New year, new beginning couldn’t ring truer than the changes happening within our Housing unit. CELHP (COVID Eviction Legal Help Project) that started in October 2020 to assist low-income landlords and tenants came to an end. However, at the start of 2022, a new grant is picking up where CELHP left off. The Eviction Legal Aid Project will operate as effectively as its predecessor. Under this new grant our Housing team will continue to assist our clients up to their Tier 1 and or Mediation phases. Without interruption, we will continue to assist eligible landlords across the state of Massachusetts who are struggling financially and to serve tenants via our online Answer & Discovery and Lawyer For the Day clinics and more, if applicable. We are grateful we can continue to assist the underserved low-income landlord population as well as the struggling tenants through the new Eviction Legal Aid grant.