A December To Remember
As we reflect on 2020, we saw people around the world come together to help others facing unnerving odds, as allies and advocates for not only their friends and neighbors, but for people they may never meet — providing financial support amid an economic crisis, donating protective gear to the people who need it most, and taking to the streets to demand justice for all.

Although the path forward into 2021 may feel uncertain, one thing has never been more clear: To change the trajectory for the better, we have to come together, work together, and support each other in building a brighter, safer, more just future we can all share. We need to believe in our power, as humans and humanitarians, to reshape the world into one where healthy love is possible for everyone. We have to stay focused on our potential, as individuals and as community, to achieve this fundamental goal.

What we do now, together, will shape what happens next.
Montgomery County Women's Center In The News
Calls to the Montgomery County Women’s Center hotline, and the referrals from law enforcement to the center’s shelter, increased dramatically this year and are unlikely to decrease soon. Between March 1st and November 30th, the staff at the hotline answered 55,176 calls. For the same period in 2019, the hotline received 37,000 calls. This is a 49.12 percent increase in calls.

Along with an increase in calls to the hotline, the Women’s Center legal team has seen an increase in requests for services. Raleigh said that there has been about a 40 percent increase in requests from victims for help from the legal department to obtain protective orders and about a 35 percent increase in protective orders being granted. Case managers at the center have completed 180 crime victim compensation applications, a 73 percent increase compared to last year.
Amazon Prime Video is releasing a new film on January 6th that highlights the obstacles faced by victims fleeing violent homes. It features the story of young mother, Sandra, who escapes an abusive husband, only to find herself at the mercy of a broken housing system. She fights back by building her own home and, in the process, rebuilds her life and re-discovers herself.
Did you know the Montgomery County Women’s Center has a Youth Advisory Council (YAC) that provides students opportunities to advocate for victims and survivors of abuse? Check out one of our active YAC members, Vivian!

Rising Leaders: Youth In Action
A Season of Sweets
We have some amazing community partners and National Charity League (NCL) is at the top. These groups of young ladies volunteer their time and collect donations throughout the entire year and this Christmas they baked over 100 dozen cookies for our annual “Share A Family” holiday event!!! 
Tournament of Giving
Santa definitely came to town thanks to the USSSA-- Baseball Santa’s Reindeer Games Tourney!!! Thank you to everyone who took part in the event and donated.
A Community of Caring
Thank you to Girl Scout Troop 108055 for donating gifts for shelter residents. These young leaders spent a fun-filled evening putting together holiday care packages for our clients and their children.
Christmas Crafting
Shout Out to Ms. Miller, Ms. Raska, Ms. Hunsucker and Ms. Boyer and their classes @ Creekside Forest Elementary School!! They worked hard and created 80 blankets to donate to the Center.
A December To Remember
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Holiday Giving programs this year. 2020 was an extremely stressful time for everyone and seeing the outpouring of love and support for our clients this year was a true Christmas Miracle. It is because of the generous support of the community that we are able to help provide Christmas for so many families.
Shout Out to Wellness Woodlands for hosting a gift collection to benefit our clients.
Thank you to Sam Houston State University Faculty & Staff for their donation of throw blankets, toys, trash bags, and cleaning, paper, and hygiene products.
Thank you to Legacy League for coming volunteering at Something Special!!
The amazing gifts that we received from the Woodlands Coffee and Cars event.
The Corvette Club of the Woodlands stopped by our annual Shelter Santa event and dropped off car loads of toys for holiday giveaway! Thank you for your continuous support of our clients.
Thank you to the Conroe Police Department for their support again this year with an Annual Toy Drive! 

We are excited to announce a NEW series that we are starting on our Something Special Facebook page! A few times a week, we will be posting Thrift Shop DIY Makeovers! These will show you step- by-step how to pick out perfect pieces at Something Special Resale Shop and turn them into your very own TREASURES!