A Feng Shui Holiday Season...
intention, beauty and balance is yours
Where did the year go? We can't believe it's nearly 2024, the Chinese New Year of the Dragon. As you slide into the remaining weeks of the year, we want you to embrace the season - reduce chaos - create intention - and flourish. Is all of that possible? Of course. Is it easy? Not always. But our Feng Shui experts aim to give you tips and ideas to help you navigate this time of year and this time of your life, while also preparing for the next great year ahead. We are excited to see where the next few months take all of us!

Cheers and Happy Holidays...from the International Feng Shui Guild

p.s. Look for our special Chinese New Year edition of this newsletter coming early February.
10 Feng Shui Decorating Ideas that Can Stay Up Past the Holidays

If you want to regain magic; if you want to uplift your family’s energy; if you want to see a positive affect in your environment and in the world, this is for you. Embrace these 10 ideas to change the way you look at your holiday space.

Some people are natural born decorators, they have a flair for molding ribbons, wreaths and garlands and can make their home picture perfect for the holidays. But if that gene bypassed you, relax. I will help you release the worry and doubt associated with, “I could never do that” or “what will company think?” I assure you, your home will feel magical when you use these 10 Feng Shui Decorating Ideas That Can Stay Up Past The Holidays. I have selected Feng Shui objects and intentions that radiate beauty and soul long after Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice and Kwanzaa have transformed into memories of sugar plums and bliss.

Quick Tip: Set the Holiday Dinner Table
"A festive table set with shiny items such as silver serving pieces, sparkling crystal and china adds excitement to the holiday dinner. Using candles will emanate a natural energy and enhance the soothing effects of dimmed lights. Dress the holiday dinner table by striking the perfect balance between the fire element of red napkins for a festive mood and the calming elements of green and cream colored linens. Round or oval tables are best for Feng Shui friendly dining. In fact, circular shapes are symbolic of eternal unity and intimacy. If you do have a rectangular dining table, to ensure everyone gets along, set your table with a tablecloth to smooth the hard edges. Make sure your guests are not seated too close to the corners. This can cause a feeling of agitation, and if people feel uncomfortably confined, they will be more likely to argue."

If you love this☝️, see a compilation of simple holidays tips from our members...
Feng Shui Decorating for the Holidays - Using the Bagua

Holiday decorating can be wonderful. It changes the energy of our spaces and lifts our spirits. Decorations are usually uplifting, beautiful, and enjoyable. Adding some positive new energy is always great Feng Shui. And if you add some Feng Shui intention behind it, you can give it some extra oomph.

Prosperity Gua
The element of Wood enhances this area, so this is a great place for the Christmas tree. This is also a great place for any symbols of wealth. Green represents the wood element. The color associated with prosperity is purple. I love the purple/green color combination. You can also use Gold as a symbol of wealth here.

Family Gua
The element of wood enhances this area as well, so another great place for a Christmas tree. This would be a great place to display a family portrait or family pictures. This would also be a great place for anything that would pertain to your family’s traditions.

Fame and Reputation Gua
Fire is the element here and wood supports fire so another great place for the Christmas tree. Red represents the fire element. The traditional color scheme of red and green is perfect here. Fire element is also represented by lights, candles, and stars. This is a great place for lighting and displaying the Menorah. Also a great place for poinsettias.

Love and Relationship Gua 
Pinks are great here. If I had one of those fabulous retro pink Christmas trees, this is where I would put it. Red would work here too as fire element supports earth.

Creativity and Children Gua
Metal is the element that supports this area so whites, silvers, and other metallic colors. Also, it is a great place for toys and any of the more whimsical decorations. Placing decorations with the word JOY would be wonderful here.

Helpful People and Travel Gua
Metal also supports this area, so again whites, silvers and other metallic colors. This is a great place for angels or anything heaven or celestial related too. Maybe some silver garland or tinsel here.

Career Gua
Water is the element for here. Blue and black represent water. Metal supports water, so traditional Hannukah colors of Blue and White are fantastic here.

Skills and Knowledge
Earth is the element here. Square shapes represent earth, so square shaped boxes would be good. Beiges and earth tones are the colors. Then fire supports earth, so the color red, candles or lights.

Earth is also the element here, again supported by fire. Beiges, earth tones and yellows. Square shaped candles would be great here.

Reduce Stress and Increase Joy with Feng Shui and Self care Rituals
If you are looking for ways to reduce stress and increase joy this season, this video is for you. Starting with a beautiful meditation, Amanda Sophia takes you on an amazing journey to take care of yourself and your family, take care of your space, and invite that which is for your highest good into your holiday season. Take the time to watch this and see/feel a shift today.
Final Thoughts: Home Sweet Home
by Wieke van Leeuwen

Your house, your home, or “Your house reflects who you are.” You are so used to your own home, that looking at it objectively is quite difficult.

Except… when you enter your home after a long holiday!

What are your first impressions?
Does the place make you feel welcome?
Where there loving, caring people who watered your plants and left you flowers?
Are you happy to dive into your favorite seat or was your holiday couch a better landing place?

Make use of ‘coming home again’ by being aware of your impressions of your own home! Evaluate what you like and don’t like about your house. And act accordingly!

When you think Feng Shui is still too ‘spiritual,’ you can start with ‘ordinary’ things like:

Repairing your jamming front door.
Buying some extra pillows so your couch feels like a nice place to cuddle up in like the one at your holiday destination!
And finally change the light-bulb that has been broken for far too long!
How many of you have experienced this awareness after coming home from a trip? 🙋

Be sure to check out our many other holiday and Feng Shui articles on our blog.
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As a professional non-profit organization, the International Feng Shui Guild mission is to

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  • Promote and serve our membership with resources, networking opportunities, publications and a content-rich website
  • Unify the Feng Shui community by establishing and upholding universal standards in professional practice and education
  • Inspire public confidence in the professionalism of our members as demonstrated in our by-laws, Code of Ethics and the Feng Shui Universal Topics.

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