Rose Crimi Muench’s long and deep connection to the San José Public Library began when she was a young girl and a self-described bookworm. Born and raised in San Jose, Rose remembers spending a lot of time at her local library checking out her beloved books.
Rose graduated top of her class from San Jose High School in 1947, attended San Jose State University where she graduated summa cum laude in 1951, and then embarked on a long career with the city library and parks departments.
Rose has the distinction of being one of the founding members of the San José Public Library Foundation. Inspired by Ruth Kampa, the Foundation’s first president, Rose has made arrangements to leave a legacy gift to the Foundation. Rose credits Ruth’s generous legacy gift in 1991, as helping to “put them in business.” It was just the infusion that the Foundation needed to begin its legacy of support to the San Jose Public Library system and lifelong learning.
Rose’s legacy gift is both generous and meaningful. It demonstrates her commitment to the community and support of San José’s libraries. Her story is a tribute to her love of books, public service, and the City of San José.
"I’ve loved books and libraries ever since I was a little girl,” said Rose. “The San José Public Library has played such an important part in my life that I can’t think of anything better than helping to keep the library going for future generations.”