With our whole being may we give witness to the
goodness that is all around us.

Gospel Living
Unity in Diversity

Parliament of the World's Religions

FSPA’s voice was heard at “A Call to Conscience: Defending Freedom & Human Rights,” the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions, Aug. 14 to 18 in Chicago, Illinois.

The Parliament of the World’s Religion is the world’s largest, most diverse and inclusive interfaith convening of people of faith, spirituality and goodwill — civic, spiritual and grassroots changemakers. Its origins are rooted in the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, where the historic first convening of the World Parliament of Religions created a global platform for engagement of religions of the east and west and was thereafter recognized as the birthplace of the modern interfaith movement.

The convening, attended by thousands of people from around the world, offered content of critical issues and constituencies that included climate action, global ethics and peace as well as justice for Indigenous Peoples, next generations and women’s dignity.

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Julia Walsh and Sue Ernster, as well as FSPA Integral Ecology Director Beth Piggush, were there to contribute to discussion about critical calls for action that included building interfaith spaces, land justice and faith-based divestment from fossil fuel.

Click here for more coverage of the event.

FSPA in the News

Leadership Conference of Women Religious president Sister Maureen Geary, past president Sister Rebecca Ann Gemma and president-elect Sister Sue Ernster are blessed Aug. 11, after taking office at annual assembly in Dallas. (GSR photo/Dan Stockman)

"God is truly in our midst as we stand at that veil between what is and what is to come," said Adrian Dominican Sister Donna Markham to the new leadership team of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, including Franciscan Sister of Perpetual Adoration Sue Ernster as president-elect. Sister Donna's remarks were made at the organization's annual assembly on Aug. 11 in Dallas, Texas, where she received LCWR's Outstanding Leadership Award, and Global Sisters Report's Dan Stockman was there to capture the story: "LCWR honors Sister Donna Markham, a 'transformational leader' who took on 'unsolvable problems.'"

As reported in the article, Sisters Sue, Maureen Geary and Rebecca Ann Gemma were blessed at the assembly as president-elect, president and past president, respectively. Sister Donna urged them "to continue to carry out their mission, whatever the consequences. 'We will continue to live together in love, in boldness and sustained assurance that we are not alone.'"

To read the article in its entirety, visit globalsistersreport.org.

Messy Jesus Business

launches new website

Sister Julia Walsh, founder of the Messy Jesus Business blog and podcast, recently redesigned and launched a brand new website! Among other new features, the site offers a modern look and easier access to the latest blogs and podcasts.

In the blog and on the podcast, she and Messy Jesus Business contributors explore the meaning of vocation and Christian discipleship. Followers hear from spiritual teachers, social justice activists, Catholic sisters, community organizers, servant leaders and ministers. Authors reflect on how they have embraced the mess that comes with following Jesus and living according to the Spirit.

Visit Messy Jesus Business

FSPA Moments in Time

As students return to the classroom for the 2023-2024 school year, we share this photo taken of the freshman class of 1929-1930 at Marycliff High School in Spokane, Washington, an all-girls, Catholic institution where Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration served as administrators and teachers. The young women in the photo were among the students who attended the school in its first year!

Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration Juanita and Mary Eve Hytry traveled to the International Owl Center in Houston, Minnesota, on Aug. 4, where they met Ruby and Piper.

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