Photo from a Sunday service at Zion Church before it was banned by authorities.

The administrative detention of two ministers of Beijing’s Zion Church by Chinese authorities earlier this month has prompted a response from Zion’s pastor: A letter to his congregation teaching the spiritual benefits of persecution.

“Those in chains for Christ will be completely free in Christ,“ wrote Pastor “Ezra” Jin Mingri, in an open letter to Zion Church members on May 1, co-signed by the church’s elders and other pastors. The letter describes the April 28 arrest of Zion Church minister Qie Jiafu and his sentencing two days later to 10-day detention.

Warmly in Christ,
Pastor Foley and Dr. Foley
Brother Dai Zhichao with his family

Ever since Pastor Wang Yi was arrested two-years ago, the Chinese authorities continue to harass, arrest and even beat members of the Early Rain Covenant Church (ERCC).

Brother Dai pictured above was recently beaten by a plainclothes police office as he went to visit an ERCC pastor that was imprisoned.

The amazing thing is that after being angrily punched and kicked he described the whole experience as a 'great spiritual exercise.'

We've all heard preachers say that God answers every prayer, but sometimes the answer is no.

But did you know that this is unbiblical?

Jesus tells us in John 16:24 that we should ask and then we will receive.

The Apostle Paul says all of God's promises are yes and Amen in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Still not convinced?

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Please continue to pray for one of our discipleship base leaders who was taken into police custody and later released. He is now being watched very closely by the authorities. Pray that the Lord would give him healing and comfort and that he would continue to boldly proclaim the gospel. 
Bible apps have now been banned in China and more Christian accounts on WeChat have been removed. Authorities continues to harass and arrest pastors from both ERCC and Zion Church. Some church leaders in China are predicting a new wave of persecution. Let’s continue to lift up our brothers and sisters to the Lord in prayer. Also pray for the distribution of the boxes in the Sunday School in a Box (SSIB) project which include a digital Bible in each box for Chinese Christians.