In this issue:

Happy Holidays from Our Team to Yours

Local Food Business & Share Grounds Webinars
Happy Holidays from the
Local, Regional & Safe Foods Extension Team!
We wish you all a wonderful holiday season!
Stay safe and healthy! See you in 2021!
🎁 A Gift from Us to You 🎁
Local Food Business & Share Grounds Webinars
We would like to offer a virtual gift to you all during this holiday season. Today and for the first few weeks of the new year, we will be sharing webinars that our team and others have created on starting a local food business here in Arkansas. Topics will include first steps, food trends, market options & economic considerations, how to process & manufacture food, health & safety practices, and how to become a client in our Share Grounds Certified Kitchens. We are excited to "present" this information to you! 🎁

The first two webinars are here below and may also be found on our new webinars webpage and on our YouTube playlist for all things local, regional and safe foods. Be sure to look for more coming in early January!

An Introduction to the Share Grounds
Certified Kitchens & Distribution Centers
Dr. Amanda Philyaw Perez | Cooperative Extension Service
Establishing Your Food or Beverage Business in Arkansas
Whitney Horton | ASBTDC
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