful exit to date. Formerly at Cornerstone OnDemand.

- Andre Stokes, Calabasas Capital, Managing Director. Over 15 years of investment banking, business strategy and corporate development experience.

- Boyd Bishop, Indomitable Entertainment, SVP Strategy and Business Development, Head of Digital. Lead initiatives for an executive production and consulting company across, television, theater/live events, and digital media
US Army: Captain; Miltary Academy, West Point. Harvard Business School


- Casey Wallace, CEO/Co-Founder. Piglt is crowdfunding for educational causes.
United States Air Force Officer: Business Operations for Military Space Satellites 

- David Gale, The Mighty Networks, CEO, Co-Founder. The Mighty Networks is a media brand devoted exclusively to the military community and its supporters. Formerly, David worked at MTV Networks.

- Kim Senn, Calico Ghost Creative, CEO/Founder. Previously worked at Walt Disney Internet Group and Airbone Mobile as SVP of Product.
US Army: Air Defence Artillery Officer.

- Sheryl Ryan, Infrastructure by Design, Founder. Sheryl consults with companies to improve their web sites and design.
United States Marine Corps: Air Traffic Control Radar Technician 

- Daniel Burton, Dronebase, CEO. Dronebase is building a marketplace for commercial drone services. Dan was previously with Goldman Sachs Technology.
U.S. Marine Corps. He has an MBA from HBS.

- Gregory Bishop, Musa Media & All Warrior Network, CMO/Partner. 

New LA Law Firms invest >$8M in startups. 
SANTA MONICA. Three of LA's new entrepreneurial law firms have invested more than $8M in startups in the past several years, representing a new model for lawyers who love entrepreneurs, said speakers at our Digital LA - Law Firm Investors panel at General Assembly in Santa Monica last night. 

Speakers from Richardson Patel, Manatt Digital and Stubbs Alderton & Markiles described the types of startup they are investing in, ranges, how they find them. Audience members pitched, and panelists gave feedback on pitches at our event, and some final tips for startups.

- These law firm investors have been a part of the Silicon Beach scene for the past several years, investing money mostly in seed and early series startups, as additional money following a lead investor. For example, Richardson Patel and its new RP Ventures has invested more than $4.5M over the past 5 years.

"We love entrepreneurs," said Nimish Patel, Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Richardson Patel, and RP Ventures Managing Director. "I'm an entrepreneur in a lawyer's body" he joked. 

- Stubbs Alderton & Markiles and its SAM Venture Partners funds $50-100K per startup, invests only in its clients (like Skype) and has invested $3M in startups in the past 8 yrs, said Scott Alderton, partner at Stubbs Alderton. It has recently launched FlashFunders, a no-fee online equity funding platform for entrepreneurs to publicly market their offerings. 

- Manatt Digital Services has invested in several startups including Admoic, Dance On Network, Mogreet, StrikeAd, BOOM Studios, and can call upon other services in the firm, said Sarah Chambers, Manatt associate. 

- These law firms like to invest in LA startups because there are more open ideas and creativity. It's less structured, cliquey, and who you know here compared to the Bay Area, speakers said. Everyone wants to try new idea and help each others succeed. 

- It's not a conflict of interest for law firms to invest in startups they do legal work for - it makes sure they believe in you, and are less likely to price-gauge you cuz they believe in you and want you to succeed. 

Speakers also offered tips for aspiring startups:
- Don't be a me-too company, do something unique. Don' try to be a Pinterest for fashion. Pinterest can do that. Aim bigger market, with a twist, said Alderton. 

- "Don't give up, keep fighting, cuz when it happens and you're successful, it's a beautiful thing," said Alderton.

Thanks to speakers for sharing with us, and thanks General Assembly for hosting! 
Follow @RichardsonPatel @StubbsAdlerton @Manatt @GA_LA. 


NEWS: Silicon Beach: Awesomeness, StyleHaul, Loot Crate

Awesomeness TV releases first feature film starring Vine star Cameron Dallas.  Awesomeness TV multi-channel network has announced a release date Dec 12 for its first feature film Expelled, featuring often-shirtless Vine Star Cameron Dallas (6.1M followers, appeals to similar teen girl audience that fueled #AlexFromTarget) as a charming high school student.  The film also features Vine star Marcus Johns (5.4M followers) and other top YouTubers from Fullscreen and other channels. The film releases in theaters in LA, NY and Chicago on Dec 12, and then online via Amazon, iTunes, Google Play, Target Ticket, and WalMart. Read articles: Hollywood ReporterTubefilter. This follows a increasing trend of YouTubers in feature films; YouTuber Shane Dawson just released Not Cool a few months ago, and Lionsgate is making a Smosh film. 

StyleHaul valued at $150M. Congrats to StyleHaul CEO Stephanie Horbaczewski, who announced a $107M stake by RTL Group that values StyleHaul at $150M, up to $200M if performance goals are met. RTL Group, which also owns Fremantle media (American Idol, X Factor, Americas Got Talent), acquired the beauty multichannel network, based in Hollywood with offices in New York. This also happens to be the largest valuation by a female founder company in Silicon Beach. Read Hollywood Reporter article. Stephanie spoke on one of our Digital LA - Fashion Panels a few years ago when she was just getting started.  Multi-channel networks valuations and activity have all increased since Maker Studios acquisition by Disney ($500M up to $950M); others include Fullscreen ($200-300M), Awesomeness TV ($33M up to $117M), and Big Frame ($15M).


Loot Crate, Dollar Shave Club, and Club W are featured LA subscription based startups in the LA Times article.  Loot Crate co-founders Chris Davis and Matt Arevalo have spoken on several of our Digital LA and Silicon Beach Fest panels. Loot Crate started as a Startup Weekend idea to put Comic-Con style swag in a $20 month subscription box. With strong social media, branding, and booths at major game conferences (will be at BlizzCon this wknd), it has grown to 200,000 subscribers in 10 countries in two years. Loot Crate has recently started working with Marvel, Funco, and other toy companies to develop exclusive Loot Crate co-branded products, like the Rocket Raccoon comic book where Rocket is holding a Loot Crate box, or a Groot with glow-in-the-dark hand sold at PAX Prime (photo right). LA Times Article. 


International LA startups are coming to LA, attracted by its more open nature, less cliquey, and community camaraderie and help-each other spirit, reports an LA Business Journal article.  Silicon Beach startups featured include Headspace, Vyclone, and EverSport TV, who have all spoken at our previous Digital LA and Silicon Beach Fest events. Our  founder Kevin Winston is also quoted in the LA Business Journal article. 

CDC Next Game Developers conference in downtown LA featured panels with game industry speakers covering development to game app marketing tips. Example: make sure your app has googly eyes if you can, because that's been shown to increase downloads. 

Comikaze fourth annual pop culture convention attracted 65,000 comics fans to the downtown convention center. Digital highlights: Lootcrate booth attracted fans with its bus and photobooth on the show floor. The monthly subscription box of game swag was founded at a Startup Weekend hackathon two years ago, and has since grown to more than 80 employees and hundreds of thousands of customers. Also: Web series panels and lots of cosplay including Ursula who was asking where Ariel was (photo right). See our Comikaze cosplay PICS. 
Hello Kitty Con attracted more than 26,000 fans downtown to see artists signings and buy exclusive merchandise celebrating Hello Kitty's 40th anniversary.  Digital tie-ins included Beats By Dre's Hello Kitty headphones (photo right), Maker Bot printing 3D Hello Kitty figures, and strong social media activity all weekend. See our PICS. 

Leadboost wins USC Silicon Beach VC pitch
Congrats Leadboost student startup wins the USC Silicon Beach VC pitch at its conference on Wed.  Leadboost #1 wins $25K, StatisLabs wins $15K, and #3 Movn wins $10K. 



Digital LA - Mental Health Goes Digital panel

SANTA MONICA - Clinicians, startups and therapists discussed digital tools including apps, sites and games they use to help prevent and treat depression, autism and other disorders at our first Digital LA - Mental Health panel at Conscious Recovery in Santa Monica. Mental health is a $150 billion industry, and front-running digital apps, sites, and tools are helping prevent and treat depression and other illnesses, and save lives. Read more in our blog


- PREVENTION is the key in health care, said Dr. Adi Jaffe of Alternatives, a tech-based behavioral health clinic in Beverly Hills. There are several apps that can help reduce stress, and prevent onset of depression and other mental disorders. For example, Venice-based HeadSpace creates yoga and meditation videos to increase focus and mental state. 

Clinician Matt Healy finds his patients also like music and white-noise apps that play rain or ocean sounds, because "they use these apps to control their environment, and even that is empowering' he said. He also said patients like apps and social networks that let them communicate and support each other. 

Other preventive apps and wearables can track your mood over time, and trigger alerts for changes in behavior:
- Optimism app tracks your mental health via once a day alert that asks u to enter your mood and happiness, Dr. Jaffe said. 
- Nightingale app lets u monitor your / your children behaviors to track mood, tantrums and behavior.
- The Apple Health app in iOS 8 tracks physical health, which can be used to approximate mental health. Several panelists hope that mood and happiness tracking could be added to future app updates. 
- The Melon headband tracks your EEG state. Melon is an MuckerLab accelerator alum. Other wearables include the Muse headband, which rewards you for thinking peaceful focused meditative thoughts. 

- Finding a health care provider to give treatment is a first step, and digital tools help facilitate that process. Sara Gershfeld created Love My Provider so parents of autistic children could find autism providers. Sara created Love My Provider because there was no digital directory of autism providers. "With Yelp you can find restaurants near you. I wanted to do the same with autism providers for children."

- Treatment: Several apps and games are starting to be used to treat depression and other disorders. The SPARX role playing game has helped teen boys overcome depression better than traditional therapy treatment, said creator Drake Pruit of LinkedWellness. In the game, players are rewarded with positive behavior and actions. In fact, gamification - offering digital points or badges or rewards is an area of much potential opportunity to encourage positive behaviors and thoughts for many mental illnesses. 

- Other tools that are not necessarily for mental health, can be used to help. For example, some clinicians use the 'If Then This That' to analyze 40 social feeds / email and trigger certain actions. For example, if a patient uses key words in their social stream like "depressed" , "exhausted", "hopeless", then a clinician receives an automatic email alert that could trigger an intervention.

Thanks to our speakers!
- Dr. Adi Jaffe, UCLA Ph.D. in Psychology, Executive Director of Alternatives, a technologically-informed behavioral health clinic based in LA. @LAdocJ

- Sara Gershfeld, MA, BCBA. Love My Provider, Founder. She to help parents of children with autism find the best care via a searchable database of more than 30,000 providers. @behaveinLA 

- Matthew Healy, LMFT, licensed marriage and family therapist, finds that patients like certain apps like Headspace for meditation and communicating with each other.

- Drake Pruitt, LinkedWellness, CEO. LinkedWelless' first product is SPARX, a role play mobile app game for kids that helps treat depression @drakep. 

Thanks to our host, Conscious Recovery, an affordable substance abuse center in Santa Monica, which aims to help stressed startup founder and others. Concscious Recovery sponsored our Silicon Beach Fest, and provided orange beach towels at our beach day events and pool party. @CRbyCLARE


Digital LA - Monster Marketing Panel scares up marketing tips

BEVERLY HILLS - Our thrilling panelists shared spirited marketing successes and horror stories at our pre-Halloween Digital LA - Monster Marketing panel at the Vampire Lounge in Beverly Hills. See our PICS.

Speakers included: KW Low, co-founder of DreadCentral, the largest horror news and review site; Lora Ivanova founder of ScareLA new Halloween convention; and Jack Davis, founder of the Crypt short-video app with Eli Roth. 


Digital LA - VFX of Guardians of the Galaxy Panel

HOLLYWOOD - Speakers from Marvel and Method Studios described how they made Rocket and Groot, Morag and Xander come to life via more than 2,400 VFX shots and 1,000 people, at our Digital LA - VFX of Guardians of the Galaxy panel at WeWork Hollywood.  Pics:

Our panel celebrated the importance of digital and VFX in filmmaking in Guardians of Galaxy, the #1 movie of 2014, with speakers Stef Ceretti, Marvel Production VFX Supervisor, and Koen Vroeijenstijn, Method Studios CG Supervisor.


CHARACTER VFX is key since Rocket and Groot are two of five main characters who are entirely digital. 

- Rocket: James Gunn and Framestore animators spent time with Oreo, a real raccoon, as the reference for Rocket's fur, movements, etc. Since mocap animation would make Rocket's movements look too human, he was also animated.

- Groot: To design Groot's tree structure and bark texture, MPC animators visited a botanical garden in London and took many pictures for reference. Since Groot doesn't talk, he must convey his emotions and thoughts via his body language via VFX animation. MPC animators did several tests of his walking and facial expressions - which were animated, not motion-capped. 

- Framestore built Rocket and MPC build Groot, and then they traded VFX assets to make sure that the characters looked consistent in their scenes.

SET VFX are also important in convincingly transporting viewers across the galaxy to new planets and locations Morag, Xander, the Collectors Lab and more.

- Morag: To help create this desolate planet, Stef visited the barren White Desert in Egypt for inspiration and reference. Images and footage of the Grand Canyon Yellowstone geysers and storms were also used as reference. 

- Xander: The gleaming city headquarters of the Nova Corps is inspired by several architectural landmark buildings from around the world including Singapore, Dubai and a train station in Berlin. These buildings were tweaked by adding color or other design elements, to create Xander city. 

- The Collectors Lab was fun and challenging, said Koen from Method Studios. VFX set designers had to make sure it wasn't too visually busy to overshadown the actors, but not too simple either because then it wouldn't look like a lab collections. Animators enjoyed adding VFX characters created for other films in the Collector's pods, including the Chitauri from Avengers, etc. SPOILER: Howard the Duck was added as a joke, which everyone liked so much that he eventually was animated in an after-credits scene. 

- James Gunn is very precise and hands-on, working with animators and studios on the characters, action and sets. He drew rough pictures and storyboards that were useful for animators to create pre-vis animations. 

- VFX filmmaking is moving more to shooting in real environments that add realism for the actors and lighting references for the VFX teams, and then swapping out certain elements with VFX. This is in contrast with films made a few years ago, where the actor shoots in a green screen room looking at ping pong balls, and VFX characters and environments are all added later, which can look fake. For example in Guardians, the director's brother Sean Gunn acted out Rocket's lines while squatting on set, which gave more realistic pacing and eyelines for actors to look at.

- Stef from Marvel said they used CineSync to manage multiple assets from a dozen different visual effects studios from LA, London, Vancouver, and more. Then they used Skype for "face-to-face" to discuss animation progress. 

Thanks to Marvel and Method Studios for supporting. Thanks to WeWork for hosting. And thanks to promotional partners including HollyShorts, TechZulu, Meltdown Comics, the Gnomon School, and the Stan Winston School. 

Thanks to our everyone for tweeting via #VFXguardians, including Director James Gunn who retweeted attendee's @SteveSievers pic of Oreo the raccoon. 

Follow: @Marvel @method_Studios, @WeWorkLA @MeltdownComics @HollyShorts @TechZulu @SwinstonSchool @GnomonSchoo. 

RT @stevesievers We learned last night at @digitalla #VFXguardians panel that director @JamesGunn had a raccoon named Oreo on set.

Digital LA - FinTech: Bitcoin and Mobile Payments panel
SANTA MONICA - Bitcoin experts, mobile payment CEOs, banks and new Silicon Beach startups showed that finance tech is a force in the LA Tech scene at our fintech summit at General Assembly in Santa Monica. Read Article on our new blog created by Kluge Interactive; see FB PICS

The summit featured three parts:

First, our Mobile Payments Panel featured experts from Silicon Beach startups including, Mobile Majority, Yapstone,, and City National Bank, who discussed mobile payments for consumers, merchants and banks.

- Thanks to apps like Starbucks, Uber, and Hotel Tonight, consumers are getting used to paying for things with their mobile phone. In some cases, consumers prefer to pay for things with their phone. Most mobile payments are done via apps that you add your credit card too. Consumers increasingly prefer apps where ticket selection, payment, and receiving tickets/confirmation/rewards are all done in-app without requiring email. Banks like City National Bank create mobile payment products for merchants by listening to what they want, said Simon Jaud, Tech Innovation Manager at City National Bank (photo right). City National Bank is also investing in some fintech startups. 

- Mobile payments is more than just paying for items with your phone. Smart mobile payments add loyalty rewards and incentives to encourage use, and allow tracking of consumer data. For example, the Starbucks app rewards 10 uses with Gold status free refills, and periodically sends customers free codes for coffee or food discounts.

- Apple payments is another platform, but it doesn't guarantee success. After Apple announced its platform, Walmart and Best Buy announced their own mobile payment platform. Many Android users won't be able to pay using it.

Second, GoCoin CEO, Steve Beauregard, delivered the Keynote with an overview of Bitcoin, and how his GoCoin company helps merchants create an account and generate Bitcoin forms or buttons to receive Bitcoin. He also described how GoCoin recently partnered with PayPal to be its Bitcoin provider, a huge landmark for the LA tech scene. Steve said that Bitcoin evangelist Brock Pierce introduced him to some Paypal executives at an event, and after much due diligence and paperwork, the deal was done.

Third, we ended the night with our Fintech Startup Showcase hosted by Amanda Coolong of Bitcoin News Weekly podcast, and Andreas Seckler of Kluge Interactive moderated the Startup Showcase, featuring five fintech startups doing 5 min pitches. Three judges included Bitcoin evangelist Brock Pierce with new Cryptocurrency company; Kathleen Utrech of Core VC which invests in FinTech, and Simon Jaud of City National Bank.

Tether CEO Reeve Collins (photo right) won both the judges and audience choice awards in the Startup Showcase, beating four other FinTech startups. Tether lets you link your Bitcoins to reduce volatility. As the winner, Tether is automatically entered to pitch Silicon Beach Fest 2015.

Laundromedia won judge's second place choice. Spare, which lets consumers know other users who have cash near them, won the audience choice to pitch based on its 30 second pitch. Other startup pitches included Expresscoin and ZenBox.

For more photos of the fintech summit, visit the DigitalLA Facebook page.

Below you can find detailed info about the speakers and companies from the fintech summit.

- Ben Katz,, CEO / Co-Founder. offers prepaid cards featuring brands like Care Bears, Sesame Street, Star Trek, & The Walking Dead. @CARD.

- Jack Bicer,, Founder. is a mobile security and payments company that eliminates passwords and brings single click payments to mobile browsers. @sekurme

- Dirk Rients, Mobile Majority, VP Brand Solutions. @mobile_majority.

- Josh Hall, YapStone, Head of Product Design. YapStone develops an electronic payments as a service technology for property management and other vertical markets @yapstone

- Simon Jaud, City National Bank

Steve Beauregard, GoCoin, CEO/Founder. GoCoin enables merchants to offer Bitcoin payment and recently announced it would be Paypal's Bitcoin provider. @GoCoin @GoCoinCEO

- Brock Pierce, Bitcoin evangelist and speaker @brockpierce
- Kathleen Utecht, Core Innovation Capital, Venture Partner. @CoreVC
- Simon Jaud, City National Bank, Technology Innovation Manager

Startup Showcase Producer: Andreas Seckler of Kluge Interactive
Startup Showcase Co-Host: Amanda Coolong, Bitcoin News Weekly podcast

Startup Pitches:

Reeve Collins, Tether, Co-founder / CEO. Tether is a virtual reserve that lets you make a deposit with your preferred currency and receive tethers - digital tokens that act like bitcoin, but without the volatility.

David Kessler, Laundromedia, Founder. Laundromedia is developing the first laundry payment system for washing machines to accept mobile payments, giftcards and pre-paid cards, eliminating the 25-cent quarter slots that dominate 70% of apt building laundry rooms. @laundromedia

Phillip Greene, Spare, COO/ Co Founder. Spare lets consumers with the app find others near them to lend cash.

Will Wheeler, ExpressCoin, Co-founder / CEO. ExpressCoin lets you buy bitcoin, dogecoin and litecoin without a bank account, and instead offers multiple payment alternatives including cash, money order, personal check, and wire transfer. @expresscoin.

Cailen Sullivan, ZenBox, co-founder and CEO. ZenBox owns and operates the largest network of Bitcoin kiosks by offering tangible, full-service access points for anyone to buy and sell bitcoin.

THANKS for tweeting:

RT @janmcnair Mobile payments tied with incentives especially w brands is the best way to accelerate the market.

RT @janmcnair Merchant acquisition is also a big deal for mobile / digital payments. Does competitive pressure force all to participate? @DigitalLA @GA.

RT @janmcnair What we learned in the initial phase of Bitcoin - anonymity does not protect you if you are breaking the law. @DigitalLA @GA #fintech

RT @janmcnair Chargebacks when legitimate are one of the issues that needs to be solved in the Bitcoin economy. @DigitalLA @GA #fintech

Thanks to General Assembly for hosting our event. Attendees will receive General Assembly offers and discounts via their enewsletter. We held our Silicon Beach Fest tracks for social media, design and developers at General Assembly in June.  We will plan more events at General Assembly Santa Monica on Second Street, and their just-opened annex on Broadway / 16th soon.

President Obama visits tech leaders at Cross Campus in LA 
President Obama talked tech and millenials in a town hall format at Cross Campus in Santa Monica, a landmark event for LA's tech scene and Silicon Beach. About 100 invite-only attendees included the Cross Campus community members and friends, and LA tech community leaders, including LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, LA's CITO Peter Marx and many more.

Watch White House video
Read White House transcript,
- Articles in LA Times, Yahoo!

"And when I come to places like this, it inspires me and reminds me of why I am chronically optimistic about the future of America," Obama said.

Full article in our Digital LA blog


Digital LA - Entertainment / Consumer Marketing Strategy.  Speakers from Activision, Live Nation, Maker Studios, StyleHaul, Moviepilot and Michelle Phan company shared how social media helps meet overall corporate marketing objectives at our panel at the new Regus Playa Vista.  Speakers said social is integrated thruout consumer marketing.  For example, Activision looks at the social followings of potential celebs and influencers to cast it its viral live-action video game trailers for Call of Duty franchise games.  Live Nation helps bands with their social media strategies.  When StyleHaul works with brands on marketing deals, social activation plays a huge role in the campaigns. Michelle Phan's company integrates social every day by connecting with what fans are feeling, and topics of the day. 

- Marketing strategy at both large companies and startups includes social media at increasingly higher levels. At large companies, marketing VPs are becoming more hands-on with social. At startups, the CEO can push social initiatives, said Tobias Bauckhage, of Moviepilot, who can rally his startup team around social.

- Large companies increasing look at the social media followings of their marketing partners and talent. Activision, which famously casts actors like Megan Fox and Sam Worthington in its live-action trailers for its Call of Duty games, looks at social media followings of celebrities, athletes, and YouTuber influencers as a factor in selecting partners. Influencers with high social followings are sent copies of new video games, and many automatically post pics on Twitter and Instagram saying "just got the new game" which their fans like and share.

- Companies that work with or manage talent can help with their social media. Live Nation works with hundreds of artists, most of whom have their own sites and social media accounts, to help on coordinate social strategies for concerts and tours, said Tim Carr, Live Nation Director of Social Media. Maker Studios helps its YouTubers with tools for social media performance tracking, and strategies for campaigns like events. StyleHaul works with its beauty bloggers on social strategies for NY Fashion Week, Emmys, client campaigns, and other events.

- While entertainment and consumer brands specialize in using social media to drive certain business objectives, they can each learn tools from other industries to help growth in new areas:
- Movies specialize in using social media to create initial awareness of a film release six-months to a year plus in advance, then build strong social buzz two weeks before a film release with sweeps, countdowns, and more to drive a large opening weekend. For franchises, movies are starting to adopt sustaining social strategies to keep fans engaged between releases 


- Games also use social media to create buzz around release, but include post-release social strategies because the game is still on shelves or available for download for months. 

- Music: Bands are especially good at maintaining ongoing relationships with their fans thruout via daily or weekly social media posts about their lives. Some are starting to learn tools movies use to create more excitement about their concert tour dates.  


- YouTube stars are masters at being socially connected to their fans daily thru Twitter, Instagram, etc. and daily to weekly for posting YouTube videos and getting comments. Wendy Wong said that Michelle Phan connects with her fans via daily/weekly YouTube videos, adding that as her fan base matures, she matures with it, creating some new videos like beauty tips for the workplace, while still creating new how-to videos for new younger fans.

- Ensure your social strategy, message, and voice is consistent cross platform.

- Tracking Social Media ROI. Sites can also social-share links with embedded tracking codes, or ask the consumer to enter discount codes, which both help track social media ROI. Since Live Nation owns Ticketmaster, they are uniquely able to track results of a social media buy-ticket links to actual tickets purchased. For example, analysis can track how much revenue ticket sales came from a particular tweet or Facebook post.

THANKS to Regus Playa Vista for hosting us. Thanks to our awesome speakers!

- Mike Pelletier, Activision, Senior Marketing Manager for Call of Duty titles. Oversees consumer marketing for Call of Duty, the largest entertainment brand in the world. Responsible for branding, strategic development and agency management of all consumer facing materials including TV ads, digital, and trailers. Advanced Warfare and previously Black Ops II, Call of Duty Online (China),Call of Duty Elite and Black Ops.

- Tim Carr, Live Nation Entertainment, Director of Social Media - Concerts Division. Tim manages a team overseeing national brand channels and large-scale campaigns across multiple platforms for major touring acts like Maroon 5, Coldplay, P!NK, DMB, Madonna, NIN, Rihanna, U2, Black Sabbath, and festivals such as JAY-Z's Budweiser Made in America Festival, which debuted last month in downtown LA. @LiveNation @TimCarrLA

- Wendy Wong, Michelle Phan, Director of Operations. Worked on digital strategy with beauty guru Michelle Phan, who recently signed with Endemol BEYOND. Over the past four years, Wendy helped build and utilize Michelle's combined 10M+ social network audience to develop a range of brands, including: cosmetics line under L'Oreal; a beauty social networking site, a MCN network partnered with Endemol; upcoming Random House book, as well as other upcoming ventures. Wendy work in all areas of the business including social media strategies, brand partnership, financial management, PR, art and video productions, developing partnership with non-profit organizations, bookings, etc.

- Tobias Bauckhage, Moviepilot, Co-Founder. Moviepilot's LA office builds a social media community of 27M movie Facebook fans with a web reach of 50M views per month via Tobias also works with multiple movie studios including 20th Century Fox, Sony, A24, and Focus Features on social media campaigns, developing strategy and executing buys via Facebook and Twitter. @moviepilot

- Shirley Yang, StyleHaul, Director Social Strategy and Product. StyleHaul is the leading beauty & fashion multi channel network with over 45,000 channels on YouTube in 61 countries and a combined social reach of 174MM+. Shirley heads up social media strategies for both content publishing and revenue products where she designs social campaigns leveraging the power of YouTube stars. Recent campaigns include Destination Beauty launch with L'OREAL Paris at the Emmys, Web Therapy original series starring Lisa Kudrow to be aired on ShowTime with a launch on StyleHaul YouTube channel first. @stylehaul   


- Darius Nothaft, Maker Studios, VP of Network 



Digital LA - Startups Go Social. Silicon Beach startups shared how they use social media to increase awareness, build their brands, measure results and optimize, and engage their communities at the Regus Santa Monica. Thanks startups including Loot Crate (subscription pop culture swag in a monthly box, Laurel & Wolf (crowdsource interior design), Famous Birthdays (birthday listings), The Dirt (paleo skin care e-commerce site) and The Crypt (short-video horror app).  Complete write up to follow. 


Digital LA - Social Media for Social Good  

Tell your story, and communicate via the appropriate social media platforms are key for social good startups, said speakers at our Digitla LA - Social Media for Social Good panel for Social Media Week LA. Our peakers represented six Silicon Beach startup businesses that focus on social good, while also making revenue, at our panel at Regus Santa Monica. PICS. 


- ALL ABOUT THE STORY. Understand the story of your startup, or the people you help, and what resonates with audiences. Rather than just tell people to "Donate now", they must understand the story of who you are, or your audience. For example: Startup UCLA accelerator Enrou is a clothing and accessory e-commerce shopping site with items made by social good organization or local artisans and handicrafts makers from LA to Africa. Enrou is focusing on telling the stories of say, the village jewelry maker who makes jewelry out of bomb fragments, via photos, and in the future, even letting customers communicate with them, said Enrou CEO Ann Wang.

As you tell partners' stories, make sure you do so with their consent, so its not exploitive. The Giving Keys, which employs the homeless in LA to make inspirational keys and jewelry that you buy and pass on, is careful to highlight only the homeless who are eager to tell their story, said Brit Moore, Managing Director of the Giving Keys. 

- PICK the SOCIAL TOOL to match your story telling and your audience / cause. Make sure you are telling a compelling story across the right social media, said Jasmine Youssefzadeh, founder of filmanthropos, an agency that specializes in storytelling. 
- Facebook is one of the top tools for social good startups, for posting photos, videos, and enough text to tell a story, with links to click for more info / donate/ etc.
- Twitter is good for reminders and links, but it's difficult to tell a story in 140 characters. Twitter click-to-donate rates aren't as high as other social media


- Instagram helps tell your story via photos, but doesn't have links for action (unless you include your URL as your location). 
- Snapchat, Vine, Pinterest, and Google+ aren't often used for social good campaigns as they are too short to tell a good story.

- ALIGN WITH CELEBS and influencers. Several of the startups partner with influencers via founders' entertainment connections, a benefit of being in LA. Klickly founder actress Cooper Harris leverage her entertainment connections to reach celebs like Maroon 5 and Justin Timberlake to integrate Klickly's one-click-to-donate tools into their social good campaigns. Omaze routinely partners with celebs like JJ Abrams to provide donate-for-access campaigns that are extremely popular and go viral among celeb fan bases. 




Streamys Recap

Streamys recognizes top digital content creators The fourth annual Streamys awards recognized top digital content creators with a fun awards show including top YouTubers and Vine stars as presenters and winners, at the Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills on Sunday.  See our PICS. 

Online comedians Hannah 

Hart and Grace Helbig hosted the show, which presented awards in 14 categories including best Drama, Action/Sci-Fi, Fashion, Beauty, Gaming, and Original Song. Tyler Oakley won Entertainer of the Year.  

After an amazing Streamys awards show at the Beverly Hilton, several Streamys winners, nominees, presenters, performers, sponsors, and friends continued celebrating at our Digital LA - Streamys after-party at a private house in Beverly Hills. See pics:

Attendees from multiple multichannel networks, indie projects, and others in online video enjoyed dancing, playing ping pong and making s'mores til late in the evening. Different areas of the house were themed to different Streamys awards categories: Food in the kitchen, Dance for the TV room, Beauty for the Master Bathroom, and Sports for ping-pong in the game room.




Silicon Beach Fest 2014 Highlights
SANTA MONICA:  By the numbers: our third Silicon Beach Fest attracted more than 2,000 attendees and featured more than 375 speakers on 65 panels, 25 startup showcase pitches, 10 parties, 5 beach games and 1 pool party over four days in Santa Monica.  Plus we held an impromptu after-pool party at the Viceory (photo right) where we gave out swag including SBF beach balls, towels, shades, right where we held the Demand Media opening party the week before.  


Women at Silicon Beach Fest: 1 in 3 speakers were women! Here are some!


Inside Facebook covered the Big Brands, Startups and Social panel with speakers Jeff Jenkins, Resident Disruptor at Taco Bell / Yum Brands; Mark Wallrapp of Facebook, Tim Sovay of the Audience, and Chris Denson of OMD, moderated by Julie Engles of Tribemint, at General Assembly.


- Monocle upscale magazine podcast interview with Kevin Winston and attendees Crystal Rose and more. 


- Watch the SBF recap teaser trailer, password "voices", created by our cinematographer NewCineLogic. 


- Several Silicon Beach Fest discounts are still good, including the WeWork free month of hot desk coworking, Tiato restaurant discounts, Lyft, Instacart, Humin, and more. 


SOCIAL: Attendees tweeted and Instagrammed (see photo right) much love for the fest, saying it was educational, inspiring, and fun. 


"Pitching #SBF was a great experience! And we got investor meetings," tweeted Cassie Betts, who pitched District2.Co as one of the 25 startups in the Startup Showcase. 


"Such a great time today at @SBFestLA. It feels good to be part of such an awesome, supportive community," tweeted Andrew Lee Schmidt @iamthecommodore.


"#SBF is awesome :) thanks for the great t-shirts, great people, & great weather! So happy to be in LA today. #digitalla" tweeted @MollyMaloofMD


"WOW! Watching a panel of amazing women talking about their wildly successful businesses. Time to think BIGGER. #SBF" tweeted Rachel Kornak @rkornak.


"@GreenerEquity was stoked to sponsor this year's @SBFestLA. The event has been a great time with a ton of great learning and networking. #SBF" tweeted @TrentRead of Greener Equity.


Congrats social media influencers who ranked top 3 in the PulsoViral leaderboard, which tracks both number of tweets and Instagram mentions with #SBF and @SBFestLA.  PulsoViral ran the social media wall at various venues, and tracks usage with post-event reports. All influencers win a free SBF T-shirt!

-  Top 3 by number of tweets/Instagrams:  @JasonOkuma, @WilliamVonNoll @EvanGreenberg


- Top 3 by estimated reach (number of tweets x followers): @MarshaCollier, @DrMichelleRoss, @jasonokuma


Digital Content Fest speakers at VidCon
Several speakers in the SBF Digital Content Fest track spoke at VidCon, the YouTuber fan convention that attracts 18,000 attendees to see their fave YouTubers at the Anaheim Convention Center June 26-28.


- Will Keenan, President of Endemol BEYOND, spoke on the post NewFronts panels, with speakers Kim Robinson of Yahoo!, Vanessa DelMuro from StyleHaul, Adam Smith of VEVO, and Terry City of Buzzfeed, moderated by Lori Schwartz.  He spoke on the VidCon - Hollywood panel.


- Sarah Penna, co-founder of Big Frame, spoke on the Female Founders panel, and the YouTube Nation panel organized by Weintraub Tobin, with YouTube Nation execs. She spoke on the VidCon Industry Day ballroom panel


- Dan Weinstein, President of the Collective Digital Studio, spoke on the Meet the MultiChannel Networks panel with Beatriz Acevedo, President of Mitu Network, Kelly Day of Awesomeness TV, Aaron Mattison of Machinima, Khudor Annous of Fullscreen, Matt Patrick of Defy Media, and Thom Kozik of Omnia Media. He spoke on the VidCon panel Talent panel. 


SBF brings community together: "We're excited to get the LA tech community together in the third year of the fest," said Silicon Beach Fest founder Kevin Winston, Digital LA CEO. "This year's speakers included startups, CEOs, VCs, investors, Hollywood studios, digital content creators, city officials, university faculty, social media gurus and more, focusing both on trendy new apps, and businesses that have been cornerstones of the LA tech scene, from Santa Monica to Hollywood, Downtown, and Pasadena." Digital LA pics are posted all in one album. 


Thanks Sponsors and supporters: 
- Premiere: Demand Media
- Platinum: City National Bank
- Gold: Media Temple, Business Wire, Richardson Patel, Sheppard Mullin


- Gold Organizers: Digital LA, Radix Collective (PR), Kluge Interactive (branding, website, banners), JNB Events (production), Social Envi (social), PromoJam (VIP party), NearWoo (VIP pre-party), Shore Hotel, Viceroy Santa Monica


- Bronze: Stubbs Alderton & Markiles, Siemer & Associates, Verizon EdgeCast, Cornerstone OnDemand, Latham & Watkins, Orange, AdColony, Weintraub Tobin, Technical Connections, Greener Equity, CallFire, Conscious Recovery by CLARE, and Open X.


Professional Pics. 
- Tag your self in professional photog Fabio Tovar's pics, organized by day. 


 - WED: Demand Media Opening Party: 
 - THU: Thursday Panels: 
 - THU: Thursday Parties: 
 - FRI:  Friday Panels: 
 - FRI:  Media Temple Closing Party: 
 - SAT: Beach Games and Pool Party: 
 - WED: SBF After-Party at Viceroy: 


PRESS covered Silicon Beach Fest, from local press to national coverage.  Press is rolling in every day as journalists write their articles. Below is what we've seen so far.  If you write an article or blog, tweet us the link so we can add to this list. 
- Fox 11 News did live coverage from the SBF Gadget Sanbox on Friday. Watch 
- Red Carpet TV covered the PromoJam Orange Soda VIP party at 41 Ocean
- Neon Tommy of USC wrote articles including an SBF Overview, the YouTuber MCN Digital Content creator panel, and the Social TV Panel 
- The Mix Agency blogged about Day 1 from the panels to Startup Showcase
- Conscious Recovery by CLARE blogged about SBF - thank them for the towels!
- On Quora, Antone J blogged about the Dude: Surf and Skate panel #OnlyAtSBF


This year's third summer Silicon Beach Fest featured speakers from both cool new startup apps, and also LA companies that have been leaders in tech for decades. The fest featured several high profile speakers who've built businesses and contributed greatly to the LA tech ecosystem including surgeon-entrepreneur Patrick Soon-Shiong of NANTWORKS, Frank Addante CEO of Rubicon Project which recently IPO'd, and Chet Pipkin founder of Belkin. 


Womens Track:  One in three Silicon Beach Fest speakers are women, which some attendees speculated must be a record for a general tech conference.  The women's track featured eight panels of all-women speakers including: Women VCs and Investors, Female Founders, Fundraising from the Female Perspective, Women Developers, Social Media and Politics, How to Get More Women into Tech, Mom Startups, and  PR for Startups.  Kristen Moore headed up the Women's Track with panels organized by from Justine Lassoff, Melinda Moore, Marina Lee, and Josie Roman. Attendees enjoyed the women-focused panels on social media. RT @vee_isabel: A panel of all women entrepreneurs! @demandmedia @CareerSushi @DanceOnNetwork @ThreeDayRule @ecosalon! #SBF.


Startup Showcase packed the Cross Campus - Main Stage
Startup Showcase: AIO Robotics, a USC Viterbi student accelerator alum, was a breakout success at SBF.  At the Startup Showcase, AIO Robotics beat 25 other startups to win the Silicon Beach Fest 2014 - Startup Showcase title, including a trophy printed by HexLabs, $5K cash prize, Sheppard Mullin legal services, Surf Air flight, one month co-working space at Cross Campus, and a Rockreation rockclimbing package for teambuilding.  AIO Robotics was one of six finalists including five judge-selected finalists including Authorly, Sidevision, Portal Entertainment, Superhuman Technologies, and the Audience Choice winner Daterz, determined by CallFire text-to-vote.  "We had amazing diverse startups this year, from apps to 3D printing to wearables," said Andreas Seckler, producer of the Startup Showcase.  Jens received the SBF Startup Showcase Trophy at the Awards Ceremony at the Media Temple Closing party (photo tweeted by @JasonOkuma). 


Gadget Sandbox. While AIO Robotics founder Jens Windau was pitching at the Startup Showcase at Cross Campus, his co-founder Christian Siagian was doing a Fox 11 live news interview at the Gadget Sandbox. Watch the Fox 11 Gadget Sandbox video.  The Gadget Sandbox, at a popup store on Second St,  featured more than a dozen "tech you can touch" companies including the Eco Reco solar powered scooter, Art Science Labs augmented reality, Acrobotic, CareBeacon health tech, and more. TYLT showcased dozens of battery charging backpacks and speakers, many of which were given away to attendees.  The Gadget Sanbox included a 3D printing panel with speakers from AIO Robotics, CADsurf, HexLabs and New Matter discussing the rise of 3D printing.


Media Temple Closing Party @ Cross Campus - PICS
The Media Temple Closing Party packed Cross Campus. Guests enjoyed aerialists, dance performances, mirror boxes, a video wall, Sprinkles (mt) and Silicon Beach Fest cupcakes, and a delicious  steak, shrimp, and lobster menu that people kept talking about the rest of the weekend.  Media Temple president Russ Reeder welcomed attendees, and SBF founder Kevin Winston and Andreas Seckler presented the award. See PICS.  




Program Highlights


Chet Pipkin, Belkin founder shared great tips on leadership in starting a company, and building Belkin, which has been in LA for 30 years on routers and more, perhaps the original silicon of Silicon Beach. RT @leahapolk: Be authentic and genuine...and get ready to work your a** off. Advice from @Belkin's @chetpipkin to future entrepreneurs 


- Frank Addante, Rubicon Project CEO, discussed founding Rubicon and building the business to its recent IPO. Frank gave advice on fundraising, saying ""If you don't like the valuation, take little. If you like it, take as much as you can."


- Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong showed his new machine vision iPhone app the Looktel Recognizer that lets blind people use their phone to read labels, and a augmented reality app that lets you play basketball with a code on a shoe


- Building a Business panel gave useful tips, featuring speakers: Dan Brian, EVP Media from Demand Media; Russ Reeder, President of Media Temple, Chirag Shah of Cornerstone OnDemand, and Robyn Ward of UTA, moderated by David Carter, Amplify LA partner. Russ Reeder of Media Temple said, "Companies are bought, not sold. If you're building to sell, it's probably not going to work out."


- LA City and Silicon Beach: Peter Marx LA City's Chief Innovation Technology Officer and city officials Michelle Garakian, and 11th District Councilmember Mike Bonin, and Jennifer Taylor from City of Santa Monica, talked about how LA city, Santa Monica, and the tech community can increase communication.  Peter Marx describe initiatives including Eric Garcetti's inaugural #techLA conference, which featured civic and transportation panels and a hackathon at LA City Town downtown on May 31. 


- VCs Investing in Silicon Beach featured VCs and investors describing what sectors and what they are looking for, and types of investments they are making in Silicon Beach companies.  Speakers included Eva Ho of Susa Ventures, Matt McCall of Pritzker Group, David Travers of Rustic Canyon, Gerard Casale of TYLT Lab, organized and moderated by Mark Landry of Dynamic Synergy. 



- Digital Content Fest featured top MCNs and content companies including Fullscreen, Machinma, MiTu Network, Awesomeness TV, YouTube Nation, and more.  Then content creators including Taryn Southern, Fouseytube,and What's Trending's Shira Lazar and discussed how they create contend, work with brands, and build and grow their audiences on and off YouTube.  "With the Digital Content Fest, we wanted to give content creators a chance to screen and talk about their work," said Ben Stanley, producer of the screening series. 


Panel summaries by panel moderators.  If you want to feature a panel, send us a summary at [email protected] with SUMMARY as subject.


- Fundraising from the Female Perspective - Our impressive panel of women CEOs gave practical advice and humorous anecdotes. All of the founders have successfully raised capital for their companies - from early angel rounds to $200M+ private equity investments. Speakers shared their insights into a diverse range of fundraising paths, including: crowdsourced funding, angel investments, VC investments, strategic investments from corporate partners, celebrity investors, startup accelerator programs and private equity. Moderated by Kristen Moore. Speakers included:

* Lina Chen, Co-founder & CEO, Nix Hydra, whose passion for her girls mobile game app and knowledge of her all-female market were instrumental in overcoming challenges women face when raising capital.
* Courtney Nichols Gould, CEO & Co-founder, Smarty Pants Vitamins, who took a targeted and disciplined approach to raising only the capital she needed at the time from a crowdfunding platform specifically for consumer products.
* Adriana Herrera, Founder & CEO, ShopParity, who is part of a startup accelerator program that gives her the benefit of mentorship she likens to having "uncles" looking after her business.
* Nanxi Liu, CEO & Co-founder, Enplug, who credits much of her success to carefully selecting people and building those relationships - with her founding team (five of them lived and worked in a 1 bedroom/1 bath apartment in the early days) and her investors.
* Meridith Valiando Rojas, Co-founder & CEO, DigiTour Media, who made key connections during a women's startup competition that led to finding strategic investors.
* Therese Tucker, CEO & Founder, BlackLine Systems, who bootstrapped her company to profitability before eventually finding a private equity investor she could trust as a partner to help her take her business to the next growth stage.   

- Future of Air and Space Startups. The aerospace industry's contributions to California's economy is equal to the agricultural and entertainment industry combined. The aerospace community is pretty close-knit where many people in aerospace start-ups know each other. After commercial space transportation is complete, work will focus on space hotels and faster international travel like the Concord. Challenges: government legislation, areas to test vehicles that are also habitable for family life. Opportunities: Look at software applications for aerospace, where there are still many needs. Speakers: Moderator Norris Tie of UCLA with: Will Pomerantz, VP of Special Projects at Virgin Galactic; PJ King, COO of FireFly Space Systems;  Robert Jacobson, Principal at Space Angels Network;  Dezso Molnar, Inventor; Nelson Paez, Founder and CEO of DreamHammer; Eugene Nemirovsky, Project Engineer at Scaled Composites. Additional resources, and Space Angels blog. 


- Entertainment As A Force For Good was a first-of-its-kind discussion about using media, film, news and television for positive social change. Panelists from Omaze, TakePart/Participant Media, Synergy TV Network, TrueSpark, and The Hollywood Journal came together to answer the tough questions about how to make a difference in the world of entertainment. The packed room was interested, engaged, and inspired by their good work happening in Hollywood. Moderated by writer @samarabay.
@Omaze discussed how to create a personal win and a cause-based/charity win on their platform where dreams become a reality
@TakePart covered the importance of statistics, research, and measurement to prove social impact after a film's release
@SynergyTVNet encouraged social good action by asking the audience to share mindful media and uplifting videos to create a larger conscious community
@TrueSparkOrg discussed the power of movies to be used as teaching tools to help students learn character traits and make better life choices
@SouloftheBiz (Hollywood Journal) talked about how news can shine a light on all the good things happening in the world and gives people a platform to share their inspiring story


- All Eyes on Beauty panel featured YouTube beauty stars: Julie GKayley Melissa and Eva Gutowski (MyLifeAsEva) alongside Beauty TV CEO/Founder Rob Angelino, former VP at NYX and Calvin Klein Beauty Jeffrey Ten, and Head of Biz Dev for IPSY Corey Weiss. The panel was moderated by executive producer Adam Wescott. In 2013, YouTube boasted over 15B beauty-related videos (that's a lot of smokey eye tutorials!). Plus, platforms like Yahoo!, Pinterest, and more continue to expand their beauty-related offering. The panelists acknowledged the importance of creating content based on viewer/consumer needs and the power of digital influencers to share and promote beauty products. Video recap at 


- Building a Business Around Moms panel was packed.  Moderated by Jedd Gold, Co-Founder of Artkive and Tastemaker Mom, the panel featured Kara Nortman - Co-Founder of PSXO, Christine Shimizu - Dir. of Marketing at The Honest Company, Paulette Light - Co-Founder of Momstamp, and television host and lifestyle & family blogger Jill Simonian.  The conversation covered topics including acquiring mom users for your business, how to appropriately do blogger outreach, the importance of mentors, building mom ambassador groups, and more.


- 21 Million Hispanics Online - How You Can Reach and Engage with Martha de la Torre, founder of EC Hispanic Media and El Clasificado, Joe Kutchera, head of Hispanic content for Flipboard, Ana Flores, founder of Latina Bloggers Connect, and Frederick Hansen, head of business development for Click Performance Group, also added, "You have to be aware of all segments of the population because nowadays everyone wants to stay connected through their phones." The panel was moderated by Elias Chavando, social media specialist and partner at Applied Marketing Strategies. Read Article.  


- LGBT Startups. Damian Pelliccione from New Media Vault and BoysInTech moderated the LGBT STartups panel. Dave O'Brien from talked about his experience's with working for the city of West Hollywood and the Gay and Lesbian Center to create LA's highly acclaimed and successful webseries, seen on billboards and bus-stops all around Los Angeles. Len Lanzi from LAVA and StartOut discussed the challenges facing any new startup when sourcing seed funding with focus on LGBT startup challenges. "Having the best possible marketing strategy" is what really hooks our VC's said Frank Mastronuzzi also a StartOut board of director and CEO of LGBT long-term dating site Serge GojKovich formally of Spark PR talked about his experience with Grindr, Jac'd and Mister dating apps. "Creating interesting Stories" was Wadooah Wali discussed as she talk about her experience both as a documentary film maker and head of communications for Fullscreen.


- Digital Health. myLAB co-founders Lora Ivanova and Ursula Hessenflow led a conversation with innovative C-level peers Arye Barnehama of Melon, Cavan Canavan of Focus Solutions, and Dr. Molly Maloof of GeneSolve, joined by audience of health innovators and thought leaders. The conversation spanned across legislature changes, tech trends and the future of user-empowered care.



- How to Win the War for Tech Talent panel, moderated by Marc Cohen - EVP and Co Founder of ConSol Partners, featuring, George Kilroy, Yahoo! Director of Talent Acquisition; Scott Mackinnon, Technical Connections VP, Scott Brown, Media Temple, Head of Engineering; Tino Lucente, Verizon EdgeCast, Recruiting Manager and Mike Prasad. Key Points: There's a real race for talent - this is a global tech challenge.  Need to build long term relationships and networks of talent that you can access in future via developer events/parties/challenges, building relationships with universties, and sponsoring developer hackathons, meetups, and of course Silicon Beach Fest! Once you find IT talent, secure them via your focus on culture (unlimited vacation time/office environment), equity, hours etc.. A good company vision, people, strategy and growth is more far more important than money. Always be looking for talent, always interviewing, always open to hiring. pic by @ideanerd


- E-Gov and Mobility. Mobile technology is changing the relationship between citizens and their government. "Being a citizen with a mobile phone in the 21st century lets you push back and hold the government accountable" said Adriel Hampton, VP of Biz Dev for NationBuilder. Tara Roth, President of the Goldhirsh Foundation, pointed out that technology and the sharing economy allow people to crowdsource ideas, and use alternative models for activating citizens and government. Security is the next big challenge for e-government. "There is a massive conflict between security and cost efficiency and functionality in the public sector and e-government." noted Alan Silberberg, Gov20LA and moderator. Lillian Cavalieri, iPrecint Founder and CEO, brought up powerful points on how the digital divide is still an issue of our fragmented socio-economic landscape and generational gaps technological proficiency.


Demand Media Opening Party @ Viceroy - PICS



Opening Party: We enjoyed complimentary Demand Media cupcakes with the letter D for delicious, talked to the friendly TeleSign folks at their booth for comp drink tickets, and enjoyed passed flatbreads thanks to Max CDN content delivery services and Latham & Watkins gave away some swag.  See pro PICS. 


We had a blast at the SBF TechZulu Tech Crawl - Venice edition, where 200 attendees hopped to tech companies around Abbott Kinney and Main Street in Venice. We started at Amplify accelerator and NextSpace, then visited OpenMail, Epoxy TV, Omaze, The Bouqs with a grand finale at the new 800 Main special event space, with four stories, a pool and a treehouse.  Thanks to participating companies.  Omaze and The Bouqs founder will be speaking on SBF panels on Friday.  See our Opening Party  PICS






Beach Games - PICS



After three intense days of panels and parties, SBF attendees took to the beach on Saturday with our SBF Beach Games to continue networking at Aqua Surf surfing lessons, Vilebrequin volleyball, basketball, our first Bike Ride sponsored by Sheppard Mullin, and advanced surfing. See beach pics. 





On Sunday, we relaxed at our SBF cabana pool side at the W Westwood. See PICS. 




Thank you SBF Volunteers! Thank you to our more than 100 friendly SBF volunteers, who have been so helpful, in red American Apparel shirts, helping out at the fest.  We couldn't do this without you! 


SBF Discounts: Remember that there are SBF discounts available with your pass, including Tiato restaurant, Instacart, Lyft, and more!  Go to the SBF discounts page at 



THANKS to our Sponsors!

for making Silicon Beach Fest possible and supporting LA's tech scene: 

Thanks Premiere Sponsor:
Demand Media: presented awesome SBF Opening Party and VIP party at the Viceroy, with eight speakers on panels including Dan Brian EVP Media on the Building a Business panel, Content Marketing, Developer Roundtable, Women Developers, Digital Content Fest, Storytelling, Legal Advice, and more.

Thanks Platinum Sponsor:
City National Bank:  speakers on the Entertainment, Mobile Payment, Women VCs / Investors and more. 

Thanks Gold Sponsors: 

Media Temple: Hosted amazing Closing Party at Cross Campus with excellent food, dancers, aerialists, magician, photobooth, and Startup Showcase awards.  Media Temple President Russ Reeder welcomed attendees. Media Temple hosts web sites, including the Silicon Beach Fest and Digital LA web sites.

Richardson Patel LLC:  organized the Crowdfunding panel which Skyped in congressman Patrick McHenry

Business Wire's Serena Ehrlich moderated the PR for Startups panel, plus Business Wire had a table so companies could learn about its press release services. Contact: [email protected]

Sheppard Mullin provided prizing of legal services for the Startup Showcase winner AIO Robotics, plus presented the Beach Games on Saturday, including the Bike Ride organized by Ben Stanley, with beginner to LaGrange riders. 

Thanks Organizing Sponsors:
Radix Collective provided official PR for SBF in its third year. Want a PR firm that gets tech?  Contact [email protected]
Kluge Interactive provided the official web site and banner and signage graphics.  Want a branding firm that can both do your web site that looks good on laptop, mobile, tablet AND can do offline banners, brochures and graphics? Contact [email protected]
Cross Campus - hosted Thur/Fripanels, Startup Showcase and Closing Party. Offers monthly coworking space at open desks or private offices.
General Assembly hosted Friday panels and the Throwback Thursday party
- PromoJam hosted the VIP LA Innovators party at 41 Ocean. Offers social media services to increase engagement. 
JNB Events produced SBF. If u want help organizing a conference, call [email protected]
Social Envi - social media agnecy. if you want help with social, email [email protected]
Shore Hotel hosted our panels on Thursday and Friday
Viceroy Santa Monica hosted our Opening Party

Thanks Bronze sponsors:
Weintraub Tobin presented the YouTube Nation panel

Cornerstone OnDemand - provided Grilled Cheese Truck on Thurs  

Stubbs Alderton Markiles hosted a legal panel and cocktail party at their offices.


Thanks to Conscious Recovery by CLARE, which provided the beach towels. Silicon Beach Fest would like to thank Conscious Recovery by CLARE Foundation for their sponsorship in this year's festivities. @CRbyCLARE is a nonprofit, therapeutic treatment and counseling center located in the heart of Santa Monica. Conscious Recovery specializes in help with drug and alcohol, anxiety, depression, relationships and stress...including
stress due to work! Conscious Recovery offers a warm and modern sanctuary
with qualified professionals to help entrepreneurs like us manage our
exhilirating and demanding lives. Conscious Recovery wrote about SBF in its blog. 

Thanks also to: Latham and Watkins, Open X, Max CDN (opening party appetizers), AdColony, Telesign, Greener Equity, CallFire (text-to-vote), Conscious Recovery (beach towels), Time Warner Cable Business Services, WeWork, Orange, Technical Connections (presented Developer track), PulsoViral (social media wall)

Thanks to In-kind sponsors: Surf Air (prizes), olloclip, Santa Monica Convention and Tourism, Quest Nutrition bars, The Bouqs (flowers), Lyft, Instacart, Huberts Lemonade, ON Beverages, Ommegang Brewery, Mrs. Fields cookies, Pretzel Crisps, Deep Eddy Vodka, NeurLabs (official app), Zen Monkey (yogurt). 

If you'd like to sponsor next year's Silicon Beach Fest, June 17-20, 2015, or this fall's Silicon Beach Fest one-day in Hollywood or downtown in Oct or Nov, email [email protected] with SPONSOR as subject.




Thanks to Andy Hampton of the Headspace meditation app in Venice, which donated a SBF surfboard that you can slap your company logos on at the fest (BEFORE SBF photo right).



Digital LA - The Digerati List of 2014 

Awardees included individuals from movie studios Warner Bros, Disney Animation (Steve Goldberg photo right) and DreamWorks, digital content creators including Fullscreen, as well as Silicon Beach companies including SHIFT, Snapchat, and Docstoc, which had a $50M exit last year. Check the Digerati List of 2014.

"This is LA's first awards show recogni
zing digital leaders across industry, who both exemplified excellence in digital over the past year, and support LA's tech community," said Digital LA founder Kevin Winston. 

Check out our awards dinner PICS.

The Digearti Awards dinner recognized several leaders on the Digital LA - Digerati List of 2014, recognizing 30 outstanding companies and individuals in digital over the past year.
Digital LA organizes events for professionals in online entertainment, marketing, and advertising. Stop on by for informal casual networking. Join the Digital LA group at   Attendees work at Sony Pictures, FOX Interactive, MySpace, Google, Yahoo!, Disney, WB, NBC, EA, Vivendi Games, Napster, and other entertainment, studios, ad agencies, and tech companies.