LIGHTCode™ Activation:

9999 The Portal Door
September 18 |  8pm EST   
Cost: $50 

9999 The Portal Door

We are going for the 9's this month! September 18th the energy begins to intensify as the The Portal Door prepares to swing wide open. 

If you did your homework after September 9th, you have packed your suitcases (ie old baggage) and sent them into the portal that was set in your field. Now we prepare to STEP THROUGH THE PORTAL DOOR and prepare for the gale wind to blow off all that is not integrated within us. 

Use this time between now and Sunday to get really clear on what it is you will take with you and what you will willingly leave behind during this "season" of intense energetic downloads. 

My guides are showing me a huge double door swinging WIDE open during the 3rd week of September with a gale wind on the other side blowing off all that is not integrated within you. 

During this session we will actually step into the Portal and through the Door to the other side where we will await the "wave", which will be the 3rd and final part of this intense energy system. 

I got reports that there will be a huge wave of energy on September 27th jumping us up a few floors. 
(hmmmm...maybe another LIGHTCode event? Appears to be another 9999 day!)
During these "high portal" forecasts, it is so important to engage in pulling in the LIGHTCodes to help further align you with the highest form of energetic support available to you personally. This LIGHTCode session will tune you to the frequencies that are coming at the end of this month and help to prepare your physical body to hold and integrate the new downloads.
You do not want to miss this!
So, what makes this day so special? It is a quadruple 9999 day, continuing the opening to the portal of "disruptive" energy.


*September 18 is a 9 Day of the month.

*September is a 9 Universal Month (9+2+0+1+6=18; 1+8=9).

*2016 is an 9 Universal Year (2+0+1+6=9)

*September 18th, 2016 is a 9 Universal Date (1+8+9+2+0+1+6=27; 2+7=9)


Remember, 9 is the number of celebration and culmination. Multiply that by 4 and voila you've got a huge portal of energy available to you....
This incredibly rare 9999 portal energy is ready and waiting to shower you with the unlimited rewards you've spent the last 9 years working so hard for...
If (and that's a big IF) you're prepared to release that which no longer serves you as we enter the final lap of 2016.

You see, while this 9th day, in the 9th month of a 9 year, packs some serious manifesting punch...It also brings a not-so-subtle reminder to let go of your outdated beliefs, emotions, and karmic patterns , including those from past lives, that have been limiting you from the prosperity, love and abundance you deserve.

Are you ready to upgrade your inner software? Energetic anatomy upgrades are necessary if you are craving/wishing/dreaming for your next stage of evolution to unfold.  

  Register   NOW  to claim your spot...

We have to ride the wave when the energy comes! 

NOTE: The LIGHTCode™ Prep Sheet 
is in the Registration Confirmation Email. 

**Join the LIGHTCode™ Activation Facebook group page.