Volume 82 Issue 2 April 2020
Club News just for you!
Happy Birthday Wilbur Wright! Born 4/16/1867
A message from our club leadership
One of the most important parts of our shared experience is the opportunity we all have to help each other, and in so doing boost the collective power of the JAC."

Sharing An Airplane During Coronavirus Outbreak? Tips For Avoiding COVID-19
Pilots who use an airplane that others regularly fly need to take precautions. Here are a few tips, including some you probably hadn’t thought of.
2020 Board of Directors

President: Alex Justo
Vice President:Jeff DuBois
Secretary: Phil Zolner
Treasurer: Dave Williamson
Board Trustee: Guy Virone
Board Trustee: Vincent DiPrenda
Board Trustee:: Cheryl Pappa
Board Trustee: George Killeen
Board Trustee:  Steve Adams
Board Trustee:  Greg Valvo

Club Contacts

Aircraft Trustees
N40JA: Robert Bell
N41JA: Brian Randolph
N43JA: George Killeen
N44JA: Greg Valvo
N73335: Brett Paulus

Committee Chairperson
Membership & Publicity: Scott Pellicone
Finance: Eli Korn
By-Laws: Dave Williamson
Vortex Newsletter: Nathan Montanez
Wash & Wax: Frank Duelly
FSS Chair: Kitty Flakker
New Equipment: Greg Hill
Rules: Jim Bemiss

Chief Instructor: John Impaglia
5 Fascinating Facts About The Wright Brothers

Aviation Achievement!

Navin Ohri - Certified Flight Instructor
Brett Paulus - Certified Flight Instructor
Alex Carrasquillo - Instrument

Are you grading yourself as a pilot?
One of the best ways to become a better pilot is easy, free and doesn’t require a flight instructor. Sound too good to be true? Hardly. In fact, you may already do it, at least in some form.

I'll NEVER Do That Again!!!
"I'll Never Do This Again!" is a Vortex series where pilots ‘fess up about mistakes they’ve made but lived to tell about. Almost every pilot has one and we're asking for your story. Submissions can be made anonymously. The aim is not to embarrass or demean the author, but to offer lessons that other pilots can learn (and hopefully avoid).

In this series, One of our members and his co-pilot learn that even though the AFM or POH may say you can do something, there are things these books don’t know.  

If you have a story to tell, email us at:
Know Before You Go

Have you ever landed at an airport only to be greeted by a smiling attendant with a ridiculous landing or facility fee bill in hand?

A new tool in the AOPA Airport Directory is the first step toward a one-stop portal for pilots and fixed-base operators in the quest for fee transparency at airports.
Top 20 Aviation Apps - 2020 Edition
There are thousands of apps that are useful for pilots, from flight training and weather briefings to calculators and games. This list isn’t necessarily the best 20 apps, but rather the ones seen in use most often, and are worth considering for any pilot’s tablet

What kind of activities would you like to see the club host?
Ground School Training
Host a Fly-In
Host a guest lecturer
More social events
I'm just here for the cheap flight hours
Member Spotlight
We've come along way from the days of struggling to find a club instructor.

Now we are proud and excited to announce two of our own have earned their CFI ratings and are both actively pursuing their CFII ratings

Congratulation Brett Paulus and Navin Ohri!!!
Club Flight - Seats Going Fast
JAC fly-outs function as a way to get our members into general aviation aircraft and up in the air with pilots that are in the club.

This time we're flying back to WWII to KRDG for their 30th anniversary airshow

Flight Instructor Lounge with Brett Paulus:

The world is not coming to an end, but the perfect season to fly is passing us by. As a law enforcement professional, I'm asked questions that relate to aviation that I'll share here. Also, you'll see what I've been doing to keep my aviation skill from dulling.

The most popular question I've been getting is about the "stay at home order" issued by our Governor in reference to the outbreak. I'll incorporate this into the IMSAFE and PAVE checklists that pilots have to abide by before each flight. 

Brett is an avid pilot and CFI with our flying Club. He's currently working on his multi-engine rating and instructor-instrument rating.

Where in the world.....
Not an aerial photo but aviation related nonetheless. Phil Zollner visits the USAF National Museum.

Have you considered joining us on our club flight to Ohio in April?

Contact Lynn for more information

Are you interested in being a Wingman?

New Member Mentorship

The idea is for the experienced member is to guide and mentor the newbie through the twists and turns of club operations. The benefit to the new member is clear – they get to know the right way to do things, including dispatching and checking-in aircraft and learning to use the invoicing system, and they also have an accessible person to turn to for help and advice. The club benefits because it can evaluate the candidate member to ensure that he or she fits in well with the club’s culture.

Send us an email letting us know you're interested and we'll respond back with more details.

And the winners are.....

Q1 2020 hours

Hours flown by aircraft

  1. N40JA 138.4
  2. N41JA 74.1
  3. N73335 60.0
  4. N43JA 36.0
  5. N44JA 19.2

Top 3 members
with most club flight hours

  1. Chaim Fastag 31.9
  2. Robert Bell 25.5
  3. Elias Zwillenberg 25.3