A Donor's Story
Gregory Sass
Earlier this year, our Executive Director, Pina Corigliano, called to let me know that one of our residents, Gregory Sass, had offered a donation of $100,000 in the form of a pledge of $20,000 a year for five years. He presented this significant gift as an unrestricted donation given in freedom to our staff to achieve our goals. His strong connection to the work that we do, and his demonstration of trust in our organization was very moving.
I had the pleasure of spending some time with Gregory to discuss his pledge to Hesperus and to learn more about his story of giving. Greg was born in Berlin, Germany in 1938 and lived through WW II and its aftermath. His family emigrated to Canada in 1953. He says: “These were tough times, but I now accept that this was my destiny. I’m grateful that I survived - that I was luckier than so many others. I am keenly aware when today people in other countries such as Ukraine, Sudan and Haiti suffer. My heart goes out to them, and that is why I have supported Doctors without Borders and the UN World Food Program for decades."
"In my life, I have loved and been loved. I’ve hurt others and been hurt myself. At times, I wanted to give up on life. Then, one day, I decided to change: to live more consciously, kindlier to myself and others. It didn’t happen overnight. In fact, I’ve been working at it for the last sixty years. It’s been a fumbling, bumbling kind of business. I succeed and I fail, but I have come to trust the path."
"Retirement has been a luxurious blessing. It has allowed me to live an examined life, to be my own man, to become wiser, to nourish others and to write daily. I am humbled to be so privileged.”
Over his lifetime, Greg has often found himself in the role of supporting others financially. His compassion and caring is seen when his face lights up as he shares how he helped nine young people through higher education ~ his reward is knowing that he is contributing to the future and playing a role in helping others do something for the world.
During the last eight years of living at Hesperus, Greg has developed many meaningful relationships and has come to feel strongly connected to the community. Some of his close friends at Hesperus have crossed the threshold, like Sybille Hahn, and he expressed how much he misses them and still carries them in his heart.
So, why such a gift to Hesperus Village? Greg shared with me how organizing his will and power of attorney made death and dying quite real for him. He explained that he really wanted to do something now, before crossing the threshold.
“Recently I realized that Hesperus has really become home for me. It is an oasis and a community where I feel connected to everyone and where we all care about one another. This is what the good life should be like. My rent is also very reasonable and this has saved me money over the years. The donation I'm making over the next five years is intended to acknowledge these things. I hope to help Hesperus continue to be a wonderful place where we offer meaning, warmth, encouragement, and dignity to one another.”
Greg chose not to remain anonymous with his gift, in the hopes that it will encourage others to think about their own end of life planning and think about any gifts they may wish to leave. "I wanted to be as caring and responsible as I could in making these final decisions."
Gregory, heartfelt thanks for your very generous gift, also thank you for sharing some of your story and very importantly for demonstrating such great trust in the work that we do.