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Loaves and Fishes

They do not need to go away,” Jesus replied. “You give them something to eat.”  We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish,” they answered. “Bring them here to Me,” Jesus said.”  (Matthew 14:16-18)

It was opening day. There would be no first pitch, or popcorn, or hot dogs, but there was every bit as much excitement in the Brentwood Presbyterian Church basement as there would have been at any ballpark! It was February 12, 2023 and Living Stones volunteers were about to serve their first Sunday meal to neighbors in their new location. 

Eager volunteers began arriving earlier than scheduled. The kitchen crew already knew from the dry run which ovens would heat up first. The setup team remembered just where the tables were to go. Coffee was waiting, the serving line was set up, and spirits were high. There was nothing left to do but speculate as to what God had in store.

We wouldn’t begin serving until 4:30, but people began arriving at 3:30 and kept coming … and coming. By 5:30, when the last guest had been fed, we had welcomed and, by the grace of God, fed nearly 100 (96 to be exact!) hungry and thankful neighbors. It was reminiscent of our Overbrook opening, when we planned for 40 and nearly 80 came. God is clearly at work in our midst.


While we knew quite a few of those who came, more than half were at a Living Stones meal for the very first time. There were all ages, from elderly with canes to little ones in highchairs. What fun our minglers had introducing themselves and beginning to get to know new neighbors. Our Community Health Worker was busy, too, and left with the names and phone numbers of new people she was already beginning to help.

As we put away the tables and chairs, many of which we had to add as more and more people came through the door, we reflected on the sense of joy and caring that had filled the room. And we knew that the decision to move from Baldwin to Brentwood had been the right one. The new location has a much larger kitchen, can accommodate many more neighbors, is on a main bus route, and is in close proximity to other underserved neighborhoods. We happily envision being able to serve many more people from this new location. 

We have no doubt that God handpicked Brentwood Presbyterian Church for this partnership and positioned members Pat and Debbie Campbell to champion our cause within the church. There was much work to be done, and the Campbells were up to the challenge. Among many other tasks and at considerable expense to the church, they arranged to have a wheelchair lift installed and restrooms brought up to code to make them handicap accessible. They also secured a storage room and had it emptied out for us to clean and paint. They are also enthusiastic community spokespersons for Living Stones and energetic new volunteers. 

As we left the church Sunday evening, Debbie and Pat were emotional as they talked about how wonderful it was to see the church so full of people again. Like so many other mainline churches, theirs has recently seen a decline in membership and attendance. “We haven’t had all those spare chairs out in years,” reflected Pat. If it’s God’s plan and we’re obedient to His leading, that big, beautiful church just might be full of life again as neighbors enjoy meals and other programing within its welcoming walls. 

Come to the Table


Second Sunday of every month

Brentwood Presbyterian Church

3725 Brownsville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15227


Third Sunday of every month

North Way Christian Community Church

Corner of Espy Ave. & Potomac Ave.

Dormont, PA 15216

Across from Potomac Avenue T stop

Last Sunday of every month

Fairhaven United Methodist Church

2415 Saw Mill Run Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15234

My Monday Thing!


Breakfast, Lunch, & Snacks




Fellowship & Prayer

Chats with Community Health Worker

Third Monday of Every Month

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

North Way Christian Community Church

Corner of Espy & Potomac Avenues

Dormont, PA 15216

Across from Potomac Avenue T stop


Celebrating 10 years of being God's

hands and feet!

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Grow Living Stones and mail it to

GROW Living Stones, PO Box 13077, Pittsburgh, PA 15243

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Email us today at [email protected]

Contact Us

GROW Living Stones fosters the cultivation of relationships with neighbors who join us for meals at Living Stones tables. As relationships develop and deepen, GROW Living Stones volunteers come alongside those individuals and families to assist them in navigating the challenges in their lives and encourage them to find hope in Christ as they learn to trust Him.

"Won't you be my neighbor?"

Fred Rogers