Legacy. Now that’s an intimidating word.
But, when most of us think about how we would like to be remembered, the words “to make a difference in this world” often spring to mind.
For most of us, one of the ways we “make a difference in this world” is by supporting charities that reflect our beliefs and values. If we care about the poor, we might donate to our local homeless shelter or food pantry. If it’s children we value, we might support the town’s after-school youth program. Whatever we believe in is where we invest our time and money.
Planned giving enables people, when they die, to leave a legacy. Through their estate, donors make large, meaningful charitable gifts to the organizations that reflect their beliefs and values, so that those values and beliefs – and those organizations – carry on long after a donor is gone.
Consider these facts when deciding whether planned giving should be part of your fundraising plan:
- 53% of donors set up their first legacy gift at writing their first will (average age is 44).
- 68% of donors make their legacy gift via a charitable bequest.
- A study by Indiana University found donors who included a charity in their wills gave more than twice as much to charity in annual gifts.
- The average amount of a bequest is about $37,000. The average major gift is $5,000.
Many nonprofits know they should be investing in planned giving, but they have no idea where to begin.
Lester Consulting Group can help you make planned giving a part of your major gift fundraising strategy. Your legacy to your organization can be as simple as helping someone else make a legacy gift.
Focus on Mission. Engage Your Donors. Move Forward Boldly.