Fellowship Opportunities at Spirit of Joy:
As was shared in the Annual Report, Jennifer Ehlers has volunteered to assist with fellowship events this year. BUT, before we introduce new events, she would like to remind everyone of what SOJ is already doing on a regular basis...
Refreshment Time Before and After Sunday Morning Worship:
If you haven’t enjoyed the “goodies” brought by my fellow members, this is the year to do that. If you have been enjoying them, I encourage you to introduce yourself to someone you might not know during this relaxed, informal time. Or take the opportunity get to know someone a bit better!!
Early Morning Weekly Bible Study:
7:00 a.m. on Wednesday mornings in the backroom of El Ovido Mexican Restaurant, members gather for breakfast while they read and discuss the “Wired Word”. The lessons reflect on showing how the Bible is alive today by relating it to current news events. Currently it is mainly men that attend, but ALL are welcome. The early morning time can fit working folks schedules. Check with Mike Peters for more details.
WELCA (Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) Monthly Bible Study:
2:00 p.m. on the third Tuesdays of the month, usually in La Casita, women gather to enjoy refreshments and discuss the monthly “Gather” Bible lesson. The “Gather” is a publication of WELCA, that includes articles related to the printed study. Check with Karen Wallock for more details.
Christian Cupboard Teams:
8:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the first and third Saturdays of the month, teams from SOJ gather to open the Christian Cupboard to those in need of food who cannot make it during the week. Contact Karen Clark for more information or to volunteer to join a team.
6:30 to 7:30 p.m. up in the front of the sanctuary, members with varying musical experience (but who enjoy singing) gather to work on the anthems for Sunday morning worship. Luke Leverett is our fearless leader. A long-standing tradition is for any who are interested to gather after practice for supper at a local restaurant.
Lawn and Building Maintenance:
OK, cleaning the church or mowing the yard might not be everybody’s idea of “fellowship”, BUT it can be. Working together to accomplish a shared outcome can be uniting. And by members coming together to get this done, SOJ saves a lot of money! Contact Arlynn Hartfiel for yard maintenance information and Chris Frels for cleaning/inside work.
And in closing, please share with me any ideas you might have about new Fellowship events you think would work well for our Spirit of Joy family. Jennifer Ehlers Email: ehlers@gvec.net Phone: 830-305-1352