Ladder to Heaven: The Rosary, the Holy Souls … and You!
Susan Tassone, “The Purgatory Lady”
An Apologetics on Purgatory: What Scripture Says
John Martignoni, Apologist
New Friends Now and Forever: A Story About the Holy Souls
Story Time! Invite the kids!
Rosary for the Holy Souls
Johnnette Williams, Women of Grace
Presentations, Story Time, and Prayer! Something for the whole family!
Sit down with your spouse, kids, grandkids, or some friends and enjoy this ONLINE event for the whole family!
*Learn about Purgatory and who the Holy Souls are, what you can do for them, and what they do for you! Understand why the Rosary is the prayer of choice for souls in Purgatory!
*Ever had someone of a different faith question you about Purgatory? Find out how Scripture would answer the question and what the Catholic Church teaches about Purgatory!
*Invite the kids for the first-time-ever reading of Susan Tassone's new book: New Friends Now and Forever: A Story About the Holy Souls
*Join us in prayer! Together we will offer up a Rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory!