September 22, 2022



Click the picture for important information

St. John ECC needs help with donations of some food items and/or a little of your time. If you are interested in helping, please click the picture above to sign up.

We also would like to invite you to film and submit a very short video to to be used on our Celebration Sunday. Click the button below for more information.

Video Information

Are you interested in helping your child's classroom by becoming a Homeroom Parent? Click the picture above to read the duties / expectations, and if you are interested, please send your child's teacher a message by email or Playground Chat to express your interest. Thank you!

We are still looking for a Homeroom Parent for:

Rm 3 - MWF, Rm 4 - T/Th, Rm 7, Rm 9, Rm 15

From the Director...

For the next 2 weeks, we are going to share developmental milestones with you from the CDC website. This week, we are sharing milestones for 4 year old children.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to Tiffany Bunker by email, through the Playground App, or by calling the school at (281) 304-5546.

4s' Milestones

Bible Stories for the Week of 9/19/22:

The Tower of Babel

18 months


Wonder Questions: Do you have a friend that speaks another language?  Why did God have to stop the people from building the tower?  Do you know that when God wants us to stop doing something, it is because He loves us and only wants what is best for us?

Click here to watch a video on The Tower of Babel

Abraham's Call



Wonder Questions: Why do you think God put this story in the Bible?  What does it teach us about God?  Did you know that God ALWAYS keeps His promises?  (that's GREAT news!)

Click here to watch a video on Abraham's Call

The Great Flood

4s, & Bridge

Genesis 6:9 - 9:17

Wonder Questions: Do you think it was scary on the ark during the storm?  What does this story teach us about people, in general?  What do you think Noah thought when he saw God's rainbow for the very first time?

Click here to watch a video on The Great Flood 

Bible Verse for the Month of August/September:

"Be obedient to the message of Christ..."

2 Corinthians 9:13 NIV (paraphrase)


(some pictures/links have more details)

Wear RED to help the 18 mos and 2s learn to recognize this color!


(some pictures/links have more details)

Join us on October 9th 

as we celebrate 40 years of God's blessings 

on our Early Childhood Center!

8:15 am - Traditional service and Staff Installation

11:00 am - Contemporary service, Staff Installation,

ECC Children singing

12:15 - BBQ sandwich meal served (hot dogs for kids)/ short program

12:30 - Activities, Fun, & Fellowship

Help us get the word out to previous families and staff!

Click the picture for this week's Parent Devotion on 

"Holy Over Happy"

... to the Makowski family for supplying our staff with donut holes!  We enjoyed every single one of them!

Click the picture to access our 22-23 Parent Orientation Video

(Click the picture above for the 2022-2023 Babysitting List)

How to Pay Tuition

Tuition is due the first of every month. Please see complete directions for paying tuition below.
Tuition Information

St. John & Cypress Chapel Events:

Please check our websites - & - for updates on services/events.

Cypress Chapel:

St. John:

Classroom event assignments

Registration / Children's Records:

Dawn Calhoun

Financial: Donna Peartree

Prayer / Needs / School Events / Communication:

Celeste May

Morning and Afternoon Care / Emergency Management / Summer School:

Letty Wilson, Associate Director

School Policies / Concerns:

Tiffany Bunker, Director

15237 Huffmeister Rd, Cypress, TX 77429
Director: Tiffany Bunker
281-304-5546 (W)
281-728-0259 (C)