August 31, 2020
Happy Monday, DPS Rescue supporters!
Feeling the Monday blues?
We hope this newsletter can come close to the equivalent of receiving sweet dog cuddles and kisses, both of which Venti (below) loved giving his foster!
For all those receiving this newsletter for the first time, we send out DPS Rescue organization-wide newsletters every Monday that are full of fun photos, updates, and news from our rescue. We hope you enjoy this week's issue!
(Pictured above: Rusti - up for adoption now - feeling the Monday blues. Pictured below Rusti: Venti - now adopted! - and foster Chloe W)
Banana Bunch Updates
You may remember our rescue dog, Banana, who we rescued while pregnant and had her puppies while in foster care. Our Banana Bunch puppies turned four weeks old last and are becoming so playful and rambunctious! They will be up for adoption in a month or so. Thank you to Valerie W for fostering their mama, Banana, and taking such good care of them.
Calling all DPS Rescue supporters who want to volunteer more with our rescue: we want you!
Volunteer Need: Emergency Fosters
For those of you who have been through the foster orientation and interview process, we need emergency foster volunteers. In contrast to regular fosters who are asked to foster for a two-week minimum commitment, these emergency foster volunteers will help out by simply looking after dogs who were rescued at an unexpected time such that we don't have a regular foster home to bring the dog to. Emergency fosters will need to be available for us to contact you at any time to help house a rescue dog for a 1 hour minimum and 24 hour maximum. If you are willing to be an emergency foster, please contact us at Thank you in advance!
Emergency fosters help dogs like Bernadette go from crate life (left) to living in a loving home (above right)! We hope that if you have the time to be an emergency foster, you'll contact us today.
Volunteer Need: DPS "Drive Thru" Manpower
We've taken the highest precautions during the pandemic to ensure that our foster volunteers stay protected, and as part of these precautions, we've started doing foster hand-offs via our DPS "Drive Thru" so that all foster dog pick-ups can be done in a contact-less fashion. We need more manpower to help with our "Drive Thru" lines on the weekends! This involves helping lift dogs in crates into fosters trunks or backseats. If you're interested in helping and learning more, please email us at
*Thank you to everyone who replied to our volunteer calls for photographers, transporters, medicine box caretakers, and adoption facilitators! *
For all those who have generously volunteered last week for these positions and haven't yet been contacted directly with more information, please continue to check your emails (and spam folders) this week; we will be reaching out to you soon.
*This week's rescue statistics*
We rescued 60 new dogs and facilitated 39 adoptions this week!! We couldn't have done it without your support. Thank you especially to the fosters who swooped in at the last minute to help out with our new rescue dogs.

Thanks to all of you, we now have a grand total of:
688 newly rescued dogs,
611 dog adoptions,
over 60 cat adoptions,
and ~400 new foster families
all since California’s shelter in place started (mid-March)!
Cotton was our 600th dog adopted since mid-March! Here is Cotton's sweet adoption photo. We're so happy you found your furever family, Cotton!
*Sticky Dog Section*
Some of our dogs stick around for a bit longer than others and have been waiting awhile to find their perfect families! We call them our "sticky dogs."
Our sticky dogs are still waiting for their forever homes! Please enjoy these sticky dog bios written by members of our DPS Kids Team & share the profile links to any of your friends who may be wanting to adopt these lovable dogs.
Photo submitted by foster Megan G.
(The first short bio below is written by DPS Kids member Maya, age 10. The second is written by another DPS Kids member Varun, age 13.)

Bio #1: Dubai is an energetic and outgoing 1 ½ year old love bug who enjoys going out in the fresh air and looking out the window. He's making progress in being housebroken and responds well to treats. He’s also a total sponge for snuggles and attention, though can be quite skeptical when it comes to trusting older men. This sweetheart would do best with a family who is dog savvy, and if there are children they should be teenagers and above.

Bio #2: Dubai is a 1.5 year old German Shepherd mix who would do great in a home which enjoys lots of playing and craziness. Dubai’s ideal adopter(s) would enjoy taking him on long walks, playing with him, and let him play with other dogs. Dubai’s adopter(s) should have experience with young dogs and should be able to put time into exercising him. If you can meet these requirements, they will have a loving, playful companion forever.

(The short bio below is written by DPS Kids member Ami D, 10 years old.)

"Spanky is an Australian cattle dog/blue heeler. He is 6 years old and is a medium-sized dog. This lovely pup will do great with children at the age of 10-12 and older. He is a super friendly little boy but Spanky prefers to have a quieter household.

Spanky is not very needy. He is a great choice if you have to work a lot because he enjoys taking a nice long nap while resting by your feet! 

Spanky is also a fantastic companion on walks and hikes! He will always be there for you when you are sad and need to cheer up. 

In all, Spanky is an extraordinary dog! This playful pup will make any bad day a bright and cheerful one! Spanky deserves a home that will give him lots of love!
If you think he's the one for you read his bio, and fill out an application!"

Spanky (left) is currently being fostered by Elyse B. Here he is enjoying a day at the park with his current foster sibling!
DPS Donations: Every little bit counts!
This week's ask: potty pads! Even housetrained dogs have accidents when they're in new environments and adjusting to new people. We'd like to support our fosters, especially our puppy fosters, by providing them with extra potty pads when they bring a new rescue dog home. Please click on the link below to be taken to our Amazon wish list or email us if you have some extras you'd like to donate and drop off at one of our volunteer's houses!
Additionally, if you enroll in and choose "Doggie Protective Services" as your designated charity, we receive a small percentage of every purchase you make on Amazon as a donation at no extra cost to you!
If you'd like to make a monetary donation instead, please do so via Venmo (@DPS-Rescue) or PayPal (yellow "Donate" button in the upper right hand corner of our homepage). If you have physical items to donate, please reply to this email and we will find a volunteer drop-off point close to where you live! Thank you all for your generosity.
Jessi (pictured at left) knows that rescue dogs deserve to live a luxurious life and thanks you for your donation generosity that goes towards helping her & other DPS dogs live the lives they deserve! Photo submitted by Palak S.
Want more fun stuff to do this week?
Check out the different doggy-centered activities we have for you below.
Last week's "Caption This!" Challenge featured Coach Jack, who will be up for adoption on our website soon!

The winning caption was:
"The face when someone else ate the last slice of pizza" - Congratulations to Facebook submitter Varsha KP for winning this week's contest!

Honorary mention goes to Robby G's caption: "Umm...that's not how you use a plate!"
This week's "Caption This!" Challenge features sweet Elderberry, who is waiting for her forever family. She is currently up for adoption on our website!

Reply to this email to submit your caption idea for the photo below! You may see your winning caption featured in next week's newsletter.

Photo submitted by volunteer/foster Sacha M.
Photo submitted by foster Laura S.

Tip of the week: Please keep your dogs out of the smoky air! We know that dogs love being outside, but their lungs are very sensitive to even moderate amounts of smoke in the air. You may monitor air quality based on where you live using this website, and here are additional tips for coping with smoky environments:
1) Keep outdoor bathroom breaks short an sweet!
2) Avoid prolonged outdoor exercise.
3) Keep an eye out for signs of respiratory distress (unusual or excessive coughing, sneezing, vomiting, or lack of appetite).
4) If smoke gets too heavy in your neighborhood, consider keeping your pets at a pet sitter's or animal daycare.
Howard can definitely smell the smoke in the air and doesn't like it when he spends too much time outside in it! (Howard will be up for adoption soon. Photo submitted by foster Katja DV.)
Take a lazy break, curl up somewhere comfy, and see if you can figure out our Lazy Dog Corner puzzle this week! (Answers below)

This week is an image challenge? Can you guess who this Hollywood star is walking his sweet dog out in his neighborhood?
Our featured success story this week is Channing! According to his forever family Virgil & Quyen V: "Channing is enjoying his furever home with plenty of walks and bike rides...he finally got to socialize with other dogs at the park! He will be graduating this coming weekend from Jimi's Fuzzy-Wolf dog training. He's a lot more calm as he learns his place in his new wolf pack." Congratulations on the graduation, Channing, and thank you to Virgil and Quyen for helping us save this cutie pie's life!
Our fabulous featured foster this week is not only a foster for DPS Rescue, but a long-time and so incredibly supportive DPS Rescue worker as well! Happy belated birthday to Henry! You are the epitome of someone who takes far too little credit for the amount of work you do, and we know this tiny slice of recognition doesn't do your work for DPS Rescue due justice. We love you, and thank you for all that you've done for our rescue animals and team. We hope you had a wonderful birthday, and many more to come!
We also want to shout out another long-time volunteer and very valued member of our DPS Rescue Team, Zara L. She is the amazingly talented photographer behind some of our favorite dog portraits. We've watched her hone and improve her craft over the years, and she's come such a long way. Check out these sweet photos of some of our newest rescue puppies! They will be available for adoption soon, and we have no doubt that we will have so much interest in them after she took such cute photos that will be some of the highlights of their adoption bios. Thank you for all of your hard work over these years, Zara - you are incredible.
This famous dog walker is Chadwick Boseman, who passed away from stage III colon cancer at the young age of 43 this past week. He was a true fighter and brought the world many films, including Black Panther, 42, and Marshall, all created between rounds of chemotherapy. Some of his final photos taken by paparazzi were of him walking his little black dog, who he so clearly loved. Rest in peace, Chadwick Boseman, and thank you not only for sharing your talent, but also for leading by example and increasing representation in Hollywood. You may read more about this dog lover and incredible man's legacy here.
This week in review:
Monday: National Trail Mix Day
Tuesday: National Acne Positivity Day
Wednesday: National V-J Day
Thursday: US Bowling League Day
Friday: National Chianti Day
Saturday: World Beard Day
Sunday: National Read a Book Day
If you have photos of your foster dog or your own dog(s) celebrating any of these days, do send them in to us via email.
We hope your upcoming week is filled with a good mix of productivity & relaxation.
Josie and her foster "sister" Sabrina N were very productive last week! Jose is now adopted :)
We wish the best to everyone who may be going back to school this week! And for everyone who this may be "just another work week" for, we encourage you to try to learn something new to make it exciting. With all the uncertainty and fear that's in the world, please try to add a bit of good into the mix by being kind and understanding to others, always.

Sending love and PAWSitive vibes,
DPS Rescue
Pssst, Can't get enough rescue dogs on your newsfeed? We have a new "Behind the Scenes" FB group! We'll be sharing "behind the scenes" stories about our rescue efforts here, and it's open for all of you to join! Please go to to request access to this special group. Click the link above or the photo below to be taken directly to the group.
*DPS Rescue's Official COVID-19 Statement*

Since shelter in place started, we have been overwhelmed (in a good way!) with how many supporters have come out to help during these trying times.

We no longer host our large twice monthly adoption events for public health reasons, and we have completely re-worked our foster dog hand-offs and adoption protocols in a way that strongly emphasizes safety for humans and dogs as our top priority.
*An important note for interested adopters*

If you or your family/friends are interested in adopting one of our many rescue dogs, please note that not all of them are ready for adoption just yet! Adoption applications are open once the adoption bio is posted, but not any time sooner.

We post a limited number of the many dogs we currently have in our foster homes so that our application reviewers don't become overwhelmed with the dozens, sometimes hundreds, of applications received for each dog. We encourage interested adopters to view our "Available Animals" page on our website daily to see new adoption bios if you're looking for a perfect furever friend. Sometimes, we get 80-100 applications in a matter of hours after we post a dog's adoption bio, so we do not need to have that adoption bio open for very long. Once an adoption bio is posted, then and only then should you fill out a high-quality application in a timely manner for the dog you're interested in!
Be sure to check out our website, FB, Twitter, and IG
for updates on adoptions & more fun stuff during the week.
Doggie Protective Services is a non-profit, volunteer-driven, animal rescue organization.
We are a 501(c)(3) rescue that was incorporated in 2001. We rescue dogs of all breeds, ages, and sizes.
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