Gran Wayeb Process & TeleWebcast
| Wayeb |
Rather than the Mayan Haab calendar New Year beginning on Feb 21 (1.Wind-Iq), the Elders tell us to add 13 days onto this period, so that the new, New Year will be on March 6, (1.Bird-Tz'kin) instead. This is what has historically been done every 52 years on the Haab calendar. This expands the focus of the Wayeb healing process from personal/family for the next year to one involving personal/community and all of humanity for the next 52 years. This gives us more time to complete an assignment of greater scope. During our Gran Wayeb Wrap-up we will work with the new energies, share stories and discuss next steps. TUES MARCH 5 (13.Jaguar/Ix)
same time, same station 6:00 am PST, 8:00am CST, 9:00am EST, 2:00 pm GMT
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Changing of the Year Bearer Groups
| A Year Bearer |
Not all Elders in Mesoamerica are likely to agree with the change in the Year Bearer Groups this year. Consensus is not easily attained among the wisdom keepers in this, and many other, parts of the world. It's complicated.
This is my understanding of how it works. Of the 20 nawales (Day Signs-or archetypal energies) of the Mayan sacred calendar, Year Bearers are divided into 5 groups of 4. In every group, each of the 4 Year Bearers contains the energy of one of the 4 directions, ensuring the 4-point balance of energetic qualities.
It is said that every 52 years, a new group of Year Bearers takes over the task from the previous group. However, my records indicate that the group of Year Bearers with which we have been working goes back to 1938. This is 74 years ago, not 52.
Carlos Barrios explained to us on our call last Wednesday (the recording can be listenedi to anytime: Episode 4 of the Wayeb Workshop) that due to the challenges the Maya faced during the conquest and 500 years of oppression and conflict since then, there has been an unfortunate disruption to the carrying out of traditions. What is not known at this time is who has done the math and who is in agreement with the change in Year Bearer groups.
My sense is that, like everything else, time will tell. By this time next year we'll be discussing whether we felt 2013 to be a year influcenced by 1.Wind or by 1.Eagle/Bird.