97pt Agramont Graciano Navarra Is Back In Stock
Lively Spanish Red @ $15.97 Deal

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"The value here is superb!"

Receiving an impressive 97 point score and winning the "Value Platinum" award from Decanter magazine, the 2021 Agramont Graciano Navarra is a heck of a deal for $15.97. We first got this wine in as we were ramping up to Christmas and not only did it sell out quickly, but we really loved it.

This is a bottle to get at least a few of; a perfect daily-drinker at these prices for sure, and full of refined and lively fruit just begging to be paired with grilled steak or pork or as the main red served with a fully stocked cheese plate. Heck, I'm probably going to pair it up with a movie night.

David Werlin
Redneck Wine Crew
-We Are Moving-
We are moving to a new spot and have started the remodeling process. The good news is we will have more space and a tasting venue. The great news is that we are staying in the same shopping center, just moving two doors down. We look forward to giving you what Redneck strives to be the best at- The same great prices with an even better shopping experience.

Agramont Graciano Navarra 2021

Retail: $20.99 | Redneck: $15.97

97pts Decanter
Focused herbal, wild black fruit and tobacco nose. The youthful palate is poised and approachable with a soft texture, high tannins and brisk acidity. It has an intensity of flavor in the mouth and an energetic, impressively long, finish. A very accomplished expression of Graciano. The value here is superb!
Get Over Here, Wine Is Good!!!
 3225 S Macdill Suite 117,
Tampa, FL 33629