Delivering your 8th Ward News
8th Ward Update
Policing Around The 8th Ward
Carjacking update: I’ve been on the phone with Mayor’s Office along with the Chicago Police Department’s leadership and I have requested additional patrols and technology like new Pod Cameras and Plate Readers that will be installed around the 8th ward. I’m also working with the city to redirect some streets and bring back cul-de-sacs.
You should see increased patrols starting tonight in Calumet Heights and Avalon Park.

Be safe and don’t hesitate to contact our office at 773-874-3300 or email [email protected]
COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-Out
Governor Pritzker has announced that Illinois will move into Phase 1b of the vaccine rollout plan on January 25. This will include frontline essential workers, such as teachers and grocery store employees, and people aged 65 and older. Governor Pritzker has activated the Illinois National Guard to assist with expanding vaccination clinics. 

As a reminder here are the four phases of the vaccine plan: 
  • Phase 1a: Health care personnel and long-term care facility residents
  • Phase 1b: Frontline essential workers and persons age 65 and older
  • Phase 1c: Persons age 16-64 years old with high-risk medical conditions, and essential workers not recommended for vaccination in Phase 1b
  • Phase 2: All persons age 16 years and older not previously recommended for vaccination

Chicago has not yet released vaccine registration to non-healthcare personnel. But beginning on January 18, if providers have vaccines available and do not have healthcare workers scheduled for inoculation, they may move to highest risk individuals that live or work in Chicago. According to the Chicago Department of Public Health, (CDPH) prioritization will be given to patients over 75 years of age, or patients over 65 years of age with significant underlying conditions, based on clinical judgment.

Your healthcare provider will contact you directly if a vaccine is available for you, so please make sure to update your information.

Please be aware, CDPH has released a statement warning residents not to fall victim to COVID-19 vaccine scams. If you receive a message about early access to the vaccine that is not from your doctor’s office, it is not legitimate, and you should not respond. 

Details will soon be released about vaccination locations, which will include doctors’ offices, CVS, and Walgreens. Appointments will be required. We will continue to give you up-to-date information in our newsletter as we learn more. You may also check on the City’s vaccine planning website, which is updated regularly. Please be patient and stay hopeful. In the meantime, remember to wear your mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing.

City Council Committee Meeting Regarding
Alderman Harris' Carjacking Resolution
After an increase in carjackings in our city and community, Alderman Michelle Harris has worked diligently with Alderman Greg Mitchell and Alderman Christopher Taliaferro to ensure our community's safety. 
On Friday, January 22nd at 10:00 am, a link will appear in a blue box here: that you can use to view the proceedings. If you would like to speak, sign-up for public comment is here: There is also an option to submit written comments.
Chicago Moves to Tier 2 Mitigation
Effective immediately, the state has determined that Chicago may move to Tier 2 mitigations due to the significant progress our region has made in the fight against COVID-19. Thank you, neighbors, for helping us get here by wearing your masks and watching your distance. While metrics continue to move in the right direction, we must still remain vigilant.

In Tier 2, restaurants and bars must:
  • Close at 11pm and may reopen no earlier than 6am the following day
  • No indoor service, all bar and restaurant patrons should be seated at tables outside
  • Reservations are required and tables should be 6 feet apart
  • No standing or congregating indoors or outdoors while waiting for a table or exiting
  • No tables exceeding 6 people and no seating of multiple parties at one table
  • Outdoor dining may include tables that are inside but within 8 feet of wall that is 50% open, and open retractable roofs and open tents.

In Tier 2, health and fitness centers may have:
  • 25% capacity indoors
  • Group classes of 10 or fewer can resume under the 25% capacity restriction
  • Reservations are no longer required and locker rooms can reopen under capacity restrictions
  • Face coverings must be worn at all times

In Tier 2, museums may re-open at 25% capacity.

You can read about the specific Tier 2 Mitigation Measures here and all Mitigation Measures here.

IDPH will continue to track the positivity rate in regions requiring additional mitigations to determine if mitigations can be relaxed, if additional mitigations are required, or if current mitigation should remain in place.You can track Chicago's metrics and progress towards meeting the state criteria on the Illinois Department of Public Health's website.

For more information on the state-imposed Mitigation Measures, please visit these links:

8th Ward Alderman
Michelle A. Harris' Website

The 8th Ward website is designed to help local residents, businesses and community groups find quick answers to questions about city services and programs. On this site you'll find links to the most requested city services and other useful resources located within the 8th Ward. Please visit Aldermah Harris' website