Celebrating the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur!
On February 2, 1804, St. Julie Billiart, Francoise Blin de Bourdon and Catherine Duchantel vowed their lives to God, as Sisters of Notre Dame, promising to educate the most vulnerable children. To this day, the Sisters of Notre Dame fulfill this promise by ministering in various schools and organizations throughout the world

Please join us in heartfelt gratitude and prayer for the Sisters.
Good and Gracious God, thank You for the gifts of our Sisters! Their generous hearts are truly as wide as the world. Our school was not only founded by the Sisters, but Sr. Maryalyce Gilfeather and Sr. Mary Murphy continue to lead and inspire us each day with the work they do for all students, faculty, and staff! 

Bless our Sisters, and bless all Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, as they continually proclaim Your goodness through their lives. Amen! 
Prayer by NDCR Campus Minister, Andrew Craig.
Celebrating Our Generous Donors!
We recently asked long-time donor, supporter and friend, Mary Landergan, why NDCR means so much to her and her family. We invite you to learn more about the incredible people who help us carry on our mission.
Thank you so much for your support, Mary, and for carrying on your father's legacy.

If you would like to share your own reflection about why you support NDCR, please reach out to Rebecca Twitchell at rtwitchell@ndcrhs.org.
Celebrating Our Incredible Corporate Work Study Partners!
Despite their own uncertainty about what the future holds for their organizations, our CWSP Partners go the extra mile to make sure our mission is known and shared. Thank you to long-time CWSP Partner, The MITRE Corporation, for publishing this story about the bond between NDCR junior, Jhanny, and his supervisor, Les Servi (whom we are also so grateful to have on our Board of Directors)!

Celebrating Our Fearless Alumni!
Sabrina Fernandez, NDCR Class of 2015 and Registered Nurse at Northeast Rehabilitation Hospital Network (another long-time CWSP Partner!), spoke with us about her reflections on 2020 and 2021:

What did you learn from 2020?

2020 has taught me many lessons. The most important one being human interaction. Many of us dream about working or attending classes from the comfort of our home, but when the opportunity finally came, I realized we failed to think of the disconnect from friends and family. It broke my heart knowing my patients were not able to have their family visit. I found myself showing my 90-year-old patients how to use FaceTime.

When they finally saw their loved ones, they could not help but cry tears of joy. 

Being a nurse is already challenging, but starting out as a nurse during a pandemic is more than overwhelming. On the bright side of a dark year, I was able to learn important lessons, experience valuable opportunities, and grow tremendously. I am proud to be a nurse, especially in 2020. 
What gives you hope in 2021?

The COVID-19 vaccine gives me hope for 2021. Getting vaccinated was a difficult decision for me. Many people have their own opinions and we should respect them all. I will admit I felt worried, scared and overwhelmed, but there is nothing I care about more than my friends and family so I decided to get vaccinated for them. I want to increase the odds of keeping them safe so I put faith in the science and research. I am doing my part to get life back to “normal” and with the continued rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine there is hope for a happier and healthier year.

Update: Sabrina received her second vaccination shot on February 6.

Thank you, Sabrina!
Thank You!

Notre Dame Cristo Rey High School | www.ndcrhs.org | (978) 689-8222