A Breath of Music from The Dranoff 2 Piano
Roaming Empty Streets by Joey Roukens (2002). Performed by Ralph van Raat.
Please click on the image (Johannes Bosgra, Murmurations)
Roaming Empty Streets by the contemporary Dutch composer Joey Roukens is poignantly apropos for our trying times. Listening to this recent piece which was composed for Heather Pinkham's initiative 'Music for Empty Spaces',    I feel that very emptiness, and the physical distances we now must maintain from one another. But the beauty of the music, and the fact that we can share it together, brings us closer nevertheless.
I had the pleasure of hosting Dutch pianist Ralph van Raat and photographer Johannes Bosgra when they were in Miami two seasons ago. Ralph is dedicated to performing new classical works as well as discovering rarities by the masters, like Debussy. “ I am delighted to share their work with you today.

Maxine Long
Vice President
The Dranoff 2 Piano Foundation
(Johannes Bosgra, Peripety)