Top Story
OYU Leaders Speak Out to Over 100 Opportunity Youth On Capitol Hill!
OYU leaders spoke out to over 100 Opportunity Youth from various communities across the nation. All the action took place at a national convening of young leaders in Washington, DC focused on leadership, service, and civic engagement. After the crowd was addressed by U.S Senator Elizabeth Warren, they were invited to join the OYU movement as members.

Update on Community Action Teams
Sacramento CAT Tackles The School To Prison Pipeline
The OYU Sacramento CAT, led by the Alliance for Education Solutions, launched last week at the “Black Minds Matter” informational briefing. The hearing was sponsored by the California Legislative Black Caucus and Education Trust–West and focused on their report outlining the state of California’s nearly one million black youth. Two OYU members served on a panel and spoke directly to policymakers about what challenges they faced and what opportunities they found in the California Public High School.

The Sacramento CAT has also been successful in gaining sponsorship for the School Climate and Restorative Schools Act, a piece of legislation aimed to improve the conditions for learning and teaching by improving school climate and culture. The act also calls for the expansion of resources for restorative justice in California schools
OYU Member Spotlight
Francisco "Enuf" Garcia
National Council Member | Public Allies 

Francisco was just awarded the City of Phoenix's Dr. Eugene Grigsby Visual Artist award. Francisco has a profound passion for socially conscious art and uses it as a tool to promote social change. He states, “art is not just graffiti, but murals with messages that bring people together. I want to see people paint for change."

Take Action
Attention OYU members in Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Wyoming, Wisconsin, and Washington

Primary elections are approaching and your state will hold presidential contests for both Republicans and Democrats.   Please get out the vote!  
In Solidarity,
Lashon Amado
National Coordinator of the Community Action Teams of Opportunity Youth United
Lashon Amado