Warp Speed Ahead!
Dear Clients,

The past two months have brought us a number of unexpected (and unlooked for) challenges. First and foremost, we have had to focus on our health and safety – and that of our family, friends, elders, and loved ones – like never before.

Together with our insurer clients we have been working to determine the relative strengths and weaknesses of various video platforms, learning to adapt our skill set to virtual attendances, while also responding to client concerns about security issues potentially arising from the use of various communication tools.

We invite you to explore the resources in this newsletter on virtual examinations to help you feel confident and comfortable moving forward with your virtual EUOs.

Jennifer Griffiths and Nathan Fabiano write on the decision of Justice Fred Myers in  Arconti v. Smith , which highlights the rapidly evolving role of technology in moving court proceedings forward both during and after the current pandemic and why we need to be prepared to conduct examinations virtuall.
What is a virtual EUO? Can you do a virtual EUO where an interpreter is required? How does a video examination work for putting documents to a witness or having Exhibits marked?

The EUO group has answered these questions and more.

Helpful Resources
Our EUO Portal is ready for referral. If you have questions about your referral or need guidance on how to use the EUO Portal, please contact Caroline Pratt.

Need Help? Want Guidance?
We are always here to help. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have about virtual EUOs

We will be launching an office hours drop-in program where you can connect with us and members of the EUO practice group to ask any questions you might have about virtual EUOs.

Please stay tuned for more details, or contact us:
EUO practice group co-chairs: Jennifer Griffiths and Andrew McKague
EUO Practice Group | 416-777-2811 | | ztgh.com