May 22, 2020 - In This Issue:
A Message From Mayor Steve Noble:

Dear Friends,

We are keeping updated on Coronavirus and doing our best to share this information widely.  What you need to know today:
  • We have 88 confirmed "active" cases of Coronavirus in Kingston as of today. We are moving in the right direction with fewer new cases. Ulster County has far more recovered cases (1,000) than current active cases (574).    
  • The Rite Aid pharmacy on Flatbush Ave in Kingston is taking appointments for free drive-through COVID-19 testing.
  • Both the Uptown Kingston Farmer's Market (Saturday) and the Downtown Farmers Market (Sunday) will be operating this weekend with strict Covid-19 guidelines. 
  • This week is National EMS Appreciation Week. Now more than ever, we thank our brave firefighters and EMS workers, the first to respond to those in need. They are truly heroes, and we thank them this week and always!  
  • Governor Cuomo announced that there will be no in-school summer school this year, classes will be taught via remote learning. 
As always, we are asking everyone to abide by the guidelines of staying home if you are sick, distancing yourself from others even if you are well, and washing hands and surfaces often. We have seen your efforts pay off and are seeing signs that the spread of the virus is slowing. Keep it up! 

Please continue to stay safe and take good care.  

Thank You to Save-On and Portable Cooler Rentals!

Mayor Noble would like to sincerely thank Sav-On rentals in Kingston for donating the tents and tables for the Kingston Emergency Food efforts at both the YMCA and People's Place. The tents were crucial as the need and demand grew to both expand operations and keep volunteers shielded from snow, rain and sun, and to keep the food safe in the shade. We appreciate the generosity of this local business, which was also suffering from losses due to Covid event guidelines, and yet loaned the tents at no cost. 

Thank you to Portable Cooler Rentals out of Hurley for giving the City a significant discount on two refrigerator units which held meals for residents -- up to 3,000 a day at the height of the meal delivery program.  These two local businesses really provided the infrastructure to keep the Kingston Emergency Food Collaborative in operation to serve the community in its time of need. 

And a big thank you to all the volunteers who facilitated this incredible program and to the restaurants, who provided delicious meals for over 8 weeks. 

As other resources like unemployment insurance and SNAP benefits have ramped up, the prepared meal program via Project Resilience and the Kingston Emergency Food Collaborative has winded down, People's Place is still providing groceries to anyone in need up to once a week, and to-go meals via the Community Cafe. 

Moving New York Forward: Phased Re-Opening Plan

Governor Cuomo has outlined a plan to reopen New York on a regional basis as each region meets the criteria necessary to protect public health as we reopen.

The criteria are designed to allow phased reopenings to begin only if:
  • The infection rate is sufficiently low;
  • The health care system has the capacity to absorb a potential resurgence in new cases;
  • Diagnostic testing capacity is sufficiently high to detect and isolate new cases; and
  • Robust contact-tracing capacity is in place to help prevent the spread of the virus.
Ulster County has created a dashboard outlining how our region is doing to meet the criteria. We hope to enter into Phase One of re-opening as early as next week.

Phase One includes construction, retail, manufacturing, wholesale trade, agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting. More details about what businesses fall under these categories at the state's website here.  

There is a tool kit for businesses and other resources for reopening plans at NY.GOV.
Round One of 2020 Paving is Complete

The first round of paving in 2020 was completed this week:  Tietjen Avenue,  Teller Street,  Deyo Street,  Colonial Drive,  Sheehan Court and  Stuyvesant Drive.

Stay tuned for more paving news and street improvement projects. 
Paving this week on  Tietjen Avenue
Mayor Noble's Daily Update

Mayor Noble is live on the City of Kingston's Facebook page and at Radio Kingston at 5:00pm daily from Monday to Thursday. 

Submit your questions for the Mayor on Facebook and he will try to address all related questions and concerns. Then tune in to hear the day's news and updates. 

Click below to hear Thursday's update.
Honoring Our Heroes on Memorial Day

Due to Covid-19 and guidelines for gathering, the Kingston Veteran's Day preemptively cancelled the annual Memorial Day parade and ceremony at City Hall. We were saddened by the necessity to cancel this time-honored tradition, but out of the safety of all, the KVA decided that postponing the events until Veteran's Day in November would be best. 

However, we encourage all to commemorate Memorial Day on Monday by taking a moment to reflect on the great sacrifice our veterans, and especially those who died in combat, made for our country. Though we cannot gather this year, we honor these individuals and thank them sincerely for their service. 
City of Kingston Historian COVID-19 Project

The Friends of Historic Kingston and City of Kingston Historian Taylor Bruck have started an initiative to collect and archive COVID-19 related photos of Kingston. We welcome and encourage all to participate and document this historic time in our City's history by sending photos to
Kingston 311
The  Kingston 311 app, website and phone  system allow residents to quickly and easily report issues and submit service requests. The Kingston 311  app, available for  Android  &  iPhones , is a fast and simple way to connect to City officials in non-emergency situations. 

This system is a valuable resource to submit service requests for streetlight replacement, roadwork, City signage, traffic calming measures and other concerns. Issues with snow removal and reporting of vehicles and sidewalks not in accordance with the Snow Emergency restrictions can also be submitted via Kingston 311.  Photos can also be attached to illustrate service orders. Dial 311 from any phone within City limits to reach us. 
Sent on behalf of:
Mayor Steven T. Noble

The purpose of this newsletter is to share important information, project updates, pictures and news from the City of Kingston. For more detailed information, visit: