בסיעתא דשמיא


טו כסלו תשפד

Thank You. Gracias. Toda. Spasiba. 

Today is 'Giving Tuesday' the International Day of Charitable Giving. At Lema'an Achai we call it 'Giving Thanks Tuesday'. 

Throughout the year you demonstrate your commitment to Lema'an Achai and our Smart Chesed Methodology, hence we are not asking today for your support.


You, our partners, help transform the lives of hundreds of families every year by giving them the tools they need to help themselves reach independence. You, our partners, appreciate our helping people through and out of crisis, with the end result of helping people break the cycle of poverty.

To you, our supporters, we say thank you today.

Rabbi Avrohom Leventhal

Executive Director

The Day Israel Changed Forever....Miri Shalem's personal account of October 7th

Order a Package Today

Lema'an Achai and Pizza Perfect team up together to deliver 40 pizzas to families with soldiers in the front lines

On Wednesday November 22, a dozen of dedicated Lema'an Achai volunteers headed to Nir-Am, next to Gaza, and hosted a BBQ for 130 soldiers.

In conjunction with The Bet Shemesh Municipality, Lema'an Achai hosted 300 + wives and children of husbands/fathers currently called up for Milium. A delicious and plentiful barbecue was enhanced by a magic show, face painting, cotton candy and much more. A great time was accompanied with a great vibe of Kol Yisrael Ereiven Zeh L'zeh, everyone looking out for their fellow Jew.

It's never too early to sign up for the Jerusalem Marathon.

Join Team Lema'an Achai for an unforgettable experience.


A special thanks to our corporate partners:

Daily Giving, for including Lema'an Achai as a recipient organization.

What's Daily Giving? dailygiving.org

The Maks and Lea Rothstein Youth Trust for their ongoing support the last seven years.

Yad Leah, for providing our Shemeshop with high quality, lightly used clothing.

Ten Gav, for providing critical material assistance to our clients. Ten Gav is an internet crowd-funding platform that matches donors to individuals and families with modest needs.

Latet, for providing basic needs for populations living in poverty and food insecurity. We are a recipient organization and distributor.

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