9000 South Logo

Construction Update

December 12, 2024

Holiday Break - Crews will take a holiday break starting December 21 and returning January 2. Two lanes will remain open in both directions and the speed limit will remain 35 miles per hour.

Have a happy holiday season and Happy New Year.

Know before you go! Check UDOT Traffic before hitting the road. 

Upcoming Activities

Weather permitting on Thursday, December 19 starting at 10:00 p.m., the old traffic signals on the north side of 9000 South at 1510 West will be removed and the new traffic signals will be installed. Police officers will be directing traffic during removal and installation.

Through 5:00 a.m., drivers can expect several temporary closures at the intersection lasting up to 30 minutes each while the old poles are removed and the new poles are installed. Plan of delays and consider using an alternate route.

Ongoing Activities

Sidewalk work continues on the south side of 9000 South between 1075 West and Redwood Road.

Pedestrians should continue to use the north side of 9000 South.

Properties with more than one access will have one access closed while the other access is left open. Properties with only one access will be coordinated with the project team.

Nearby residents and business may have an increase in noise, dust, and vibration as work takes place.

Work continues on the center section of new bridge over the Jordan River including the roadway approaches to the bridge and completion of the bridge deck closure strips.

Street light installation continues along the south side of 9000 South between 1000 West and Redwood Road.

Traffic and Transit Information

Know before you go! Check UDOT Traffic before hitting the road. 

UDOT main logo
UTA Logo

UTA Bus Route F590 - Due to construction activities, the bus stops within work areas may have temporary closures and stop adjustments.

Visit UTA's website for specific stop information.


Pedestrians and bicycles are not allowed on 9000 South over the Jordan River. Please see the approved detour route for pedestrians and bicycles.

35 MPH sign

As a reminder, the speed limit has been reduced to 35 miles per hour along the entire corridor.

Give 'em a brake safety sign

Contact the Team

This project has a dedicated Public Involvement Team to answer questions or concerns you may have throughout the duration of construction. If you are interested in joining our mailing list to receive weekly construction activity updates, please reach out to our team at the contact information below.

Project Hotline - 855-925-2801 Project #5626

Email - widen9000south@utah.gov

Project Website - www.udotinput.utah.gov/widen9000south