Call for Applications: The Artadia Awards
Each year, Artadia has an open-call application made available in each of the seven active partner cities. Supporting artists equitably is a critical part of the Artadia Award process: they consider the unique populations of each community and are proud to reflect our country’s diversity with an Awardee pool that is over 50 percent female and over 40 percent persons of color. Applicants must be a contemporary visual artist, making artwork for presentation in a contemporary art context: museum, galleries, arts non-profit, the public art realm, etc. Artadia does not fund filmmakers making films for distribution in cinematic venues, or those working in choreography presented outside of a contemporary art context.
Submission Deadlines: September 15 & October 1, 2023
Award Amount: $15,000
Active Cities: Boston (9/15) and Atlanta (10/1)
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