HERS Breast Cancer Foundation
news & updates
September 2020 | Vol. 2
A Daughter's Inspiration
Then and Now

Six years ago Cigdem was diagnosed with breast cancer. In the months that followed, she fought to heal and recover. Cigdem was fortunate to have a lot of support, most important of which was her family including her daughter, Funda.

Today, Cigdem is in her sixth year of survivorship and thriving. And Funda? She's become an energetic, involved advocate for breast cancer awareness and patient support.

In addition to being a top fundraiser for HERS annual Walk/Run fundraiser, Funda is a HERS Breast Cancer Foundation Board member and event committee volunteer. Her most recent good news? Today she confirmed that her personal 2020 Walk/Run donation was matched dollar for dollar by her employer. Wow!

We need more Fundas!

Be like Funda. If you haven't yet registered, join her and the rest of our team for this weekend's virtual Walk/Run/Yoga fundraiser.

100% of every $20 registration fee ($10 per pet) will support our low income, under-insured, and uninsured patients. And 100% of that good feeling you get from giving back? That will last a long time.

Remember: you can walk or run where and when you want the weekend of September 26-27. Or join HERS Board Member and yoga teacher Anjali Rao for a gentle yoga session via Zoom. No matter which option you choose, you'll stand with patients in need.

Note: please register by Thursday, September 24th.

Kick-Off Event is Saturday, September 26th @ 9 am

Join us on Facebook Live or YouTube at 9 am!

We'll kick-off our event weekend with a warm welcome, Elaine's Memorial Circle, dove release, prize announcements, a dynamic stretch warmup with Washington Hospital Healthcare System's Sharmi and a dance warmup with Shameem of XTRIM Bollywood.

Questions? Call (510) 790-1911. See you soon!