CG Coaching & Consulting
February Issue 115
We were given emotions to LIVE life, NOT destroy it 

Do Stay Connected
In This Issue

Where's Cynthia? 





Chamber Connect - Chesapeake


Chamber Connect - Norfolk 





Mix n Mingle at the Chamber




C'MON Get Happy Lunch & Learn



 Brunch & Mimosas Vision Board Workshop  



Greater Self Awareness leads to Better Self Management - Intro to EQi - Emotional Intelligence   



Finding JOY in the JOurneY

Brunch and Mimosas Vision Board Workshop 

February 21, 2015
Saturday 10a-12p 
Happy Women Mastermind Group

Join us for 13 weeks of discovery, laughter, enlightenment, and camaraderie.

Meet weekly beginning
February 11, 2015
Wednesday 8am - 10am
C'MON Get Happy Lunch and Learn
Third Tuesday
Gus n George's Spaghetti and Steakhouse
Virginia Beach

only cost is that of your meal/beverage.

Click to Register for February's L&L

Email me!  
Finding Joy in the JOurneY

We all experience setbacks and losses in life. Join us for an evening of resilience, forgiveness and empowerment in learning how to find the joy in the journey. FREE and open to the public.  Only cost is that of your meal.
Gus 'n' George's Spaghetti and Steakhouse, VB.

February 25, 2015
Wednesday, 6pm

Click for Reserved Seating 
A Time for Reflection
Based on 1 Corinthians 13:13
"...the greatest of these is love..."

Feb. 14, 2015
8:30am - 3:30pm

This prayer and worship conference for women
focuses on valuing, loving, respecting, and caring for God, for others, and for ourselves in a healthy, well-balanced way. Through interactive workshops, reflection, and worship, we will explore God's greatest gift to us---love---and learn to intentionally spread love, know love, and live love.

The Cancer Care Foundation of Tidewater
will be a special part of our conference. Please bring a scarf or hat to donate as we remember and honor those who have battled cancer.

ONLY $25 
(includes breakfast, lunch, and all conference materials)

Please R.S.V.P. by February 1, 2015 with your payment in full to
Ronda Toll 
Make checks payable to ECW

Conference at
Fort Magruder Hotel/Conference Center

Williamsburg, VA

What is Positive Psychology?

Positive Psychology
is the scientific study of the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and communities to thrive. The field is founded on the belief that people want to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives, to cultivate what is best within themselves, and to enhance their experiences of love, work, and play.

~Positive Psychology Center - Penn State   

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Greater Self Awareness leads to  

Better Self Management

Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It is generally said to include 3 skills:

1. Awareness

2. Empathy

3. Optimism

Want to know more? Attend a free intro session open to the public.

Quote of the Month
Begin: To have commenced is half the deed. Half yet remains; Begin again on this and thou wilt finish all.

-- Ausonius



Cynthia Gossman
CG Coaching&Consulting
P.O. Box 62942
Va. Beach, VA 23466

As the creator of PAP (patience, acceptance, perspective) I am reminded a lot that I have to take my own advice and practice what I teach.  I have to remind my brain to choose the path of least resistance in order to protect my JOY. 

Whenever we resist, we cause friction and our energy is sucked dry.  Why would we consciously choose resistance?  We are creatures of habit.  If resisting is a habit for you, good news, it can be unlearned and a healthier habit can be practiced in it's place.

Here's a scenario....

Some people may look at 'still having their young adult child(ren) living at home' not good or healthy. I remember when I was 19 I was already out on my own and married for goodness sake.  But I also realize today, as a mother with my own children are living with me, that I missed out on a precious relationship time with my own mother. 

I have the opportunity to hear their exciting news first thing and share in their joy and exhilaration.  I have the ability to climb into their bed, snuggle and have silly conversations with them.  I have the privilege of knowing their interests, dreams and goals.

Will they live with me forever? I certainly hope not as I do want them to be as healthily independent as possible. (And, they are responsible and pay rent and their bills, just in case you were wondering). However, I am not going to focus on what they haven't accomplished, I am going to focus on what they ARE accomplishing.  As you can see, if my perspective was: when are going to move out? When are you going to be independent? When are you going to find someone? When are you going to college? When are you.... THAT is causing resistance, friction, frustration.  Not healthy.  I'm thrilled I can be a part of their process, while they find themselves, while they find a place to live, while they begin college.  While, not When.

What are you resisting?  What can you choose to shift your perspective on?  Look through the glasses of love and you will find your answers.  Embrace the moment you are in right now and fill it with love.

I wish you all joy and peace in your hearts and much love and happiness in your souls.

Love and JOY,

Coaching Happiness 
Can the Mind Really Heal the Body?

Scientific Proof That We Can Heal Ourselves 

In this TEDtalk, Lissa describes some of the countless occurrences with measurable proof where people actually cure themselves. They grow back hair, heal their ulcers, shrink tumors, and diminish all signs of sickness! Even though this healing is initiated by the mind,  the body really reacts.


Read Full Article

Do you think we have the power to heal ourselves? Take a look at the full video below: 


Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? Lissa Rankin, MD at TEDxAmericanRiviera
Is there scientific proof we can heal ourselves? Lissa Rankin, MD at TEDxAmericanRiviera
Many Emotions Can Damage the Heart
In January's newsletter I included a link by Deepak Chopra, M.D.
about how Winter can be the coldest and loneliness season and to embrace this time with a different perspective of rest, peace, inner focus, stillness, and reflection.

For some the above is easier said than done.  With the shorter days and increased inclement weather, many can feel more isolated. 

Most people know that anger is bad for your heart's health, but loneliness and depression affect your heart, too. This article is a great resource of awareness and how to eradicate negative emotions.  Coaching With Cynthia is here for you.

 Read Full Article
Tip of the Month

The One Place for All Your Thoughts

An all-in-one weekly appointment calendar, journal, goal setting guide, to-do list, and gratitude log integrated in one planner.


Why You Need Emotional Intelligence To Succeed
I am so passionate about EI and how it can influence our lives in such a positive and thriving way.  If you ever want to learn more about EI, I am certified to teach and coach this topic.  Here's a few words from my mentor Dr. Travis Bradberry

Emotional intelligence is the "something" in each of us that is a bit intangible. It affects how we manage behavior, navigate social complexities, and make personal decisions that achieve positive results. Emotional intelligence is made up of four core skills that pair up under two primary competencies: personal competence and social competence.

 Read Full Article
A Fear Busting Formula You Can Remember
The worst thing about fear is that when we are experiencing it, the effects of it can paralyze and destroy our ability to rationally process our experience in the moment. What if there was a system that could be easily memorized to reduce the impact of fear every time it appears?

... a popular acronym is False Evidence Appearing Real. While this acronym is useful in reminding us that fear is often based upon a misperception, it unfortunately doesn't teach us how to reduce fear. . . .  The FEAR System and the LMNOP Cycle are two examples that you can put to the test.

Read Full Article
Happiness by Choice�
Did you know?
  • 50% (HALF) of your happiness is genetic 
  • Only 10% is based on your circumstances
  • So that leaves.... 40% of your happiness is based on WHAT YOU DO INTENTIONALLY! 

Life sure can knock you down, spin you around and spit you out.  Develop a good foundation that gives you the tools to cope.      

    1. Willingness and Readiness for Happiness
    2. Forgiveness and Reconciliation
    3. Focus - Positive or Negative?
    4. Brain Sweep - Rewire Your Brain
    5. Expand Comfort Zones
    6. Establish a Healthy Lifestyle
    7. Implement VOG - (values, objectives, goals)  

For details and registration information click here 

  Happiness by Choice�

Great Books To Read 
What you are plugged into and what you choose to engage in can play a big role in maintaining happiness and success.  Here are some great reads to feed your soul.

Curling up in your favorite recliner with a warm blanket and getting lost in a good book is a great way to feed your happiness. 


Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway- Susan Jeffers, Ph.D   

"Dr. Jeffers has written a now-classic and helpful book for anyone who wants to get unstuck and live a happier, more exciting life. This is a treasure that you, as millions before you, will love."
~ Harold Bloomfield, M.D.
Author of How to Heal Depression  


MAKE MONEY Not Excuses  - Wake Up, Take Charge, and Overcome Your Financial Fears Forever - Jean Chatzky     

Get Rich, Don't Bitch. Today, more than ever before, wealth is something every woman has the power to create.

"Chatzky writes like the smart, candid best friend you wish you had."
~ Newsweek 
Recipe of the Month
Recently a few girlfriend's and I got together for game night. For the first time I played Left, Right, Center - it was so much fun! One of the gals made homemade lasagna with a twist - all veggies.  She shared the recipe with me and now I am sharing it with you.  Enjoy!

Hearty Vegetable Lasagna

From Cooks Illustrated Cookbook


Tomato sauce:

1 28-oz. can crushed tomatoes

� c. minced fresh basil

2 tbsp. extra-virgin olive oil

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 tsp. kosher salt

� tsp. red pepper flakes

Whisk all ingredients together in bowl; set aside.


Cream sauce:

8 oz. (1 c) whole-milk cottage cheese

1 c. heavy cream

4 oz. Parmesan, grated (2 c.)

2 garlic cloves, minced

1 tsp. cornstarch

� tsp. kosher salt

� tsp. pepper

Whisk all ingredients together in separate bowl; set aside.


Vegetable filling:

1� lbs. eggplant, peeled and cut into �-inch pieces

Kosher salt and pepper

1 lb. zucchini, cut into �-inch pieces

1 lb. yellow squash, cut into �-inch pieces

5 tbsp. plus 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil

4 garlic cloves, minced

1 tbsp. minced fresh thyme

12 oz. baby spinach (12 c.)

� c. pitted kalamata olives, minced

12 oz. whole-milk mozzarella cheese, shredded (3 c.) 


Also need:

12 no-boil lasagna noodles

2 tbsp. chopped fresh basil 

  1. Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375
  2. Toss eggplant with 1 tsp salt in large bowl. Line surface of large plate with double layer of coffee filters and light spray with vegetable oil spray. Spread eggplant n even layer over filters; wipe out and reserve bowl.
  3. Microwave eggplant, uncovered, until dry to touch and slightly shriveled, about 10 minutes, tossing halfway through cooking. Cool slightly.
  4. Return eggplant to bowl and toss with zucchini and summer squash.
  5. Combine 1 tbsp oil, garlic, and thyme in small bowl.
  6. Heat 2 tbsp oil in 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add half of eggplant mixture, � tsp. salt, � tsp. pepper and cook, stirring occasionally, until vegetables are lightly browned, about 7 minutes.
  7. Clear center of skillet, add half of garlic mixture, and cook, mashing with spatula, until fragrant, about 30 seconds.
  8. Stir garlic mixture into vegetables and transfer to medium bowl.
  9. Repeat steps 6-8 with remaining eggplant mixture, 2 tbsp oil and remaining garlic mixture; transfer to bowl.
  10. Heat remaining 1 tsp. oil in now-empty skillet over medium-high heat until shimmering. Add spinach and cook, stirring frequently, until wilted, about 3 minutes.
  11. Transfer spinach to paper towel-lined plate and drain for 2 minutes.
  12. Stir into eggplant mixture.
  13. Grease 13 x 9-inch baking dish.
  14. Spread 1 c. tomato sauce evenly over bottom of dish.
  15. Arrange 4 noodles on top of sauce (noodles will overlap).
  16. Spread half of vegetable mixture over noodles, followed by half of olives.
  17. Spoon half of cream sauce over top and sprinkle with 1 c. mozzarella.
  18. Repeat layering with 4 noodles, 1 c. tomato sauce, remaining vegetables, remaining olives, remaining cream sauce, and 1 c. more mozzarella.
  19. For final layer, arrange remaining 4 noodles on top and cover completely with remaining tomato sauce.
  20. Sprinkle with remaining 1 c. mozzarella.
  21. Cover dish tightly with aluminum foil that has been sprayed with oil spray, and bake until edges are just bubbling, about 35 minutes, rotating dish halfway through baking.
  22. Cool lasagna for 25 minutes, then sprinkle with basil and serve.
About CG Coaching & Consulting
Increase Happiness
Core Values 
Integrity, Honesty, Trust

Principle Foundation 
Positive Psychology and Emotional Intelligence


A Happy YOU is A Happy Life 
A Happy Workplace is A Profitable Workplace

Certified & Licensed 
Individual|Small Business|Corporate|Community

Signature Programs  

Happiness Baseline Evaluations 
What Determines Happiness

7-Step Happiness by Choice� 
Personal Coaching Program

C'MON Get Happy Lunch & Learn 
'Do Lunch' Differently - Happily

Vision Board Workshops
Goal Setting and Lifestyle Achievement
Intro to Emotional Intelligence Lunch & Learn

A Happy Workplace is a Profitable Workplace


 Happy Women Mastermind Group 
Happy Women Live Better

EQ-i Self Assessment/EQ360 Assessment Tools
Great Self Awareness leads to Better Self Management 

Certified JOY Restoration Coaching
Certified Christian Grief Coaching
Certified Anger Management Facilitator
Certified EQi - Emotional Intelligence Coaching