August 2016
Wags and Tags
Celebrating the canine-human bond!

          This newsletter is brought to you by Arlington Dog Owners Group (A-DOG), a 501(c)(3) community organization promoting the rights and interests of responsible dog owners in Arlington, MA.  

If you're not already a member, we hope you'll want to  join A-DOG!

Wags and Tags editorial team: Joan Black, Jen Burns, Sue Doctrow, Ellen Leigh, Judy Weinberg, Janice Zazinski 
A-DOG logos designed by Lisa Berasi for Arlington Dog Owners Group, all rights reserved

In this issue: 
On some computers, you might have to click twice to reach the article. We've found, too that these links do not work on all devices.
A-DOG Bids "Happy Tails" to Joe Connelly 
Arlington's Director of Recreation moves on to a new post in Andover

by Sue Doctrow and Judy Weinberg

JoeCOn his last day of work, A-DOG board members surprised ("ambushed"?) Joe Connelly, Arlington's Director of Recreation, at his office to shower him with farewell gifts and gratitude for all his help and cooperation over the years. 
Yes, sadly for Arlington, Joe Connelly has moved to a new position in Andover, MA, overseeing 4 departments responsible for Community Services.
Joe was Director of Recreation in Arlington for about 10 years. A-DOG congratulates him on this exciting new job that will leverage his proven talents in community relations. But, Joe will certainly be missed!
Under Joe's direction, Arlington became the welcoming community to dog owners that it is today. Joe worked with A-DOG and other advocates to establish off-leash morning hours (passed at Town Meeting in 2010 and implemented the following fall). Around the same time, Joe also created the town's Dog Park Task Force, on which several of us served, culminating in the opening (spring, 2012) of our first fenced dog park, at Thorndike Field, thanks to a generous grant to the Town from the Stanton Foundation. Joe also established a K9 Recreation position and, over the years, Arlington Recreation sponsored many dog-friendly events, including Dog Days of Summer swimming party at the Res, dog training events, Howl-a-ween parties and photos with Santa Paws and, with Fit Doggie and Me, fun exercise programs for dog owners and their dogs.  Most important, Joe dealt with the community in a fair and sensitive manner, always weighing a variety of concerns with the rights and interests of responsible dog owners.

A-DOG's farewell gifts to Joe were: An A-DOG hoodie and a "super-sized" A-DOG Membership card (expiration date = "Never") and bumper magnet; A framed drawing of humans and canines gathering around the beloved tree in Thorndike Dog Park (by Arlington artist and dog owner Shun Yamaguchi and signed by many of Joe's A-DOG friends) and a nice assortment of doggy-themed adult beverages from Menotomy Beer and Wine.
 Joe we thank you for all you've done for Arlington dog owners and for all who love our parks; and we wish you the happiest of "Happy Tails".....

Sue and Judy are A-DOG officers and board members and members of the Wags and Tags editorial team. Along with fellow board member, David White, they put together Joe's farewell gifts on behalf of A-DOG.

"Got Skunk"?!
Our wildlife neighbors 

by Joan Black

GotSkunkedWhen the nice black & white kitty your dog investigated was not so nice or even a kitty, you have been "skunked." Immediate visions of past remedies like tomato juice, perfumed baths or commercial De-skunker shampoos race across your mind as the deadly smell envelops the entire neighborhood. You and your smelly pooch immediately head for home in a comical panic. Even the dog looks embarrassed and upset about either the smell or perhaps the anticipated "bath." What to use and will it work are the crucial questions of the moment.
Among the wildlife living in Arlington are SKUNK and we are fortunate to have them. Audrey Sallese shared an article with Arlington Dog Owners Group after an incident around dusk at Magnolia last May. It states that SKUNK are helpful to the environment by consuming insects, mice, moles and poisonous snakes. The article suggests ways to avoid confrontation and spraying by simply walking away with respect. Although SKUNK are nocturnal, they are considered "crepuscular" which means they come out at dusk and dawn. This was exactly when Mr. Boof and his owner Austin Huck encountered his skunk.  Most likely it was a hungry mother searching for food. The idea that a skunk seen during daylight hours means it is sick or rabid is a myth.  Just walk on by if you can and the skunk will go about its business of searching for food.
However,  if your dog is "SKUNKED." Austin and Mr. Boff suggest multiple baths with baking soda, dish detergent and hydrogen peroxide for dogs with thick fur. I personally have successfully created a similar concoction specifically 1 0r 2 teaspoons of  Dawn (used in wildlife oil spills), ¼ cup baking soda, 1 quart (4 cups) 3% hydrogen peroxide and a dash of Dr Bronner Peppermint Oil Soap {which may be totally for my benefit}.  
(However, please note ASPCA recommends "lights" as a deterrent which is refuted as light attract bugs which will encourage foraging "crepuscular" skunk).

Joan is an A-DOG board member and officer, and member of the Wags and Tags editorial team. Photo shows Mr. Boof after his skunk encounter (from owner Austin Huck).

GOING WILD in Arlington 
WILDLIFE sightings across town...

by Joan Black

JoanWildRRRRuffruff REQUEST:  After researching "GOT SKUNK" and watching Katie's "Wildlife Safety" interview, I wondered what additional facts and observations there might be about wildlife sharing our community. Please send your comments, articles, facts, photographs, videos etc about Wildlife in Arlington. Remember it is essential to keep Wildlife WILD !
ALERTS: "Fisher Cat" by Ericka Gray
There is a FISHER (AKA Fisher Cat) living in the area of McClennen Park (probably Whipple Hill.) It has been sighted by a number of people on the streets near the park and in the park over the past few days in July. It was observed both during the day and in evening hours. (I have personally seen it.) They are omnivorous. One was in the backyard of a neighbor checking out her small dog. So please be careful about unattended small pets. Fisher cats are martens and part of the weasel family. They do not seem to prey on large mammals unless deceased. In fact one suggestion for keeping fishers away is by having a large dog.  LOVING how much wildlife we have in Arlington!

More on Fishers here


SIGHTINGS: Introduction by Joan Black

There have been many COYOTE sighting in Arlington which is great for keeping down the rodent population. They are here to stay. A-DOG with Arlington ACO Katie Kozikowski  provided an educational program last October "Living With Coyote." Along with facts about family life and history of coyote, it stressed the importance of predators to  health of the environment and suggested ways to safely coexist. See WAGS & TAGS November 2015 for details. Coyote have been spotted along Route 16 in East Arlington, near Menotomy Rocks Park, in many places the Heights as well as other locations. Eastern coyote are considered a special species descended from breeding with wolves.

Sonia Hamel reports, "We have coyotes and foxes here on the lower Mystic Lake.... keep your kitties inside!"

McClennen Park  has been home to an otter, as shown in a video by Pat Dwyer.
Please enjoy the video.

FACTS: " GOT POSSUM" provided by Joan Black
If you are fortunate enough to have POSSUM living in your yard or around your home, you have the best "tick" protection possible.  Appreciate the wonderful work of POSSUM.

Suzanne Leone Lindner of East Arlington comments, " We have them too! Maybe that's why my cat has only ever had one tick in 10 years."

We would love to continue a "WILD in Arlington" section in Wags & TAGS. How about going WILD with us? Guidelines for submission are listed in every W&T edition.    


Joan is an A-DOG board member and officer, and member of the Wags and Tags editorial team. 
More "Wild in Arlington" 
What to do when you encounter Arlington's wildlife

by Katie Kozikowski

KatieAugustIt may be surprising to some Arlington residents just how many wild animals reside in such a populated town so close to Boston.  They are here and living with us every day.  Recently, ACMI requested that I offer a public service announcement regarding wildlife as the Animal Control Officer for Arlington.  Of particular interest was the question of when to contact Animal Control for assistance.  In June I provided a free informative program with A-DOG sponsor called "Living with Wildlife" presented by Christopher Broughton Bossong. It was well attended and appreciated.  Christopher presented facts about common wild animals, confrontation avoidance and basic general knowledge to confront and correct myths and misunderstanding about wild creatures which share the environment.

In a nutshell, the best thing you can do for wildlife is to let them be WILD.  Confrontations or interactions with humans are the main problem and issues for wild animals.  It could be a simple as feeding raccoons and chipmunks in the backyard or tossing bread to geese or ducks in a pond.  Motor vehicle collisions with animals attempting to cross the road are examples of a deadly encounter with people. However, both of these examples can be fatal in their own way.  Although you may feel you are helping an animal by intervening, it is always best to let the animal be. For example, feeding raccoons and squirrels in your backyard may be beneficial to animals at that time.  In the long run it is not allowing the animal to use its natural instincts to hunt and scavenge for food.  It also puts a false sense of expectation in animals that they can approach other people for food. Since this is unnatural behavior, most people may believe the animal is sick or rabid which could be detrimental for that animal. Disturbing a nest of baby bunnies which appears to be abandoned may actually keep the mother from returning.
If you suspect an animal may be sick or injured, you should never approach it.  Animal Control should be called to assess the situation and determine whether the animal needs medical care and be removed from the area.

It is also important to remember that young wildlife should never be picked up or removed from where it is found.  A number of animals will not stay with their young for the entire day.  For example, bunnies return to their young in the morning and at a night leaving them during daytime to avoid attracting predators to the nest.  Birds will physically boot their young out of the nests to teach them how to fly, leaving the fledgling on the ground. Periodically the adults come down to feed him until the youngster learns to fly on his own. 

If you should encounter wildlife that you believe may need assistance, the best course of action is to contact Animal Control or an Animal Rescue facility for guidance.
Please see below for a list of resources which can assist with wild life questions and/or concerns:

Arlington Animal Control Officer: (781) 645-8014
Animal Rescue League of Boston: (617) 426-9170
Animal Rescue League of Boston Dedham branch: (781) 326-0729
Tufts Wildlife Clinic: (508) 839-7918
New England Wildlife Center: (781) 682-4878

ACO Katie's Corner presents updates from Arlington Animal Control Officer (ACO) Katie Kozikowski.   
Around the Doggone Web - August 2016
Service Dog Special!!

by Janice Zazinski

AroundWebAugService dogs, therapy dogs, emotional support dogs (and other animals) ... what's the difference and what are the rules about them? Check it out:
  • Please Don't Pet Me describes the differences between these three categories of dogs, and also simply explains the regulations that apply to businesses regarding service, support, and therapy dogs.
  • "What's wrong with petting a service dog? Plenty!" Service dogs need to be focused on their partner in order to do their job. Distracting a working service dog risks the health and safety of the person they are assisting. Check out more about why it's important to not pet or disrupt a service dog at work ... very important to teach this to children, and to keep your own dog away, no matter how friendly.
  •  A video by ABC News/Australia about that country's "Respect My Uniform" campaign for guide dogs ... excellent firsthand explanation about why neither people nor dogs should approach service dogs.

Janice is a member of the A-DOG board and a Certified Small Animal Massage Therapist. Her business, Beloved Companion Animal Massage & Bodywork, serves Arlington & environs. 

PAWS to Mark Your Calendar!
Save the dates for coming events

CalendarAug"NEW or RENEW: We still Need YOU to join the A-DOG pack!" It is NEVER too late.  
...Sign up today  here .  

Mark your calendar for these great EVENTS. Please consider attending or volunteering for the events sponsored or co-sponsored by A-DOG (shown in  GREEN

Contact us if you're interested in volunteering at any of these events...we need you!

  • August (all month) A-DOG table at Robbins Library for 
    DOG DAYS of SUMMER. For the month of AUGUST come view the A-DOG Display Table in the Lobby; coordinated by Ellen Leigh with other A-DOG helpers. Please when you visit be sure to play "Sweet Treats" game to win a dozen cookies compliments of Lakota Bakery celebrating 25 years as an Arlington business. If you are not yet a member, this would be a perfect opportunity to join A-DOG.
  • Sunday August 21.  Common Ground in Arlington located at 319 Broadway is celebrating "National Dog Appreciation Day."  Come enjoy a meal on our patio with your pooch In honor of their special day, Doggie guests receive a homemade treat and a side of fresh water. Please keep in mind dogs are only allowed on patio and it's first come first serve for seats. Brunch served from 10-2 and dinner menu after. See you there!
  • Tuesday August 23 from 5-9 pm: NEW-ARC Fundraiser at Flatbread Company Bedford/Burlington located 13 Burlington Road Bedford. This is a delicious way to support a local organization dedicated to supporting the needs of the public and humane organizations with wildlife rescue. Come enjoy a night out for pizza while making new friends.  Takeout orders also contribute to NEW-ARC.  NEW-ARC USA is the Northeast Wildlife Sanctuary {501 {c}3 located in Billerica whose mission is to rehabilitate injured /orphaned wildlife and return them to a natural habitat. 
  • Sunday, September 11, 11am-3pm. Somerville Dog Festival, a unique event for you and your dog. Details here.
  • Friday, September 16, registration 5:30, judging begins at 6 pm,  Spy Pond Field, Arlington. Arlington Town Night Dog Show, 2016 with Glen Doyle, master of ceremonies. See if your dog can be Top Dog, Best in Show! 
  • Saturday, September 17, Arlington Center (10 am to 3 pm)
    Arlington Town Day.  Enjoy this exciting annual event and be sure to visit us at the A-DOG Booth for games, prize drawings and free doggy massages by Janice Zazinski. (Rain date September 24). Can you volunteer at our booth? Contact Joan or Ann to let us know.

Send us calendar items for possible inclusion in this section in future Wags and Tags issues!  

Pawsome People and Awesome Dogs
Congratulations to....

AugPawsomePam Shanley Daube won the A-DOG Award at Chairful Where You Sit, 2016. Pam (left) won for her chair, called "Kraken", and was presented the award by Sue Doctrow (right), representing both A-DOG and the Chairful Where You Sit, 2016 committee. The A-DOG Award was presented for the best animal-themed chair, selected in a vote by our panel of judges. These judges, all A-DOG members and Chairful supporters, were Joan Black, Diane Buxton, Joe Curro and Judy Weinberg. Thank-you to our judges and to everybody who participated in and otherwise supported Chairful Where You Sit! The prize, donated by LUV and A-DOG, was a colorful donkey sculpture (Pam said it is the perfect prize for an artist!) and a LUV gift certificate. Along with Sue, the other Chairful, 2016 committee members were Adria Arch, Pinal Maniar, Mona Mandal, Louise Dinsmore and Amy Goldstein. The official Chairful "People's Choice Awards" were donated by Za and Firefly Moon.


Michele Biscoe, founder of Somerville Dog Owners Group and Open Space Advocate was recently honored in an article about local leaders in Somerville, It Takes a Village. " When Michèle Biscoe adopted a dog* in 2004, she was excited to explore Somerville with her new canine companion-until, that is, she realized that dogs were expressly forbidden in every public park. "Even the Community Path," Biscoe recalls." This led Michele to found Somerville Dog Owners Group (SomlDog) and lead a grassroots campaign to make Somerville more dog-friendly. As a result of this strong advocacy, the city's first dog park in Nunziato Field was opened 18 months later and two other dog parks in Somerville followed. To quote the article, Michele and her fellow advocates succeeded by "...promoting the importance of open space for all. In a dense city like Somerville, you might think that different groups that wanted open space for their own uses would have a "piece of the pie" mentality-that they'd work against each other to ensure their own needs were met. 'We didn't see it that way,' Biscoe says, pointing out that the Zero New Washington Off-Leash Recreation Area is on a piece of land that was initially slated for development. 'We saw that we could just, you know, bake more pie.' " Congratulations to Michele who also founded FellsDog, working toward off-leash recreation on DCR property, and mentored A-DOG when we began our efforts in 2008 toward legal recreational opportunities for dogs and their owners in Arlington. (Michele is shown here with her dog, Trochee. Her first dog, *Strummer, was the canine companion inspiring her work for off-leash recreation in Somerville.)

A-DOG Meeting Updates 
Highlights of the last one and agenda for the next

AugMeetingsHighlights from our May meeting:

1. Minutes
from March 22 meeting were approved, with minor corrections.  
2. Recent events:
  • Patriot's Day Parade - A-DOG did not participate because not enough marchers were available (report by Ann Smith)
  • Weekends with Daisy (April 30) book event at Robbins Library with Sharron Kahn Lattrell. Ellen introduced and moderated the program and several other A-DOG members volunteered. Five service dogs were in attendance, about 20-25 human attendees. Book proceeds and an A-DOG donation benefited NEADS (report by Ellen Leigh)
  • Bark for Life, (May 7) benefiting the American Cancer Society. A-DOG team, including Joan Black, Ellen and Janice Zazinski with their pups, raised $1,140. (report by Ellen Leigh)
  • "Doggie Investigation Gang" book event at Robbins Library (May 7); Shara, author of the "Doggie Investigation Gang", or DIG, series spoke with interactive events. Very young, engaged audience. Book proceeds and A-DOG donation for PAWS NE. (report by Ellen Leigh)
3. Membership. Total active membership is 453. This year we stopped sending out "snail mail" for our membership drive with more focus on social media, email, laminated posters and brochures at key areas. (report by Ann Smith)

4. Financial Report.  Reviewed financial data from our recent annual public charities filings. Since it began, A-DOG has spent more on events and programs than on other expenses, the proper focus for an organization with our mission. We are entirely volunteer run. Over the past 3 years, we have had increasingly more programs and events. Major donations included $1100 for a visitors bench at Thorndike dog park. The board voted to donate $500 to the Friends of Robbins Farm Park for their dog statue project (details in a future Wags and Tags) and would like this to be as a tribute to Roly Chaput. (report by Sue Doctrow).

5. Upcoming events: (at the time of the meeting). Living with Nature program, June 2, (ACO, Katie Kozikowski; refreshments by A-DOG); Wine and Whine event at Menotomy Beer and Wine, June 8; Feast of the East, June 18.Shared space offered by Diane Buxton, owner of LUV; Chairful Where you Sit. A-DOG partnered and sponsored an award for an animal-themed chair; Park Meet-ups. Jill Hourihan of Pet Republic would like to bring the doggie yogurt and be involved in these events. Volunteers to help organize them for their favorite parks are needed; Robbins Library A-DOG has the library table for the month of August, Ellen Leigh and her committee, including Mary McCartney, will decide which books to display.
Other Future Events : Town Day, September 17;  Autumn Care & Crossings in Medford offers in-home veterinary hospice care. Dr. Becky Schoenberg, who runs this service, was approached about doing an event with us soon. Ellen Leigh will follow up;  Sleepy Dog Vet, a new Arlington business, may work with Janice Zazinski to do a holistic dog event; Dog video festival is on hold while the committee does more research. Judy Weinberg suggested attending one of the very popular cat video festivals for ideas.; DOG CPR event will be held sometime in the fall. Mary McCartney is coordinating it with the ACO. Holiday craft fair, Janice Zazinski is investigating, to collaborate with Pet Republic. Volunteers welcome for all!
6. Advocacy:  Discussed R-DOG, founded by an A-DOG member concerned about off leash dogs at illegal hours/out of control. Hope to continue to dialog and try to help them with their concerns. A-DOG has primarily interacted with Joe Connelly and Leslie Mayer and has not visited the Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) meetings for a long time. Sue Doctrow and Judy Weinberg will visit PRC to summarize results of the Vision 2020 survey indicating support for a second dog park. * Joe Connelly, Director of Recreation, is leaving his job in June. Voted to give him a gift and a thank you note for his helping to make off leash recreation possible and treating all parties fairly over the years. Judy Weinberg, Sue Doctrow and David White to plan this gift. (*Vision 2020 survey, nearly 8,000 surveys were returned. Of respondents, 77% said they would approve a second OLRA/dog park and 70% said they believe a dog park enhances a community. Even though 81% of respondents said their household does not have a dog, still there was great support, much higher than the last survey on this topic (about 50% support, about half the response). (reported by Sue Doctrow, also a Vision 2020 standing committee member).

7. Formalizing working groups . A-DOG has a 200-person volunteer list we should be more actively recruiting. Joan Black prepared a draft framework document that Sue Doctrow briefly reviewed. It will be updated and shared with the board. Committee ideas: Executive and operations, Advocacy within town, Membership - building base and recruiting, Publicity, Wags and Tags, Events, Business relationships and fund-raising, Liaisons (including liaisons to various parks, to the library, to certain town employees such as ACO and Rec Director, etc.). This has some overlap with other committees, such as Advocacy within Town and Hospitality.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35.


Agenda for our August Meeting -- join us!
Summer Salad Social Potluck from 6:30-7:00, Jefferson Cutter House community room; Tues, Aug 23.

7:00-8:00 Meeting
Accept May Meeting Minutes
Old Business:
Reports of A-DOG Events (May-August)
1 Living With Wildlife Part 2 June 2: Joan Black, 2 Wine Tasting Membership Celebration June 8: Ann/Roslyn Smith & Joan Black, 3 Feast of the East June 18::Joan Black, 4 Chairful Where You Sit July 22-24: Sue Doctrow, Month of August Dog Days of Summer A-DOG Library Display: Ellen Leigh
2 Good bye Joe Connelly & Director Position Update:Sue Doctrow/Judy Weinberg
3 Donations: Neads, Paws New England & Robbins Farm Dog:Sue Doctrow 
New Business:
1 Pawsitive Awards Prizes Update: Joan Black
2 Town Day Planning: Joan Black/Ann Smith
3 Animal CPR {Co sponsor with ACO Katie Kozikowski}: Mary McCartney
4 Palliative Care Workshop (Co sponsor with ACO Katie Kozikowski): Ellen Leigh
5 Holiday Craft Fair: Janice Zazinski (interested Jill Hourihan/ Pet Republic & Diane Buxton/ LUV)
6 Pet Republic Proposals: (Park Doggie Ice Cream Socials, Pet Health Care & Photography Workshops): Joan Black
7 Nominations & invitations for New Board Members/ Resignations
8 Anything else & October Annual Meeting suggestions
8:00-8:30  clean up/clear out

     Summer Salad Social Potluck is open to all A-DOG Members and interested people. Please join us for a light supper of salads and stay for our 4th meeting of 2016.  Come with ideas, questions or concerns and the opportunity to meet others while enjoying a delicious meal. You are welcome to add to the festivities with appetizers, fruit, dessert, salads, juice or just bring yourself.
MENU thus far includes:
Compliments of A-DOG: plates, utensils, napkins, glasses & sparkling water
Compliments of Joan Black:*watermelon, feta, mint salad, *lemon & oil potato salad & *arugula salad with tomato, peppers cucumber, goat cheese & raspberries

Photo, 2015 Annual Meeting (October, 2015).
Help Wanted: Your Dog's Face Here?
Wags and Tags Welcomes Your Contributions

ContributestoryJunA-DOG Members and supporters, Wags and Tags is YOUR monthly newsletter!  I f you have suggestions for an article, including one you'd like to write, for a future issue, please email us with "Newsletter" in the subject line.   
Maybe you'd like your dog to be one of our " Arlington dogs, or A-dogs ", like Molly, Remy. Tammy, potcake Lexi and others. Or, write an article about Happy Tails Trails, describing your favorite place to enjoy nature with your dog, like an article a few months ago about Whipple Hill. You don't have to live in Arlington, but can be a neighbor who enjoys Arlington's dog recreation benefits, or otherwise supports our mission.  You can also suggest a special Rainbow Bridge memorial tribute to a beloved canine or feline family member you've lost.
Or, maybe you're a  Friend of A-DOG  Business and want to describe how you help A-DOG and what you offer to our community of dog owners and dog-friendly people.  Your business, too, can be featured like BlueSky Dogs, GoPlay!, Menotomy Beer Wine and Spirits,Your Wonderful Dog and Maida Pharmacy & Compounding Center.
Suggested article length for the newsletter is 500 words or fewer but this is only a guideline.  We will also need at least one photo, preferably a jpg or gif format, compressed to a size no greater than 1 MB.  (Please send the photo as a separate file, not imported into a Word document.) Depending on the topic, you might want to write a longer version for our website, with a link in the Wags and Tags article.

Articles on any other topic of potential interest to dog owners are welcome.  So are more volunteer editors and writers. Please send us your story proposals!  Wags and Tags editorial team:  Joan Black, Jen Burns, Sue Doctrow, Ellen Leigh, Judy Weinberg and Janice Zazinski.

Pssst...We are well aware that  our members are not likely to have issues with spelling or grammar that's a little "ruff", but don't worry....our editorial team can polish your story, as needed.
The Irish Setter on the computer photo is reprinted from a website called "iget2work". The "Bad spelling...image was posted on Facebook by Grammarly.  

Our next  A-DOG meeting  for 2016
A-DOG holds four meetings per year. The next one will be Tuesday, August 23 at 6:30 pm. Our Annual Meeting is held in October. Unless otherwise noted, meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Community Room of the Jefferson Cutter House, 611 Mass Ave (at Mystic, in Arlington Center).  The Community Room is accessible via the rear entrance at the municipal parking lot. Refreshments are served. New members show up every time so please join us!

A-DOG Membership!
A-DOG's membership year runs from April 1 through March 31, so some full memberships are up for renewal each spring.  If your membership has expired, you should have received a reminder letter in early 2016 during our  Membership Drive.  As an A-DOG Full Member, you are entitled to discounts and benefits from our Friends of A-DOG businesses.  And, your dues and donations to A-DOG are tax deductible, to the full extent allowed by law.  
Shop for A-DOG!  

Please support businesses that support responsible dog owners in Arlington by patronizing our Friends of A-DOG Businesses.  

(If you are not a full member, please sign up and pay your dues at the link above for joining A-DOG. If you are unsure if your membership is still active, or need another membership card as proof, you can email us to check into it.)

Also, when you buy from Amazon, please start at the Amazon Smile website and choose "A-Dog The Arlington Dog Owners Group, Inc" as your preferred nonprofit group.  Amazon will make a donation to A-DOG and your purchase will not cost any more!

A-DOG members, Business Friends of A-DOG and other subscribers receive Wags and Tags each month.  If this issue was forwarded to you and you'd like to subscribe to Wags and Tags without joining A-DOG, click here or click the green sign-up button on the front page of our website.