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A Day of Hope at Lowell Community Health Center
Now, hope has a name.

It is Fernando.

Yesterday, we received a dose of something we all need these days: hope.
We began providing the first doses of the COVID vaccine to our patients 75+.

We are excited by the realization that more and more patients will be vaccinated every day!
Fernando, and many of our other 75+ patients who became the first to receive the COVID-19 vaccine this week, have given us renewed hope.
This is an important step in providing some much needed relief to our Lowell CHC community, which has endured so much over the past year.

Fernando was one of our first patients to be vaccinated on Monday. He could not have been more excited, or appreciative. He chatted with staff, happy to have his picture taken and help spread the word about getting vaccinated. He brought a smile to our faces!
As a community, we have endured sorrow and hardship with strength and resiliency. And YOU have been there when we needed you most. Thank you.
Now, we are here to return the favor.

Today, we feel the comforting swell of hope in our hearts.

We hope you do, too. 

Lowell Community Health Center began in 1970 to make sure that everyone in
Greater Lowell has access to quality, compassionate, and culturally responsive
health care, regardless of ability to pay.

As we look to the future, we will continue to honor the transformative power of
kindness and understanding so that everyone in our community receives
exactly the care that they need and deserve.